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Diane in the Shire

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

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I was a teacher for over 23 years originally a Londoner now living in Herts since 2000. My mother is Irish and my father has Cornish ancestry-hence my love of all things Celtic.
My mother grew up here on the banks of Lake Doolough in County Clare,with 7 brothers and a sister.I spent a few magical Summers in my Grandparents' home which had no running water or bathroom.
Water was drawn from a little Spring by the house and a big turf fire burned all day over which was hung a cauldron of potatoes or cabbage with slivers of bacon.They farmed cattle.One of the neighbours (a few miles down the road) made the most delicious griddle cakes on the turf fire.
I loved being wild and free here roaming by the lake.
I have always been a quiet "backstage" person , don't like drawing attention to myself. I think I follow "The path of the hearth " to some extent.I work quietly and privately enjoying the simple rhythm of life and the seasons.
I enjoy studying Lakota culture.I learned much from Wa na nee Che.Love the humanity and gentleness of their spirituality.I think there is bridge between them and Modern Druids.
For 8 years I was a healer in the clinic at London's College of Psychic studies ,where I originally trained in Spiritual healing
My initiation into healing began soon after my daughter's birth in 1989 when 2 months after her birth I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. I'm still upright , but have had to learn how to flow with the energy and when to rest!
Life has been an adventure.I taught in UK , Bulgaria and Sweden. Then taught for the last 12 years in UK, East London Home educated Lucy for nearly 3 years from 1997-2000.
I attended the Mother Earth Lodge of Wa na Nee Che for over 7 years with husband Alex and Lucy. Love them both very much.
Check out Chickenshed Theatre where my daughter has been studying since she was 4years old. It is special in that able bodied youngsters perform and learn alongside those with disability
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You Are a Visionary Soul
You are a curious person, always in a state of awareness. Connected to all things spiritual, you are very connected to your soul. You are wise and bright: able to reason and be reasonable. Occasionally, you get quite depressed and have dark feelings.You have great vision and can be very insightful. In fact, you are often profound in a way that surprises yourself. Visionary souls like you can be the best type of friend. You are intuitive, understanding, sympathetic, and a good healer.Souls you are most compatible with: Old Soul and Peacemaker Soul What Kind of Soul Are You?
To all my Friends may you find that stillness within which sustains you and connects you to the light.May my page be a humble sanctuary for you to rest awhile.xxxxx

My Interests

All things Celtic, Druidry, Natural magic, Hedgewytchcraft,Shamanism,(I was trained by Sandra Ingerman in Shamanic Extaction, Soul Retrieval, Death and Dying and in Medicine For the Earth )from 1996 onwards during her visits to UK.Reiki and Spiritual healing,(member of Children Of Artemis)wildlife, theatre, film (English and Foreign), Fave actors Hugo Weaving,Gary Oldman, Juliette Binoche,Cate Blanchett, Jeremy Irons. Writing.19th century novels, especially Charles Dickens, Jane Austen and the Bronte sisters.Shakespeare's .Bulgaria, plays.Comedies.All things French.Living simply and eco friendly.href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank">CURRENT MOON moon phase infoTHE UNIVERSAL DRUIDS PRAYERGrant Oh Goddess Thy ProtectionAnd in Protection, StrengthAnd in Strength, UnderstandingAnd in Understanding, KnowledgeAnd in Knowledge, the Knowledge of JusticeAnd in the Knowledge of Justice, the Love of itAnd in the Love of it, the Love of All ExistencesAnd in the Love of All Existences, the Love of the God and GoddessGod, Goddess and All GoodnessLearning Shamanism changed my life.I am a member of the Order of Bards ,Ovates and Druids.

I'd like to meet:

Any Friends interested in the Spiritual.Druidry ,Shamanism and allied paths. Seekers but not too pompous, grounded and with a sense of fun!Also folk into eco friendly living. wildlife. Love learning about other cultures and lifestyles.
People with similiar interests of all ages. Not people wanting to sell me a service, or goods or any inappropriate behavour!

Sit by my fire and say "Hello!"


Celtic, Pagan , Enya, Loreena Mckennit, Film scores (Love the work of Riyuchi Sakamoto, John Barry, Howard Davies(did LOTR score)Wes Montgomery, Elgar, Mozart,Prokofiev.Rock -Suzi Quatro,wishbone Ash,Queen, Bruce Springstein,Elvis,Blues music.


Anything with Hugo Weaving or Daniel Day Lewis3 colours Blue and all films directed by Kieslowski, Anything with Juliette Binoche in e.g "Chocolat""Wuthering Heights" "Damaged""Blue (from three colours trilogy)" The Go Between,Far from the madding Crowd, Gregory's Girl,any Agatha Christie....quite ecletic tastes really! All versions of "Wuthering Heights"!!Comedies.The pride of Miss jean Brodie.James Bond.Anything with Johhny Depp"the The Ninth Gate" is a fave.Love Roman Polanski's films.


Midsomer Murders, Miss Marple, anything by Ruth Rendell,Any classic BBC series(e.g Dickens or Jane Austen for example)Dr Who. Documentaries.Medium. Wildlife programmes.Click here for an easy and free way to help care for those in need at The Animal Rescue Site! </div


All things Pagan, spirituality,psychic subjects,Irish writers especially Frank O'Connor. Edna O Brien, Classics ;Charles Dickens, the Brontes , Jane Austen. Muriel Spark. Spiritual etc Ted Andrews,Sandra Ingerman,White Eagle,Marion Green.Poppy Palin ,Leslie Kenton.Maisie Besant and Greg Branson.


Anyone who stands up for the oppressed be they human, animal or environment.The Founders of Green Peace, IFAW, Peta.The great Victorian Reformers, Dickens, Elizabeth Fry, William Wilberforce. All those anonymous helpers and volunteers whom no-one gets to hear about or notices but continue to help and give their time for free out of sheer unconditional love and concern for others.Amma....Captain Paul Watson and all at Sea Shepherd....

My Blog

Why we lash out

Why We Lash Out Each one of us has experienced situations where we've found ourselves lashing out at someone without meaning to. We later berate ourselves for losing control and feel guilty for treat...
Posted by Diane in the Shire on Fri, 10 Oct 2008 12:13:00 PST

Taking responsibilty for your destiny

Taking Responsibility For Your Destiny There are those of us who believe that our lives are predestined and that we should resign ourselves to our lots in life. Yet the truth is that it is up to each...
Posted by Diane in the Shire on Thu, 09 Oct 2008 03:50:00 PST

sometimes a Loss can Be a gain

Sometimes a Loss Can Be a Gain When we lose anything that we cherish, the sense of emptiness we are left behind with can be overwhelming. A space that was filled, whether in our lives or our hearts, ...
Posted by Diane in the Shire on Wed, 08 Oct 2008 02:21:00 PST

taking on the energies of others

Taking on the Energy of Others There are times when you may find that being around certain individuals or groups of people leaves you with feelings of discomfort. It may be that spending time with a ...
Posted by Diane in the Shire on Tue, 07 Oct 2008 06:27:00 PST

Hands on Healing for Animals.

Hands On Healing For Animals One of the perks of having a pet is being able to "pet" your animal family member. Touch is beneficial to both you and your pet. A cat will reward us with an appreciative...
Posted by Diane in the Shire on Mon, 06 Oct 2008 05:40:00 PST

Your Perfect Teacher

Your Perfect Teacher Many of us long to find a spiritual teacher or guru. We may feel unsure of how to practice our spirituality without one, or we may long for someone who has attained a higher leve...
Posted by Diane in the Shire on Sun, 05 Oct 2008 03:19:00 PST

Not everybody will like you...

Not Everybody Will Like You It is not necessarily a pleasant experience, but there will be times in our lives when we come across people who do not like us. As we know, like attracts like, so usually...
Posted by Diane in the Shire on Sat, 04 Oct 2008 09:17:00 PST

Little thing that make us happy

..TR> ..TR> Discovering the Little Things that Make Us Happy Life is full of little wonders that can make us happy. The sound of a baby's laughter, a good book, the comforting smell of a favorite old...
Posted by Diane in the Shire on Thu, 02 Oct 2008 04:43:00 PST

get out of Your Own Way

Get Out of Your Own Way When you find yourself facing obstacles that appear to be blocking you from your goals, it is important to try not to get discouraged. It can be easy to feel "stuck" or that "...
Posted by Diane in the Shire on Wed, 01 Oct 2008 03:11:00 PST

Difficult Times

Difficult Times It can be very challenging to maintain a positive attitude and a measure of faith when you are in the midst of difficult times. This is partly because we tend to think that if the uni...
Posted by Diane in the Shire on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 02:06:00 PST