Lottie ~ Makeup Artist profile picture

Lottie ~ Makeup Artist

What matters in talent as well as in beauty is the capacity to last - Serge Lutens

About Me



Some of my music video work:

Bright Eyes "At the Bottom of Everything"
The Postal Service "The District Sleeps Alone Tonight"

The Warlocks "Surgery"

My Interests

This is NOT my work...I just love McQueen and Galliano..hence the reason why these photos are under the Interests section

I'd like to meet:

Creative and like-minded folks.


I am a true product of the 80s so my taste is varied but I am a huge fan of electro and anything with a beat and a meaning. Give me new wave, 80s cheese or give me death :) The Cure, iamx, Smog, Peaches, Muse, The Faint, White Stripes, Radiohead, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Cardigans, The Smiths, Aqualung, Cocteau Twins, The Shins, Suede, The Kinks, Strangelove, Cranes, Blur, Martina Topley-Bird, Vincent Gallo, Iron & Wine, Depeche Mode, The Creatures, Psych Furs, Echo & The Bunnymen, Fuzzbox,Eleni Mandell, Robots in Disguise, Miss Kitten, Pulp, Black Box Recorder,Bjork, Rilo Kiley,Elliott Smith, Pj Harvey, This Mortal Coil, Death Cab For Cutie, The Postal Service, Low, The Hollies, Madonna, Silversun Pickups, The Mamas and Papas, Sunshine, Broadcast, Patrick Duff, Lamb, Carla Bruni, Cat Power, Faultline, Ryan Adams, Francoise Hardy,David Bowie, Siouxsie, Fisherspooner, Ian Brown, the Concretes, M. Ward, The Futureheads, Earlimart, Placebo, Sia, Devendra Banhart, Pina, The Warlocks, Keren Ann, Leerone, Peter, Bjorn and John, Duels, Hole, Jesus and Mary Chain, Air, France Gall, (old) Rolling Stones, VHS or Beta, Cut Copy....


Nil By Mouth, The Piano Teacher, Citizen Ruth, 200 Cigarettes, Sid and Nancy, Buffalo 66, My Own Private Idaho, True Romance, Boogie Nights, Magnolia, River's Edge, L'Appartment, Happily Ever After, Dangerous Liasons, The Prestige, The Cement Garden, Sense & Sensibility, La Haine, Gummo, Fight Club, Irreversible, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, Butterflies Are Free, Grease, Mulholland Drive, Requiem for a Dream, Slums of Beverly Hills, Naked (in fact nearly everything from Mike Leigh), Bukowski - Born Into This, Ma Mere, everything by Pedro Almadovar (especially Hable con Ella).


Six Feet Under, Weeds, Dexter
painting of me by vanessaprager (vprager.com)


Ask The Dust, The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things, The Secret History, Ham on Rye, Survivor, I Know This Much Is True, Sybil, East Of Eden, Last Exit To Brooklyn, Post Office, Wild Swans, and mostly anything by Charles Bukowski, John Fante, Augusten Burroughs and JT Leroy....Magazines I always buy - Dazed & Confused, Vogue Italia, aRUDE, British Vogue, Numero, Flaunt, Z!nk, Flair, French, Tank, Another Magazine and Pop.


Serge Lutens