The Warrior-God-King Shango; NO MSG, NO ADD!!! profile picture

The Warrior-God-King Shango; NO MSG, NO ADD!!!

I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

Ashe' to all my peeps out there in virtual yorubaland. This is the real Orisha Shango, not someone who is pretending to be Orisha. For you to understand this fully, let's just say that I found my higher self. Let me tell you a little about myself. I sing, dance, rapp/flow, draw, play keyboards/piano, djembe/congas, flute, guitar, paint, sculpt, write poetry, build websites, produce tracks, design clothes, airbrush, do computer graphics, and a host of other stuff. Currently I am learning about video production and soon I will be in that field as well. You can peep out my work .. currently at WWW.MERKABAHSOUNDZ.COM. Ladies, I am getting ready to open up a modeling aspect of the website that I just gave you. If you are interested, get at me. Also I will have the fly fashions for the guys and girls as well. Hit me up as well through the website......Ashe'

My Interests

Music, Art, Science, Spirit World, Martial Arts, Cars, Motorcycles, Engines, Sculpting, Drawing, Computers, Mathmatics, Herbal Healing, Clothing Design, And So Much Other Stuff That Is way Too Much To Mention! Come peep my soon to be opening store on CafePress!New music and profile by Alien Funk Productions on Myspace Music Page!!! DassWassup!!!

I'd like to meet:

Lisa Ray, Angela Bassett, And A host Of Lovely Women That have a mind and wish to learn about cultural refinement!!!Ashe, Ashe, Ashe!!!!


Blast Off To Orun With The Orisha On The Merkabah!!! Playa'..., Fo' Sho'!!!Free DownLoads Of The Music That's Coming From The Alien Off Of The Space Ship!!! Sonic EnGineering Playa!!! Oh By The Way, Peep The Cosmic Yoruba Marks On His Face!!! Heh, Heh, Heh!!!


Way Too Many To Name And Way Too Many Genres To Say!!!


History Channel, Learning Channel, Discovery Channel, Sci-Fi Channel, Animal Planet, Only learning programs mostly as too much T.V. Rots the mind!!!


Way Too Many To Name And way Too Many Genres To Say!!!


My Grandmother and My Woman, Both Pisces, My Father the Aries and My Mother The Leo; My sister The Scorpio And 2 Little Brothers, Sagittarius and Aquarius, My Sons, Both Gemini, and all My Eggun(Ancestors) and Oldest Family Elders Still Living on Both Sides Of My Family!!!! Ashe!!!!

My Blog

Who Am I??? I am Know Thy Self!!!!!

This is in response to Padre Engo's Blog on Southern roots of Magic and Black Indigenous Peoples sometimes referred to as "Black Indians." Since I have been on myspace, I have been dropping this same...
Posted by The Warrior-God-King Shango; NO MSG, NO ADD!!! on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 04:27:00 PST

Population Warz: The Disconnection Of People With Spirit

People there some things that I feel really need to be addressed. I believe that right now there is a secret war that is being waged against the people of America and other westernized people around t...
Posted by The Warrior-God-King Shango; NO MSG, NO ADD!!! on Fri, 20 Oct 2006 01:43:00 PST

Hurricane Katrina And Weapons Of Mass Destruction!!!

I know this is going to hit some people like "man are you serious?" but people it is time to peep game. Hurricane Katrina was Possibly activated/caused by what is known as the H.A.A.R.P. Project. This...
Posted by The Warrior-God-King Shango; NO MSG, NO ADD!!! on Fri, 29 Sep 2006 02:42:00 PST

The Woman: The Rebirth Of the Goddess

I Have been Doing Alot Of thinking lately about this being that we call the woman, a truely cosmological being. She is A healer, comforter, mother, grandmother, lover, down-to-earth, snobbis...
Posted by The Warrior-God-King Shango; NO MSG, NO ADD!!! on Thu, 21 Sep 2006 02:19:00 PST

Cosmic Strings and M Theory/ A science of Tehuti

I was just in a forum where they were talking about Hermes Trismegistis or "Hermes the Thrice great." He is known as the Father of Magic, Wisdom, Alchemy, Healing Arts, Writing and the "Spoken Word Po...
Posted by The Warrior-God-King Shango; NO MSG, NO ADD!!! on Tue, 19 Sep 2006 10:51:00 PST

Spiritual Molecular Evolution: Beyond Religion, Beyond Ritual, Towards Mind

Spiritual Molecular Evolution: Beyond Religion, beyond Ritual, Towards Mind I have been in alot of forums dealing with the sciences of our Ancestors. Be they called Orishas, Nommos, Nagas, Neteru, Loa...
Posted by The Warrior-God-King Shango; NO MSG, NO ADD!!! on Fri, 15 Sep 2006 01:24:00 PST