Miss Shina started djing in 2001 influenced by Sprawl-parties, the legendary Trife Life Crew and DJ Konkav. First she was occupied with the dark and technoid sounds of Drum and Bass but always on the look out for something « different ». That took her to the roots of Drum and Bass, Jungle. The Jungle and Mush up things gave her what she was searching for : fast sounds with popular Reggea/H&H vocals and that special Amen. After a period of experimenting, she tried to go beyond the boarders of classical Drum&Bass and Jungle and so she also has been able to integrate styles like Hardtek, Tribe (call it like you want) and Breakcore into her sets. Today her sets could be descriped as very diverse - nothing for Puritans - with a lot of special breaks. Since 2002, she has been member of the Likkle Bash Foundation who are organise parties regulary, esspacially in Salzburg and Upper Austria. Since joining LBF she has also worked with MC Disasta who « mc`es » his special local slang lyrics to the sets. Also she has performed four tourntable sets with different DJ`s (Emix, Chemotaxis/ Dj Daiz, Azubischall) what can be extented. Her aim is to be other like the others and that she shows with her wicked sets.
Apart from this projects she has been the trainer of a femal DJ workshop for young people, organized from the Arge Nonntal (sbg) and has participated in workshops for DJ´s where she has improved her skills. In the future she will devote her time to producing of own jungle tracks, but this projekt is still in it`s infancy. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++People & Sounds which influenced my style &(or) have my whole respect for what they do.....Mc Disasta, Selecta Roll`in, Emix, Dj Konkav, Kaypro, Dj Odd, Dj Snarekicker, Dj Sanity, Dj Ryc, MK23, Animal Mother, NDL, Kamran, Re-peet, Raptor, Makee aka Tibor Foco, Resista, Shroombab, Mono&Nikitaman, Disco Soda..
Chemotaxis, Tool, Stereofreezed, Groove Bagasch, Wickedsquad, Dgtl. 42, TKT, Wordpower, Beatshot, Good Vibes, Markante Handlungen, Texta, Azubischall Deluxe, Pax Nicht Crew, Fuckflip, lipa23, Lego and many many more++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++played @.....Arge Nonntal (Sbg), Schlachthof (Wels, OÖ), Statdwerkstadt &
Strom (Linz, OÖ), Chembrankeller (Linz, OÖ), Flex (W), Konrad Sohm (Vlbg.) Bogaloo (Pfarrkirchen, D), Laim (munich, D), Subclub (SK), Sonic Club (HU) DMS _session (NW, CH) & a lot of lovely smaller locations
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++(For me) The most important acts I played with.....The Bug, Daddy Freddy, Knifehandchop, Psychofreud, Christopher Just (THX for Silke!!!!)
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