I am a tone chaser. I am constantly thinking of ways to improve my sound. My addiction is music and I find it hard to focus on anything else.
A major turning point in my life was when my parents gave me access to the bank account they'd set up for me when I was 16. It had about $500 in there and I went straight to the local music store and blew almost all of it on a cheap bass and amp combo. I took it home and found out i sucked, but i loved it.
My high school career councellor told me I couldn't play bass for a living. Maybe he's right but 8 years later I'm still trying to prove him wrong.
When I finished high school I was at a piss up with mates and we got deep all of a sudden as you do sometimes when you're drunk. We wanted to know what each other wanted to do in life. I said I wanted to tour the country with my band (which at that stage I didn't have) and play rokkin tunes and have enough $ to live.
I guess I'm getting close to living that dream. I've rokked Qld, NSW, Vic and SA. I still have to work a day job but I have faith that at least for a breif period one day I'll be able to quit that and tour for months at a time with enough $ to eat and get to the next show.
I once sold my van for enough $ to go catch a bus to the music store and buy a SansAmp Bass Driver DI (overdrive pedal) catch a bus home and buy a carton of beer on the walk from the bus stop to my shitty little flat.
I then had to ride a bike, walk or catch public transport everywhere for about a year until I could afford a stationwagon.
I've been fired from my job for taking 2 nights off as sick days so I could rokk shows with my band after I'd been refused annual leave. I even got a doctors certificate confirming I was "sick". However the big boss presented me with a video that the Private Investigator they'd hired to spy on me took of me rokking out with my band.
They were looking at me waiting for my reaction as the footage played. I asked the big guy if the video had sound? and if I could get a copy? It looked rad!
The best 2 weeks of my life was when my band toured the East Coast with Lee Harding(Australian Idol Contestant), Kid Couragous(NSW)(RIP) & 919(Now "Amber Calling"). Living in a 12 seater van with 10 other dudes, rokkin a different city every night, partying and sleeping on floors. That is the fucking life!
I am broke most of the time because I always spend more than I should do on bass gear. My current project is an effects rig which is about $1500 off being finished.
I've had more bass guitars(7) than girlfriends(4)
To most people the decisions I've made may seem foolish or immature. Well guess what? I don't regret a fucking thing! I love what I do and even though it doesn't pay the rent I couldn't imagine a better life than the one I've led so far.
chat to me on msn: ask for email
i'm on twitter muthafucker don't you ever forget.
hit me up while I'm on the go via mobile email: ask for email
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I am drawn to her as if by a power greater than my penis.
♥ she's my cherry pie ♥