my son connor demetre(my hero), my bike, handstands, capoeira, burritos, dancing in unusual ways, lovin, vegan potlicks, making out, being maniacal, stealing flags, reading, coffee, hookahs, listening, talking, making sound, making those sounds change, people watching, anarchism, feminism, the rock and the roll shows, abandoned buildings, being me, learning about you, lightning, taking back our bodies from the censors and opinion makers, fruits, vegetables, "san clemente at 822 pm on a summer night with no wind, glassy waves, a bus pass, and a half dozen mangos" <----the best song ever, being compassionate or being poignant,
my heroes
someone with string, i have a kite but no string, it has never been used, i have a stunt kite too that was given to me, so anyone with interest and inclinations to fly kites
people wandering out and about
correct spelling and anarcho-communism, parenting and adventure decrying a jaded existence
.cuddlers and co-conspirators.
.bikeriders and brain ticklers.
.starry eyed people that do things with them stars in their eyes.
.someone who understands my simple lack of enthusiasm for mainstream politics.
mamboers and samboers capoiera istas need contact to play
people who think fruits and vegetables are beauty and the ugli fruit is just a mean name for a delicious treat
good people and the such
people who will visit me before i leave
listen on thursdays 10pm to midnight eastern time
akira kurosawa's dreams, anything by akira kurosawa, baraka, qatsi trilogy, death to smoochy, life is to whistle, muppets, waking life, bowling for columbine, rad, revenge of the nerds<--only for the sex scenes, if you have a good one please suggest
television is incredibly bored watching you just sit there. dance to the commercials, ridicule it, tell it you love it, sing a song about the show you are watching. Come on folks TVs deserve entertainment too, show it the love. take it dancing, share a bubble bath with it, take it skydiving.-----less TV more Love
the dictionary is always a winner jitterbug perfume, still life with woodpecker,anything by tom robbins, aldous huxley, timothy leary, days of war nights of love, electric kool-aid acid test, mutual aid, politics of ecstacy, how to talk dirty and influence people, infinite jest, zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance, siddhartha, the tao of pooh/te of piglet, rape of the a.p.e.(american puritanical ethic), ishmael, botany of desire,Secret life of plants,DMT the spirit molecule, I LOVE to share books
connor demetre shelton, david byrne, people who ride their bikes, being in a subculture that is very supportive of this is great but those cats that ride to work everyday or to visit their family and to the store and that is what they have or what they choose even though all their friends may drive and think they are backwards for biking, yeah those people, hooray for them and hooray for people who are just starting out biking and expanding their self sustainable transportation situation, compassionate people, unconditional lovers, people who go!, people who sit still, someone with a match