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"Ansel Adams" (1902-1984) Mikey must accomplish more b/w technique photography in 2008,whoya! Y'all Come Visit!
Ms Pamela Anderson performs @ the Pepperdine University baseball field just like any Malibu celeb will any given day, such a deal;) and sumbody's got to do it,hehe...
Thanks Michael & Michelle...
Hosts: Curtis, Colleen, Akiba, Travis, Tara....
the Whole Crew @ KMTN-TV, you are the best friends to have @ The Lake In The Sky!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Down The Barrel" ~ Winner of the 2007 Surfer Poll award for Best Cinematography, fantastic journey S, M, P,& K!
DOWN THE BARREL Trailer Oct 07
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"MikeyPuppyDoubleX" *Molly B. Rules*
"Monarch Butterfly" @ Kentucky Lake, the largest manmade lake in North America with 3,200 miles of shoreline! We'll leave the porchlight on for you!
"MikeyCamMan" *Have Cam-Will Travel*
'MikeyCellSupreme' *Lets talk about coool things*
"KentuckyWild Horses" *Derby Time rocks the USA!*
"Peace&Love'07" *Via one our "all ways" bestest friend over 20 year's without an arguement~Ms Tina Michelle' (must be sum kind of record)*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~"The Beauty Of A Woman" *whoya!*
"Mikey@Barkley LakeCove" *by Tina Michelle' '07*
"Shalaxin'" @ Birmingham Ferry Bay, Kentucky Lake, '07.
"MapleLeaf" *by Tina & Mikey '07*
"MollyHowlin' @DaMoon" *The infamous Molly B.*
"WoodOwl" *Horn Owl drawing by Mitchell Dellon*
"DancingBears" *Just Passin' Thru*
"ClamShell" *by Tina & Mikey '07*
"1stCollage" *Tina Michelle's first collage '97*
"TinaCamGurl" *by Mikey, photo @ Piscah Bay, KY Lake '07*
"World Photo Cafe" *Tina & Thomas Boi shalaxin' @ WPC computer tri-state link*
"MikeyInBarkley Lake" *Come on in the water is just right*
"Peace&Out" *Peace and Love from World Photo Cafe!*
"Redwood Forrest"
"Oakland Bay Bridge"
"Mick Jagger"
"Nevada Falls"
"Trina Does Masks"
"Golden Gate Block Parti'"
"Sammy Hager"
"Steve Perry & Journey"
"Molly Singing"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"Molly Sings" *Mikey, Molly, & Thomas Boi sing to their bestest friend Tina Michelle'*
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"Japanese Love Sign" *Domo Arigoto*
"Ming Panda Bear"
"Gulf Shores Gulls"
"Pacific Coast Stroll"
"Tennessee Horse Sunrise"
"Kentucky Deer"
"Gayle's Animals"
"Sting 2"
"Monterey Angel"
"Fishin' Da Fineline"
"Mikey tradin' spit with Mona Liza"
"Mikey Diving"
"Mikey '08"
"It's Mr. Weenie Time"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~CWP Top 20 Rock Group~Bon Jovi All Ways Rocks Big Time,Whoya!Bon Jovi - Livin on a Prayer
Add to My Profile | More Videos~~~~~~~~~~~~~CWP Top 20~Might as well Jump!Jump
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Don't ever stop believing!~Steve Perry had that gift of an inhuman voice too:)
Add to My Profile | More Videos~~~~~~~~~~~~~You Rock! and Then Sum:)StairWays To Heaven, thanx to our msdeeppurple,heheWe'll leave the porchlight on for y'all;)
Sheila Dawn Rocks!