Here are links to recent videos I directed with TY:
Mainy Mike/KYD/Turf Talk - We On (Feb '08)
TY/Saint/3rd/D. Willz - FLY (REMIX) (Dec '07)
Contact me through myspace if you want your music video directed by us.
LISTEN TO MY BEATS ON THE BLUE PLAYER BELOW. Buy 2 Non-Exclusive Beats and Get 1 Free! After purchasing, Simply E-Mail me which beat you want for free. I am a music producer who makes more than just hiphop beats. I also do film scores, pop music, and strive to think out the box. Give all production credits to The Brain. For info on purchasing beats or desings, CONTACT ME BY SENDING ME A MESSAGE OR E-MAIL ME HERE: [email protected]
INSTANTLY DOWNLOAD the new Mogul Music
(California Reputable CD has been postponed to July 1st, '08)
(Animated Banner Designed by The Brain)