I am a solo artist in a hip hop crew well known in the North West, Oldominion. Oldominion has been my home since the begin of it all back in 1997!!!
I've been there first lady and only lady for that matter in a all male crew, holding it down for the women. I love them all like brothers. We've traveled the country when no one believed in us but ourselves. Been putting out our own, tapes, cd's, records, dvd, out forever.. The latest Oldominion album is in the works now and is doper than anything any of us have put out thus far! We have graced the stage with anyone from Snoop Dog to 2mex, 50cent to Atmosphere, Blackeyed Peas to Aseop Rock!
Completely independent, completely underground! Check us out at oldominion.net...for more information..
I am also in a group called Sirens Echo...
I run a label called Step Child Records which I only put out Sirens Echo records and my solo records at this time... New records from both parties are anticipated to drop this fall, so be on the look out! Check us out at sirensehomusic.com
I am part of a bigger female collective called Sisters of the Underground, which is based out of San Fransico. We target under priveleged youth and teach them different elements of hip hop! Lots of fun. We also create a space for women to feel comfortable to express there selves in any or all of the elements of hip hop. We throw shows, and travel a cross the country teaching workshops and preforming our talents! check us out at sisterzunderground.com
Purchase Albums From Syndel and Sirens Echo Here!!!!!!
Sirens Echo Mixtape Release Parties
Toyz N The Hood Toy Drive