Mad Ones Films formed in 2004, originally taking shape in the form of a mysterious group of cynical film-buffs and social critics known as the CSC. Comprised originally of three misfits and great friends (Jaysen Buterin, Jennie Prince, and J. Evan Wade), the CSC lunchtime agendas fostered conversations of mirth and hilarity. After witnessing events like the 2005 Greensboro 48 Hour Film Project, the CSC decided to make movies, and then informally dubbed themselves "The Mad Ones." The Mad Ones participated in the 2006 Greensboro 48 Hour Film Project, and produced a quirky, off-beat zombie romance movie called
"Z-Day: A Fantastic Zombie Love Story" . After winning a honourable mention distinction for "Best Screenwriting," The Mad Ones found a new passion and set off on the path of part-time indie filmmakers.
The Mad Ones, hereafter taking shape as Mad Ones Films, embarked on a more grandiose project for late 2006 and early 2007. After gaining the support and talents of Andy Kahn, Will Huneycutt, and Ken Randall, the group embarked on a 9-month project that resulted in a 45 minute indie horror called " The Devil's Tramping Ground ." "DTG" (as it is now affectionately called) was based on a piece of North Carolina folklore and incorporated a love for literature, Rock-n-Roll, and classic horror movies to depict the downfall of the Pre-Madonnas, the hardest working band in town. This modern take on Faustian myth premiered April 26, 2007 and has been screened to enthusiastic audiences and positive feedback across North Carolina and the Southeast.
In what has been a prolific year of work since the DTG premiere, Mad Ones Films has completed 4 "shorts." We participated in the 2007 Greensboro 48 Hour Film Project and produced a 6-minute dark comedy entitled
"Booze, Bullets, & Hot Pink Jesus." We then submitted two films for the 2007 Fruitcake Film Festival in December, which included the 3-minute
"Behind the Mistletoe" and the 10-second trailer
"Kiss Me Deadly." These films were screened as part of the Greensboro holiday function, attended by a "standing room only" crowd of supporters of the local filmmaking community. Our intrepid heroes then chose to satirize the "Public Service Announcements" and "After-School Specials" of yesteryear in offering up the
Zombie Service Announcements â„¢ series. We premiered the first of these short films at the first ever
Greensboro Zombie Con , on March 29th, 2008, which featured Mad Ones Films as a headlining guest.
Mad Ones Films served as featured guests at ConCarolinas 2008 on May 31st, 2008, before participating in the 2008 Greensboro 48 Hour Film Project in late June, this time without Mr. Buterin who was off playing rock & roll over the hills and far away. The remaining inmates at Mad Ones Films secured a "Best Costumes" award for their 7 minute Southern Gothic Historical Fiction piece, entitled
"Dues of the Heart" and enjoyed that weekend immensely.
After participating in the 48 Hour Film Project for the third consecutive year, Jaysen Buterin and his hellbent cronies embarked on a journey that resulted in
"Flipper Stripper Vixens at the Inferno A-Go-Go!!!" . Featuring the talents of several mad-skilled local filmmakers, this early August film shoot represented Mad Ones Film's entrance into the realm of High Definition photography. This trailer premiered online on various websites and myspace in early September, and has been uniformly praised for its kinky, kooky, hilarious story. Of course, having hot girls scantily clad in corsets didn't hurt either.
The inmates then filmed the 3rd installment of the
Zombie Service Announcements â„¢ series and are working on plans for the 4th and final installment, which will be filmed before the end of 2008. This will mark Will Huneycutt's return to the Director's chair for Mad Ones Films and quite possibly his last project with Mad Ones Films. He has been asked to direct this last segment before his eminent return to California (early 2009) and the land of earthquakes and film studios. Keep an eye on the site for the video uploads of these final two chapters in the series.
The production slate for 2009 is taking shape and right now we see ourselves focusing on a trilogy of shorts inspired by our 2007 48 Hour Film Project production. Tentatively titled
"The Gospel According to Booze, Bullets, and Hot Pink Jesus" , Jaysen Buterin has formulated an ambitious project that will consist of three different 10-15 minute shorts that illustrate the meandering tales and travels of everyone's favorite Hot Pink Deity. We'll post more details about this project once they come to light.
A central Mad Ones Films website has gone live, and you can purchase a copy of our DVD there. We are working to embellish the site with nifty clips, bios on Mad Ones Films players, more pictures and project information. In the meantime, stay tuned to our myspace site for project details, screening information, pictures, and clips from Mad Ones Films.
Check for future updates. For more information about Mad Ones Films, or to request screenings of any of the Mad Ones projects, please email J. Evan Wade at
[email protected]