Milo Rockabilly Kat (M.C.F.) - Team Aussie Infidel profile picture

Milo Rockabilly Kat (M.C.F.) - Team Aussie Infidel

Rockabilly Katz & Kittenz Rule!!!!!..."Rock 'n' Roll is NOT too loud......!" (Quote from Stray C

About Me

..I'm a middle aged grumpy motorcycle rider who likes music and I belong to a christian motorcycle club. I got some major injuries from a MC accident some years ago.....I'm disabled because of them.I beleive in God and I don't run spell check after I type stuff. I like skulls and flames, and I get stirred about it sometimes, but I don't give a damn. I'm old (or young) enough to do and say what I want.My diet's crap, I probably don't eat enough fruit or vegies, and I have way too much junk food, I smoke a bit, even though I know I shouldn't (I'll give up one day....if I live that long) and I don't drink to much.I value mateship and loyalty, so don't slag off about my family or friends. I'm an ex-serviceman (21 years in the Air-Force), so I love my country (although) I don't trust politicians and reckon that they're mostly where they are because they get a kick out of seeing other's misery (otherwise all the public money they spend on themselves would be better managed). I'm exremely proud of my RAAF Service.But most important to me right now is that I LOVE MY KIDS, I don't see nearly enough of them, and that depresses me no end, but I love them with all my life and heart...and if I could live my life over I would do it with them.I can't stand wankers, that think that the sun shines out of their arse. Those that reckon that the world revolves around know the types, they expect it all and have no respect for anyone....well, they just give me the shits. There are enough problems in the world without them adding to it. Oh, yeah and I hate Drug Dealers...they're lower than the belly of a snake and don't deserve to be a part of society. They prey on our kids and create misery and death just so they can profit from it.....God help 'em if I should ever come face to face with one....!Well, I guess that's me in a nutshell.I'm the Treasurer and Administrator for the web site for The LONGRIDERS CMC AUSTRALIA Motorcycle Club, so I'd be happy if anyone wanted to check it out. Just go to or and see what we're all about !


My Interests

Motorcycles, Rockabilly, Psychobilly, Punk, Skulls & Flames, big yank tank cars (1955-65), People & what makes them think, I don't mind a bit of EMO, but I can only take so much depression before I slash my own wrists. I play a bit of guitar, bass and I go berko on my Drumkit... a bit of an all rounder.

I'd like to meet:

No-one and everyone. I have a partner and I love her very much, but one can never have enough friends.
Get your own Poll!


I love anything Rockabilly, psychobilly, punk, EMO (in small doses before I kill myself), rock and roll, middle of the road, alternative country rock, yeah and good Hard Core.....just about anything musical, and stuff that rubs your emotions raw, because I'm an emotional person - I think alot and withdraw within myself, but there are some songs that really annoy me, like that Doof Doof crap that comes out of cheap modified Japanese cars with sound systems that were designed by NASA. I can't stand "Gangstsa" "C"rap 'cause it's just full of shit anyway and the dudes who make money out of it are so full of themselves anyway.



Salute to Veterans I like tearjerkers and well acted movies, not your typical "good looking hero action good guy gets all the chicks" movies. If a role needs for an actor to be ugly or well rounded, then that's what you get sort of movie....something that portrays life....and most times that's not all other subjects I could dribble on, but my favourite TV programme's on now.........'later.


Please don't get me going on this one. Reality TV sucks bigtime and wastes precious minutes of your own life....why watch others being total dicks when you could be being one, really, If it's funny I'll watch it, if it's about important issues (I guess that's an individual choice) I'll watch it......and I could go on and and on and on......but I won't.....oh, yeah, I like Dr. Who (both of 'em).


I love to read. My Dad never read to me and neither did my Mum, but I've found reading to be so transforming and relaxing. My fave books are the Bible, although I know I don nearly read it enough as much as I should. I love to read about the feats of the ANZACs and anything to do with motorcycles, motorcycling and the lifestyle that goes with it.


Yeah I got few heroes. My biggest hero is God (Jesus)....hang on, am I allowed to say that here or will I offend someone.....stuff it, I'll say it anyway cause it's true. Jesus is my biggest hero, OK. My other heros are all the brave men that gave their lives to make sure that we can say things like that without fear of being killed for it. I have a high regard and respect for anyone in a military uniform, because they're the one's doing everybody elses dirty work......I know that 'cause I did it myself for twenty years (In The Royal Australian Air Force - RAAF) I know how they feel. Will I keep going ? This is something that I could talk about for days without stopping.......

I'm milo1956!

This is the 3D me.
Make your own,
and we both get Coinz!

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