First and foremost, I'm a Family Man (shouted in mock Doug McCarthy accent), love spending time with my wife and ankle biters, can't live without music - well until I go deaf - love Depeche Mode, music that awakens my soul, stirs my emotions or enables me to bark and rant at the moon.
Anyone who has an open mind, likes to be challenged, has a story to tell, a song to sing or knowledge to share, Elves, Fairies, tree huggers, people who can balance spoons on their noses or make tunes by blowing through grass, free spirits, and anyone who is in touch with the child within and not afraid to show it, well apart from sucking your thumb, eating dirt and asking why all the time.
Fuck - my whole music list disappeared - great!Okay numero uno is Depeche Mode.As I can not be arsed to type everything again I like metal, EBM, Industrial, Techno, Folk, lots of ye oul'd world stuff and the occasional goth album thrown in for good swaying session
Anything that is going to scare the shit out of me or make me talk in a poor Darth Vadar accent and do battle with my padawans.
If it fits into the horror / fantasy or just damn fricking weird then I'll watch it. Current fav's are Supernatural and Dr Who.
I love horror / fantasy and mythology so that pretty much covers my library. I love Sir Clive Barker who has a canny knack of turning the inside of my head into best sellers. I love books that challenge my beliefs and open my mind to other possibilities. I still have great respect for CS Lewis, Tolkein and Roald Dahl who turned my imagination inside outI love reading what makes other religions tick / historical reference books, and have a passion for mythology, mainly Celt / Egyptian / Greek and Native American Indian.Oh and not forgetting books with pictures to colour in or dots to join up - well I have kids.
Anyone who makes me laugh.