I am now the big 60 and I live near a market town in Boston U.K. I have been married for 21 years and have a lovely wife and 5 wonderful step children.I also have epilepsy which limits me somewhat but it did help me not be too proud and to accept help when needed. It also helped me overcome on my own feelings of inadequacy and fear for the future.We all need each other if we little but knew it. So if you have an illness don't fight it accept your limitations and move forward. Don't waste your energies with the "what if's" and the "if only" or "why me" it only screws you up. Instead accept your limitations, move forward and use the abilities you do have to the best that they can be and new doors will open up for you.Boston is the town where the Pilgrim Fathers left for Boston U.S.A on the Mayflower. The museum has a list of names of the passengers that left for the America's on the Mayflower. The museum also houses the original court and small jail cell where some of the Pilgrims were imprisoned.
Here endeth your history lesson for to day.
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