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Renees Resort


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Background By MySpace Layouts MySpace Codes MySpace Backgrounds ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Your invited 1 & all 'cause if a pic is worth a 1000 words then we've got about a zillion to share with u! We shall endeavor to set up a photo gallery of candid pics & streamers (sound is good!) from our library of 100K digital pics & videos~a homemade photocafe including several rock musicians & celebs whom we've tried to capture in their aura as genuine American Icons. In the true CalWestPhotography fashion "Stills In Motion", it is our hope that u might venture into many national parks, city landscapes, & out of the way places... In the interim we look forward to reliving those fun moments as we reproduce them into cyberspace & hope you will share a few of your own pics & fun "moments" with us... We'll end 4 now with our fave saying "Take Only Photographs~Leave Only Footprints"... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Much Regards & Write Soon!Craig~Breena~Christy~Corina~Kenny~Kristi~Brian~Mark& ;Renee'~Paula~Christi&Scott~Jessica~Rhonda2~Jerry~TahoeT ina~Bo&Drake~Roxie~Marley~Hunter~Linda&Tommy~John~Ma rtina~Saul&Edie~Tony~Ashlee'~GiGi~TahoePaul&Tom& Alex~Crystal~Deb~Katrina~Gayle~Clayton~Jared~Sunny~Evone'~Mi chele'~Debby~Deb~Mom&Dad~Sis~Bryce~Brock~Gabe~Jimmy~Jeff &Donna~Thomas~Harry&Sally~TinaMichelle~Farrah~Ryan~F rancie~Amber~Frank&Sierra~Dellon~Mikey&Molly, and a cast of 100's:)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PS. Please note that some pics & streams lesser~resolution is due to them being shot via email or vhs/tv repro prior digital revolution~yet we feel worthy of ourspace:) "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us" ~Ralph Waldo Emmerson~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"Its our responsibility what happens around the world. It's our responsibility for Vietnam, and all the other wars that we don't quite hear about. It's all our responsibility, and when we all want peace we'll get it. People have said we're naive for trying to sell peace like a car, or bar of soap. But I ask ya, is the Ford company naive... or the soap powder company? They're selling the same old soap that's been around for two thousand years, but now it's New Blue Soap. Well, we're selling New Blue Peace!... and we hope some of you buy it! *John Lennon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Our Woofers' Slideshow Seems 2 Perform Part-Time But Keep Trying Bcoz We L~O~V~E~Y~A=} xomikey&molly~thewoofers^_^PS... We'll leave the porchlight on for you!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WPC '08 Top 5 Electro Dance Vid/ Madmoiselle 'DJ Elizabeth'~"Just Let Me Go" *From Russia With Love* ..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Your not winning until your winnin' with us,whoya!Aly & AJ "Potential Breakup Song" (Cute 2 say da least!)lol, xomikey&molly~thewoofers^_^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~Amber, Nee', Mikey, Frank & Sierra~SunFun On Lake Barkley:)Rock On!
.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Barkley Lake Sunset~Amber,Nee',Mikey Oct20,'07Whoya!
..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Mikey's 08 Pic Cube
|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Berkeley, Cali "Telegraph Avenue"~Renee', Mikey, Tony, Kim meet Viking Bob:) id=20766591">Berkeley, Cali~ Telegraph Avenue
Add to My Profile | More Videos~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Kim, Mikey, Dennis, Tony Riding BART from Berkeley to the streets of San Francisco~Whoya! Riding BART from Berkeley To Streets Of San Francisco
Add to My Profile | More Videos~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~As The Rush Comes by Motorcycle~Traveling somewhere, could be anywhere, we drift deeper into the sound as the rush comes~embrace me, surround me, as the rush comes~so bring it on,hehe~A CWP Fave~Enjoy;)Motorcycle - As the Rush Comes
Add to My Profile | More Videos~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~We luv you Jessica, if u ever want to get hitched again~ give Mikey a holler~great job Willie,yeha!These boots are made for walking
Add to My Profile | More Videos~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sum of our fave good time cowbois, Waylon & Willie luv maryjane,hehe~Fire It Up! Waylon & Willie
Add to My Profile | More Videos~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~We Know You Like It, Don't Cha? Great dance video, we want to jump and only wish we had been photog on this one,hehe "Dont cha" by pussycat dolls
Add to My Profile | More Videos~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Wot a pleasure to see Led Zep three times rock out with so many interesting songs. "Stairway To Heaven" is still the #1 all time rock anthem, Rolling Stone called Bobby Plant's voice "inhuman!" They were the world's Top Rock Band for ten year's runnin', no bout a doubt it!!!Led Zeppelin Tribute Video
.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Another $12 bottle of wine, "In Vino Veritas!" Having a girlfriend whose father has a sense of humor, priceless! We all need a goood laugh every once in a while:)Blow Job please
Add to My Profile | More Videos~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Our fun friend & heartlandqueen~here's to "maesun"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

My Interests

Rockin' In The USA~Regards, xoRenee', xoMarco, xoMikey, xoDaAnimals, and xoM/S Friends;)

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~All those Creative People who like 2 "Rock!~Rock!~TillYouDrop" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


It's Only Rock & Roll~But We Like It!"To be nothing but yourself in a world which is trying night and day to make you everyone else, is to fight the hardest battle you'll ever have to fight, but don't stop fighting! And when life throws you a curve ball, just dance as if no one is watching!" *Mikey&Molly'07


Thanks Michael & Rhett and the Whole Crew @ KMTN-TV, you are the best friends to have @ The Lake In The Sky!


"Ansel Adams" (1902-1984) Mikey must accomplish more b/w technique photography in 2008,whoya! Y'all Come Visit! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ms Pamela Anderson performs @ the Pepperdine University baseball field just like any Malibu celeb will any given day, such a deal;) and sumbody's got to do it,hehe... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thanks Michael & Michelle... Hosts: Curtis, Colleen, Akiba, Travis, Tara.... the Whole Crew @ KMTN-TV, you are the best friends to have @ The Lake In The Sky!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Down The Barrel" ~ Winner of the 2007 Surfer Poll award for Best Cinematography, fantastic journey S, M, P,& K! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DOWN THE BARREL Trailer Oct 07
Add to My Profile | More Videos ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "MikeyPuppyDoubleX" *Molly B. Rules* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Monarch Butterfly" @ Kentucky Lake, the largest manmade lake in North America with 3,200 miles of shoreline! We'll leave the porchlight on for you!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "MikeyCamMan" *Have Cam-Will Travel*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'MikeyCellSupreme' *Lets talk about coool things*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "KentuckyWild Horses" *Derby Time rocks the USA!*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Peace&Love'07" *Via one our "all ways" bestest friend over 20 year's without an arguement~Ms Tina Michelle' (must be sum kind of record)*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~"The Beauty Of A Woman" *whoya!* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Mikey@Barkley LakeCove" *by Tina Michelle' '07*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Shalaxin'" @ Birmingham Ferry Bay, Kentucky Lake, '07.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "MapleLeaf" *by Tina & Mikey '07*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "MollyHowlin' @DaMoon" *The infamous Molly B.*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "WoodOwl" *Horn Owl drawing by Mitchell Dellon*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "DancingBears" *Just Passin' Thru*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "ClamShell" *by Tina & Mikey '07*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "1stCollage" *Tina Michelle's first collage '97*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "TinaCamGurl" *by Mikey, photo @ Piscah Bay, KY Lake '07*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "World Photo Cafe" *Tina & Thomas Boi shalaxin' @ WPC computer tri-state link*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "MikeyInBarkley Lake" *Come on in the water is just right*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Peace&Out" *Peace and Love from World Photo Cafe!*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Redwood Forrest"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Oakland Bay Bridge"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Loraine"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Ashlee'"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Mick Jagger"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Nevada Falls"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Trina Does Masks"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Golden Gate Block Parti'"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Sting"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Sammy Hager"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Steve Perry & Journey"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Molly Singing"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"Molly Sings" *Mikey, Molly, & Thomas Boi sing to their bestest friend Tina Michelle'*
Add to My Profile | More Videos~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Japanese Love Sign" *Domo Arigoto*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Ming Panda Bear"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Olivia&Sadie"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Gulf Shores Gulls"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Pacific Coast Stroll"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Tennessee Horse Sunrise"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Kentucky Deer"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Gayle's Animals"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Sting 2"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Monterey Angel"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Fishin' Da Fineline"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Mikey tradin' spit with Mona Liza"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Mikey Diving"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Angie&Mikey"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Mikey '08"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "It's Mr. Weenie Time"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "TahoeMikey"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~CWP Top 20 Rock Group~Bon Jovi All Ways Rocks Big Time,Whoya!Bon Jovi - Livin on a Prayer
Add to My Profile | More Videos~~~~~~~~~~~~~CWP Top 20~Might as well Jump!Jump
Add to My Profile | More Videos~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Don't ever stop believing!~Steve Perry had that gift of an inhuman voice too:) JOURNEY - DON'T STOP BELIEVING
Add to My Profile | More Videos~~~~~~~~~~~~~You Rock! and Then Sum:)StairWays To Heaven, thanx to our msdeeppurple,heheWe'll leave the porchlight on for y'all;) xomikey&molly~8>>>>thewoofers^_^~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

My Blog

How Much Is A Billion?~Unbelievable!

How many zeros in a billion? This is too true to be  funny. The next time you hear a politician use the word 'billion' in a casual manner, think about whether you want the 'politicians' spen...
Posted by Renees Resort on Fri, 24 Oct 2008 02:52:00 PST

How Do U Decide Who 2 Marry?~Too Funny!

GET MARRIED? AskingChildren - HOW DO YOU DECIDE WHO TO MARRY ?(1) You got to find somebody who likes the same stuff. Like, if you like sports, she should like it that you like sports, and she should k...
Posted by Renees Resort on Thu, 23 Oct 2008 12:17:00 PST

Try to be 6 again;)

A man was sitting on the edge of the bed, observing his wife, looking at herself in the mirror. Since her birthday was not far off he asked what she' d like to have for her Birthday.'I'd like to be si...
Posted by Renees Resort on Wed, 22 Oct 2008 10:44:00 PST

Hollywood Nights~Too Funny

Shrek, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt were all having lunch together. Shrek said, 'I have always thought that I'm the strongest man inthe world, but how can I be sure?'Brad Pitt said, 'I'm pretty sure I...
Posted by Renees Resort on Sat, 18 Oct 2008 01:16:00 PST

TGIF! 20 Brilliant Advertising Ads

  20 Brilliant Advertising Ideas This post features 20 brilliant advertising ideas from around the world. Pepsi Advertisement Creative Pepsi "Straws" Advertisement [link] Playstation Bus Sto...
Posted by Renees Resort on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 09:06:00 PST

What Is Real? asked the Rabbit

What is REAL? asked the Rabbit.   Real isn't how you are made, said the Skin Horse.  It's a thing that happens to you.  When a child loves you for a long, long time, not just to play w...
Posted by Renees Resort on Wed, 15 Oct 2008 08:45:00 PST

TGIF! Sooo, You Want "A Day Off"

Posted by Renees Resort on Fri, 10 Oct 2008 07:45:00 PST

A Model~Photographer Relationship

A MODEL~ PHOTOGRAPHER  RELATIONSHIP & THEN SUM Taking pictures of people and creating photos with a vibrant exciting model are two very different things.  I have probably focused my...
Posted by Renees Resort on Tue, 07 Oct 2008 02:56:00 PST

How To Tell It’s Going To be A Rotten Day

How To Tell It's Going To Be A Rotten Day You wake up face down on pavement. You put your bra on backwards and it fits better. You call Suicide Prevention and they put you on hold. You see a "60 Minu...
Posted by Renees Resort on Tue, 07 Oct 2008 10:36:00 PST

Hal Loween Day!

HAL LOWEEN DAY!  Well gang, fun's fun, but I feel a little down this month.  October 31st is the birthday of someone near & dear to your Humble Narrator, the late & lamented Ha...
Posted by Renees Resort on Mon, 06 Oct 2008 04:59:00 PST