Mariann Shame profile picture

Mariann Shame

Hey there pretty one

About Me

I play rhythm guitar and sing in a trash rock band, the REAL SHAMES. Our myspace page is, check us out if you wanna get rocked. I've been in the Luv-Taps and the Pull-outs if you live in vegas you probably saw us at some point. I LOVE trashy Rock and Roll and EVERYTHING that goes along with it. I'm recently engaged to my favorite pro skater, paul smith. I'm also just finished up my bachelors degree in marketing, economics, business administration and sociology.

My Interests

Playing music, watching great bands, hanging out, shopping, thrifting, revamping furniture, dressing up and undressing.

I'd like to meet:

More of the same type of people I already know. I like to surround myself with people who know what real music is. People who are knowlegable and have backbone, motivated, non-pretentious people, people who like to have fun.


Cramps, stooges, rolling stones, ramones, ny dolls, heartbreakers, blondie, seeds, joan jett, dictators, chuck berry, buddy holly just to name a few. Oh and of course...The Luv-Taps!! (I don't want to be one of those people who lists every band they've ever listened to just to establish some sort of credibility, plus it would take way too long, so you get the idea these are some of the faves.)


pretty much anything that has a good ending and amuses me.


Court TV rocks!! Cheaters is also great, there's something about watching people get their hearts broken on national television that makes for good entertainment, as long as it's not me right, not that I would ever subject myself to that, you've gotta be crazy. Words of advice, if you get the call for the follow up interview--HE'S CHEATING--go take care of business, don't go back on camera to let the rest of America see you being humiliated while he's off fucking his co-worker, c'mon now, have some pride, especially the guys, thats just weak.


I just started Citizen Hughes about the secretive mr. howard hughes.


My Daddy!! If I ever find anyone who can compare to him it would be amazing.

My Blog

I know what i want

Alright, I just have to follow up that last post seeing that I have a new found perspective. I only thought I wanted everything because I didn't know what I really wanted. I'm finally together with...
Posted by Mariann Smith on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


I don't know why but i feel like writting a pesonal blog, this is my virgin excursion so please forgive me if i don't follow all of you blog guru's format. I'm coming to realize that i want everyth...
Posted by Mariann Smith on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

We're the singers

Well after trying long and hard to find the right front girl for our band we have thrown in the towel and are taking on the role ourselves. Martine, Andy and I are all going to be our lead singers. ...
Posted by Mariann Smith on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Updated Upcoming Shows

I figured I would use this Journal entry thing to keep anyone who is interested informed of upcoming shows for the infamous Luv-Taps. Here are some upcoming dates... OKAY SO I HAVE NOT BEEN UPDATI...
Posted by Mariann Smith on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST