Animals,curling up with a good book,world domination,Pen palling,the great outdoors,helping the environment,The unexplained,ABC's in Britain,Art,Herbalism,Home remedies,Crystals,Cats,Lurchers and Greyhounds,Faeries,Unicorns,Dragons,Animal rights
Anyone with similar interests .Some of the art of John William Waterhouse 'Miranda-The Tempest' 'Ophelia' 'The Crystal Ball' 'The Magic circle' 'The Lady of Shallot'
I have a real ecclectic taste when it comes to music,I cant really label myself as liking a particular genre.If I like the song/artist/band then I'll listen,off the top of my head ..Scissor Sisters,Kate Bush,The Killers,Battlelore,The Feeling,P!nk,Fleetwood Mac....and lots more! .I like a lot of old stuff,and you can blame my Dad for this Goddess bless him,such as Queen,Level 42,ELO, and Genesis.
There are so many films that I love,here's a few.The Dark Crystal,Labyrinth,The Princess Bride,The Last Unicorn,Flight of Dragons,The Fellowship of the Ring,The Two Towers,The return of the King,The Secret of The Sword,The Wicker Man,Great Expectations(the orignal B&W),Company of Wolves,Disney Films,Alien,Aliens,DragonHeart,Brotherhood of the Wolf,The Never Ending Story,Chronicals of Narnia, Legend and loads more.I enjoy films with a Fantasy or Horror theme.I enjoy comedys and films that make you think
Dr Who,The Simpsons,The Friday Night project and Nature Programs
Books,I love books! What a wonderfull form of escapism.I love to sit and lose myself within the pages.....If the blurb look's good I'll read it:) I'm a total book nut! A world without books would be a living hell in my opinion Im a fan of James Herbert and Freda Warrington,Dark catheadral is one of my favourite book's and if anyone know's where I can get hold of a copy of 'PAGAN MOON' I will be eternally grateful!! I enjoyed Garth Nix's Sabriel and Lireal,Abhorsen is still on my 'to be read' pile.Also His Dark Materials Trilogy.I love Harry Potter ,don't be cruel JK more please :p Roald Dahl,he's not just for kids you know.Sarah Micklem is a very good author and I'm looking forward to 'Wildfire' the follow up to 'Firethorn'.I have also enjoyed reading books by Juliet Marillier ,Kate Mosse ,Paddy Slade, Kate West ,Marion Zimmer Bradley ,Trudi Canavan and many ,many more.
My Mum,she's a fantastic woman.She-Ra,orignal girl power.