Which 1990's Subculture Do You Belong To?
[Another Quiz by Kris
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Take the quiz:Take the quiz: "WHAT RELIGION BESTS SUITS YOU?"
Category Unknown
You don't fit into any of the above categories, so perhaps before you get angry or confused, check what other religion(s) you scored the highest on. For example, you might be a Christian-Pagan, or a Discordian-Wiccan. Just use a bit of logic. However, according to this test, you're simply 100% YOU. You don't fit into any of the world's boxes....
Avatars On Earth...
am listening to: Lost Chidren of Babylon (1st 2 albums), Jus Allah: Fates have Changed, Think Differently Music: Wu-Tang Meets The Indie Culture, Up Above Records: Carving A New Standard, Lord Jamar the 5% Albulm, Capital Punishment, Don Omar, Calderon, Los Van Van, Los Orishas, Rumba y Buan Baun Co, Killa Priest, MF Doom, Grim, Canibus, Commonasfunction:addSong,42639416^Pearly%20Gates^Richard%20R
once upon a time in america, rocky 4, back to the future 2, Matrix 1-3, Scarface What the Bleep do We know?, 2pac's Ressurection, interview with the vampire, Star gate, Casino, Carlitos way, agua para Oshun, The butterfly effect, Classic Japanese movies by Toshiro Mifuni, Thug Angel, Movies by JEt Li,Altered States, Four Brothers, MilkShake, Fareignhight 451,Bullet, Dark City,Powder, Excalibur,ZARDOZ, Blade 3, Wu-Tang Clan: Sleeping Fist,Dr. John Henrik Clarke-A Great And Mighty Walk, Baka-Descendants Of First Human Beings, A Question of Color-Exploring Intra-Color Prejudice, Afrikan World Civilizations-A History & Accomplishments of Black People Around The World, Rize except-The Art of Crumping, Blacks In Japan-The American Afrikan Experience In Japan, Dr. Frances Cress Welsing-Racism, Dr. Ben In Egypt-An Afrikan Tour of Egypt, Garifuna-Afrikan Culture In Belize, Afrikans In Asia-The Afrikan Presence In Asia, The Last Tasmanian- The British Annihilation of the Tasmanian Afrikans, Act of War-The Illegal American Takeover of Hawai'i, Prof. Ivan Van Sertima-The Olmec Culture-Afrikans in Ancient Mexico,Prisoners Of The Lost Universe, Evil Mind from Outerspace, The Last Kung Fu Dragon, Edward Scissor Hands, Cool Hand Luke, The Time Machine ole' School version, The Meteor Man (black superhero) Queen of the Damned,Lawnmower Man, Field Of Dreams, 9th Gate, Fighting Mad, Roben William's Dreams May Come, jet li's The Black Mask, Will Smith's In Pursuit Of Happiness,Star Wars:The Empire Strikes Back, Apacalypto,The Black Godfather, Fist of Fear, Touch Of Death,The Black Fist,Taking Lives, The Return Of The Jedi, The Real Bruce Lee, Death Of A Ninja,Hands Of Death, Shotta's,Rey De La Havana, Heroes Of Chaolin Part 1 and 2,snake fist dynamite,cuba te amo,awilo Longomba: Coupe Bibamba,shaolin Temple,Shaolin Invisibles, George Lucas' THX 1138:The Directors Cut,Image Of Bruce Lee, Unborn, I-robot, Gridiron Gang, Ninja Warriors 1,2,3 20,000 Leagues undertheSea, Secret Window, An Inconvenient Truth:A Global Warning, Total Recall, DragonFly, The outerlimit new series 13 moons, 6th Day, SuperNova, the Chronicles Of Riddick
How Koncious are you?
2 koncious
Too Koncious for people, You have the highest level of understanding then most people about yourself, history and surroundings. You have an articulate mind that can create.
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damn all I do is Read no time to rest the Mind anyway heres a list of some of the books I read over the years: Man-God and Civilization by JOhn G. Jackson, Child of Egypt by Ivan Van Sertima, Introduction to African Civilizations by JOhn G. Jackson, The African Presence of Early Asia by Ivan Van Setima edited by Runoko Rashidi, The history of Musa and the All Seeing Eye by Prince A. Cuba, Flash of the Spirit by Robert Farris Thompson,Stolen Legacy by George GM. James, The Destruction of Black Civilization: Great Issues of a Race From 4500B.C To 2000 A.D by Chancellor Williams, Isis Papers by Dr. Frances Welsin, Walter Rodney Speaks: The Making of an African Intellectual, How Europe Underdevolped Africa by Walter Rodney, King Leopold Ghost by Adam Hochschild,The Age of the Moor by Ivan Van Sertima, Catch a Fire: The Life of Bob Marley by Timothy White, Marcus Garvey: Message To the People, The Book of Coming Forth By Day, The Phychology of Blacks by Thomas A.Parham, Joseph L. White and Adisa Ajamu, Introduction to Jazz History by Megill and Demory, Several Books on Astral Projection, Channeling, Chakra Development and Body Scan Meditation, The 1st printed Copy of Ernesto Chere Vara's Diary in Bolivia (family gave it to me from Habana,Cuba, Zen and the Art of Making A Living by Laurence G Boldt, The Wisdom of Insecurity by Ann Watts, White Man's Justice Black Man's Burden by Donald Goines, Wh-res son by Donald Goines, DopeFinn by Donald Goines, Daddy Kool by Donald Goines, Phycho Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz, M.D, The Lost Books of the Bible and The Forgotten Books of Eden, The Baghavad Gita, Famous Negro Heroes by Langton Hughes, 100 Amazing Facts About the Negro With Complete Proof by J.A. Rogers, The Real Facts About Ethiopia by J.A. Rogers, AFrican Phychology by Azibo, Santeria by Gonzales Wippler, Sacred Egyptian uality, The AutoBiography of Malcolm X by Alex Haley, Ecology of the Soul and Positive Mysticism by Rahinder Singh, Joshua and the Holy Land by Joseph F. Girzone, Siddhartha by hermann hesse, Coming Back the Science of Reincarnation by A.C Bhaktiveanta Swami Prabhupada, How I Believe by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, The phenomenon of Man by Peirre Telhard de Chardin, The History of Herodotus, NeuroSpeak by Robert Masters: Transforms Your Body While You Read!, THe Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold by Archya S., Brain Child by george Turner, Dianetics by L Ron Hubbard, Che: Una Vida en Imagines by Christophe Loviny, Children of the Matrix by David Icke, Love is the only infinite truth by David Icke, Black Woman in Literature and The Media, Rubaiyat Of Omar Khayyam, The Arabian Nights Illustrated by Earle Goodenow,The Devil: Perceptions of Evil From Antiquity To Primitive Christianity by Jeffery Burton Russell, 2201 Amazing Facts by David Louis, Othello by Willam Shakespeare, Beyond Roots: In search of Blacks in the Bible by William Dwight Mckissic, Sr. Foreword by Dr. Anthony T. Evans, The Supreme Wisdom by The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, The History of Asia by Murphey, Silent Witnesses by Richard North Patterson, The Final Judgement by Richard North Patterson, Sole Survivor by Dean Koontz, The Green Mile by Stephen King, The Art of Possibility by Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander, The Fire Next Time by James Baldwin, Vintage Baldwin, The Lotus and The Smile by Vanghe, The Cydornia Codex, Conversations With God and Friendships With God by David Welsh, Tupac Shakur by Michael Eric Dyson,Kanye West: In The Studio Beats Down! Money Up! The Studio Years (2000-2006) by Jake Brown, Love Unity and Peace: Birth Centenary Year; the Science of Spirituality by Sawan Krpal Ruhani Mission, Linda Goodman's Sun Signs,Our Black Seminarians and Black Clergy Without A Black Theology by Yosef A.A. Ben Jochannan, The Spin Paradox, Quantum Mechanics, Relative String Theory, Shrodinger's Cat, Tachyion, The Physics of Star Trek, Jule' Vernes 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea, The Hero With A Thousand Faces By Joseph Cambell,Oriental Mythology by Joseph CampbellThe World Of Myth:An Anthology by David Adams Leeming, THe African Origin of Biological Psychiatry by Richard King, M.D., KRISHNA: The Supreme Personality of The Godhead, Bhagavad Gita: As it is, The Light of Bhagavadta, The Buddhah Mirror, Who Am I? The Supreme Understanding (The Anatomy Of The Ego) By Bhagwan Ra Afrika, Awaken The Buddha Within by Lama Sury Das, Confidence:Finding It and Living It by Barbara De Angelis, PH.D. Afrikan Origins Of Western Civilization, Religion and Philosophy By Ashby book 2,The Chaos Theory, Dark Matter.SelfDiscovery, ........K.O.S....K.O.S....
Cerebral Personality Test Results
80% Cerebral
Scoring highly suggests you are likely to be very inquisitive, exploring, scientific, contemplative, self-examining, and philosophical. Low scorers, will generally tend towards the opposite of the above. They will tend to be more conventional, less curious and analytical, less focused on the big picture / global variables, and more comfortable identifying as part of maintream culture.
Take Free Cerebral Personality Test
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Buddah,KRISNA, OLURA, Siddharta,All who have attained Enlightment while residing on Planet Earth,all the brothers and sisters who read for the sake of attaining Knowledge of Self, Ancestors who are still here helping us and guiding us everywhere we go.Take the quiz:
Which Egyptian God or Goddess do you represent? (Pictures!)
Thoth, God of Wisdom and Learning
Thoth was said to be self-created, along with his wife Ma'at. He was said to be represented by a baboon, these grave facial features displaying extreme thoughtfulness. He supposedly carried a pen and scrolls with him, with which he records all things.
You are a very intelligent individual. You know what is important in life, and that you have to be smart to live in this world. Perhaps you get a bit too caught up in books, to the point where you are oblivious to other things, but for the most part, you are wise and thoughtful. People can depend on you for advice and you can always give those crucial words of wisdom when they are most needed.
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