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My Electro Kitchen


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Member Since: 7/20/2007
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Band Members:On citera d'abord les trois parrains de la boutique : The Driver (aka Manu le Malin), Patrick Vidal et Howie B. Le premier à l'oeuvre devant la boutique le soir de la Fête de la musique dans la vidéo ci-dessous, le second aux platines lors de l'inauguration un peu plus bas. Quant au troisième, il n'est pas assez souvent à Paris pour prêter la plus grande attention à sa filleule mais on n'a pas du tout abandonné l'idée de faire un truc avec lui (on en reparle en octobre).Mais profions-en pour citer quelques uns des gens qui habitent dans nos bacs : 22 crew, 25 hours a day, 2raumwohnung, 3 channels, 808 state, a guy called gerald, a jackin' phreak, [a]pendics.shuffle, abe duque, abstraxion, abyss, acid pauli, ada, adam kroll, adam sky, adk feat. evil conc., afx [ alias aphex twin ], ag/bg(detroit grand pubahs presents), agnes, agoria, ai vs jean nipon, alex attias, alex carbo, alex gopher, alex metric, alex smoke, alex under, alexander kowalski, alexi delano, alexi delano & xpansul, alexis tyrel, alexkid, ali kahn, alland byallo | ed davenport, alter ego, alva noto, am/pm, amadou & mariam, amberflame, ambivalent, ambulance, ame, amen andrews vs spac hand luke, amplified people, ana da silva, ananda, gabriel, and again/ someone else, andre crom, andré kramel, andy vaz, anja schneider & sebo k, anthony collins, antislash, apparat, apparat feat. raz ohara, argy, aril brikha, ark & mossa, arnaud rebotini, arno gonzalez, arp aubert, arpanet, arpanet [alias dopplereffekt], ascii disko, asem shama, aswefall, atom & pink elln, atom tm, audio soul project, audio werner, audio werner/ matt john/ phage&dreier, audiofly & paul harris, audiofly vs paul harris, audiofly x, audion, automann, automat, avus, avus/ holden/ nathan fake/ perc, axel bartsch, babicz, robert, baby ford & benno blome, baby ford & zip, bad mouth, baggy bukaddor & tim fishbeck, baldelli, bangkok impact/savas pascalidis, barbara morgenstern, basic rythmic, basteroid, battles, bearback, beasty boys, beatfanatic, bebel gilberto, becker, tobias, belgrano, ben klock, ben nevile, benga, benjamin wild, benno blome, benny sings, berg nixon, berkson, dan & james what, bermuda triangle, bermuda triangle rmx, berurier noir, birdy nam nam, björk, black art orchestra, black devil, black ghosts, black strobe, bléfari, gouzy, beridze & pratter, bloc party, blood arms, bloody mary, bloody mary/yapacc, blue foundation, board & victorville, bobmo, bond & blome, booka shade, boratto, gui, bored and lazy, bot'ox, box codax, boxer compilation , boys noize , breakage, brice lee, brightlight, brtschitsch, bruno pronsato, bug & tanzmann, bulgur brother, buster maniac, busy p, calvin, robert, camille , candy chang, canvas aka radioslave, canzian, adriano , carsten jost, carsten jost & efdemin, casarano, dani, cassy, cb funk, ceephax, charlotte gainsbourg, chic miniature, chicken lips, chin chin, !!! (chk chk chk), chloe, chris carrier, chris liebing & speedy j, chromeo, claro intelecto, claude vonstroke, clause four, cle & mike vamp, clearcom & dunwich, cobblestone jazz , code e, codec & flexor, cold, com.munikation, console, cornell, cosmic sandwich, costello, donnacha, costes, crackhaus, craig, carl , crane ak, crowdpleaser & st plomb, cubenx, curtin, dan, cybotron, cyrus, czubala, marcin, d ' julz, d-pulse, d.i.m., d'arcangelo, d'julz, d'kawa, da fresh, dachshund, dadableep, dahlbäck & dahlbäck, daho, etienne, damero, damian schwartz, dan berkson, dan berkson & james what, dan(iel), dandy jack and the junction sm, daniel meteo, danilo vigorito, danton eeprom, dapayk & padberg, dapayk solo, dario zenker, darlin nikki, das bierbeben, das glow, daso, dat politics, data, dave aju, dave clarke, dave dk, david caretta, david k, davide squillace, daze maxim, ddamage, de:bug, deetron, deetron feat dj bone, delon & dalcan, demon, depth charge, der schmeisser & rahmi cihan, detroit grand pubahs, dextro, dictaphone, digitaline, digitalism, dilo & seph, dilo vs gurtz, dino felipe, dirk duske im echorausch, discemi, diskokaine pres. trans mania, distance, distance fallen (vex'd remix, diverse, dj emerson, dj fex, dj hell, dj koze, dj mehdi, dj t, dmx krew, dole & kom, dolibox, dolly la parton, domenico torti, domina, dominik eulberg, don rimini, dondolo, donnacha costello, donso, dub kult, dub taylor, duniz & henrixx, duoteque, duque, abe , dusty cabinets, dusty kid, dynamo bark like a dog feat volga select rmx, ebbro, echo club, eddie zarook & casio casino, efdemin, egg, egon, einmusik, einzelkind, electric bet, electroluxe family, electromenager, electronicat , electrosexual & scream club, elektro willi, elektrochemie, ellen allien | prinz esso, emperor machine, erik rug feat dynamax , erol alkan, errorsmith, estroe, etienne de crecy, exercise one, exit only, exotica, extrawelt, eyerer & namito, eyerer & rios, eyerer + atto, ezekiel honig, faces, fairmont, false aka matthew dear, famous when dead 5, fane, julian, faze action, fehlmann, thomas, feist, fixmer, terence, flanger (atom tm), florent, florian meindl, fox n wolf, france copland, franck kartell, franco cinelli, frank martiniq, frederic de carvalho, freeform five, friendly people aka alex under, from karaoke to stardom, fuckaponydelic, funky transport vs jonee, funzion, various, future beat investigators, g-man, gabriel ananda, gaiser, gangpol und mit , gastek, gazormass, geoph serge, giles smith, gill norris, gino s and shake, giorgos gatzigristos, glen wilson, glitches, golden bug, golden days, goldfish & der dulz, greenskeepers, gregor tresher, groove magazin, groupgris, gudrun gut, gui boratto, gummihz, guns n bombs, guy gerber, gwen maze, gwill morris, hadouken!, hakan lidbo, hammerschmidt&lentz, handycraft, hannes teichmann, harald björk, headman, headphone karaoke , heartthrob, heko, heko + pierre lx, herlihy & torrance, hey hey my my , holden, holeg spies, horrevorts,peter, hot chip, hot chip/ pier bucci/ zilla/ vincent oliver, housemeister, hrdvsion, hrvatski, hug, hulkkonnen, jori, human resource, humanoid, hundarna fran soder, huntemann, hushpuppies, hypnolove, i cube, tekel & tim paris, i love ufo, i-f , i'm not a gun, in flagranti, induceve, infant pres. simon baker, insect & matschiste, inxec, isolee, isolée, iz & diz, j hunsberger, jacek sienkiewicz, jack rock, jackson jones - amon duul , jahcoozi, jake fairley vs pan/tone, james mowbray & sullivan, james taylor, jamie jones, jason edwards, jason emsley, jay haze, jazzanova & dirk rumpff, jeff samuel, jence, jennifer cardini & shonky, jennygoesdirty, jens bond, jens zimmermann, jeremey caulfield, jj cale / yellow power, jo apps, joakim, joel mull & steve rachmad, johann skugge, johannes heil, john dahlbäck, john lord fonda, john starlight, john tejada & arian leviste, john thomas, jojo de freq, jona, jonson, mathew, jörg burger, jose manuel, juho kaihlaien, jun x, junesex, junior boys, jürgen paape, jussi-pekka, justice, justice , justin berkovi, justin martin, justus köhncke, k-rock, k.chiko, kadebostan, kalabrese, kalle- m, kaos, kap bambino, karl zeiss, kate bush, kate wax b/w michoacan, katerine, kavinsky, kelpe, kenny leaven, kerrier district, kevin gorman, kieran hebden & steve reid, kiki, kiko, kiko & sdeschezeaux, kill the young, kit clayton, klanguage, klaxons, klein + zenker, kollektiv turmstrasse, komori, komori vs toyz'r'me, kookmode, krak street boyz, krazy baldhead, krikor, krikor - my bloody valentine, l'aroye & ky feat marily david, la villa rouge, laag vs commuter, lady b, lady b presente, larsson, latex, laushaus, laux, heiko , laven & mso, lawrence, layo and bouswak, lazy fat people, le tigre , lee jones, lee van dowski, lemon8, len faki, les cerveaux lents, lindstrom , lindstrom & prins thomas, link/baby ford & eon, loco dice, lophi, lorber/sikora, lory d, louie austen, lowkey kardinal, luca & paul, luca morris, luciano, luciano pizzella, ludovic vendi, luke solomon, m. jonson + the mole/ axel bartsch, m.a.n.d.y, m.i.a., m.r.k.1., m.xavier/sean palm, maeko, maetrik, makossa & megablast, maral salmassi, marc antona, marc houle, marcel dettmann, marcin czubala, marco carola, marcos dos santos, marek bois, mario & xm, mark august, mark broom, mark henning, markese, marrón, martin buttrich, martin landsky, martinez, märtini brös, mary anne hobbs presents, matias aguayo, matt star, matthew dear, matthias heilbronn, matthias tanzmann, matzak, mauler, maurizio, mauro alpha, max mohr, maxime dangles, meat & einzelkind, mécanique, melchior prod ltd, mental overdrive, metope, mia, michoacan, midi&mowree vs.bordo, midnight juggernaughts, midnight operator, mighty dub katz, mihalis safras, mike shannon, milanese, milton jackson vs droido, minilogue, minimal compact, minimono, mirko, misc., miskate, miskate / socks & sandals, miss fitz/shaun reeves, mistress barbara, mlle caro & franck garcia, mmm, modern deep left quartet, monobox, monolake, monolake / sleeparchive, monomaniax, monosurround, monsieur jo, moonbeam, morane [markus nikolaï & theo krieger], morpheus, mossa, motiivi:tuntematon, motor, motor [mr. no & bryan black], move d, move d & benjamin brunn, mr learn & alex gopher, mr oizo, mr.pauli vs. tyrell, mstrkrft, mu, muskat nuss, my my, my robot friend, mysterymen, naive new beaters, narcotic syntax, nathan fake, nelson, nick höppner, nico purman, nicolas chenard, nid & sancy, niederflur, night of the brain, nightcats, nils nilson, northern lite, novox, nôze, o.h. krill, octagon, oliver hacke, optimo, ost & kjeks, ost & kjex, oxia, oxia/ intus, ozgur gan, paco osuna, padded cell, pan-pot, panico, para one, para one , partial arts, passions, patrice bäumel, paul kalkbrenner, paul nazca, paul ritch, paul woolford pres. bobby peru, peace division, pendle coven, perälä, aleksi, perc trax, peshuma, petar dundov, pete lazonby, petter, phage & daniel dreier, pheek, various, phil kieran / dachshund, phones, phonogenic, piemont, pier bucci, pierce/gaiser/hthrob, pierre bastien, pigon, pikaya | andomat 3000 & jan, pilas, pilooski, pinch, planningtorock, plasmik, plus device, poborsk, pompelmoessap, poni hoax, popnoname, popof, portable, pp roy, princess superstar, prosumer / murat tepeli, proxy, punks jump up, puyo puyo, quadrant, quantec, queen of japan, quenum, radiance, radio slave, radiq, akufen, rancho relaxo all stars, raudive, razor x productions, re:evaluate, redsound, regis-re:group, reinhard voigt, rekid, rekids one, remote, remute, renato figoli, rené breitbarth, rephlex presents..., résumé, revl9n, revolte, rework, rhythm & sound , ricardo villalobos, richard bartz, richard wolfsdorf [r. villalobos], richie hawtin, rino cerrone, ripperton, rita mitsouko, riton , robag whrume, robert babicz, robert hood, various, robyn, rocco branco, roland, alexander, ruede hagelstein, rugged magazin, ryan crosson, s-max, s.scissors & b.klock, salmon & gonno, salvatore fredo & massimo s., samim, san lebowski, san, sebastian, sanders, kean, sarah goldfarb, sascha funke, sasse and naughty, savvas ysatis + hristos lainas, scanner, schaffhäuser, mathias, schleck & stecker, schneider, guido, schorf, scratch massive , scsi - 9, sebastian, sebastian russell, sebastien tellier, sebbo/lars wickinger, sebo k & metro, second sex, señor coconut, señor coconut & his orchestra, sex in dallas, shakedown, shane berry, shitmat presents..., shlomi aber presents bao, sian, sid lerock, sideshow, sieg uber die sonne, silvio marquardt, simian mobile disco, simian mobile disco & dieter schmidt, simon says, sir alice, siskid, skat, skatebard, slazenger, jake, sleeparchive, sleeper thief, slg, smith n hack, snax, sneak-thief, someone else, soulrack, soundhack, soundstream, soylent green aka roman flügel, spac hand luke [alias luke vibert], speaker junk, speedy j | g. issakidis, speedy j and george issakidis, speicher cd3, spektrum, spencer parker, spex, spirit catcher, st sebastian, st plomp ft detroit grand puhbas, st. plomb, stakker, stalker, static, steadycam, stefan tretau, stephan bodzin, stephan bodzin & marc romboy, stereo total vs mad professor, steve bug, steve rachmad, style of eye, sumo feat. ayesha, sunaj assassins, super flu, superlux, superpitcher, superpitcher/broke, surkin, swag vs pete herbert, swayzak, sweet ..n.. candy, sweet slave, synclair ( ada/ basteroid ), syntheme, syth;s, t. raumschmiere, [t]ekel, tacteel, tadeo, tadeo & friendly people ( alex under ), tanzmann & stefanik, teenage bad girl, teka, tekel, tekel & tim paris, teki latex feat. lio, telefon tel aviv, tensnake, terre thaemlitz, terry poison, tg, the architect, the backlash, the emperor machine, the field, the glimmers, the green men, the horrorist, the mfa, the modernist, the mole, the octagon man, the orichalc phase, the penelopes, the presets, the rapture, the replicants, the rice twins, the shakes, the the b/w q lazarus, the tuss / afx, the viewers, the world domination vs adam sky, theo parrish, thieves like us, think tank, thomas / burger & the modernist, thomas barford, thomas fehlmann, thomas melchior & luciano, thomas p.heckman, thomas, tobias, thugfucker vs gwen maze, tiefschwarz, tiga, tiger skin, tigerskin, tik & tok, tim paris, tim paris & tekel, tital tek, tobias becker / various artists, toby tobias, todd bodine , tom clark, tom mangan, tom pooks, tom tyler, tomas andersson, tomboy, toni rios, tractile, tracy cooper, trankilou, transllusion [alias drexciya], trappe, jochen, traxx dillaz, trentemøller, trickski, triple r, tristy nesh , troy pierce, troydon, trulz & robin feat baseman, turbo crystal, turner, turzi, twisted charms, two lone swordsmen, uffie, ung and bastos, unknown, unknown / jori hulkkonen, venetian snares, vex'd, villalobos, vincent markowski, vincenzo, vinyl, violett, ryan crosson, virus syndicate, voom voom, wassermann, water lilly, wax master, wax poetics, we built this city, wee kids & alex l, wee kids aka popov, wekan, white light circus, wighnomy bros., will saul/tam cooper, wink, women affair, woody mc bride [dj esp], worthy, yuksek, zander vt, zero cash, ziggy kinder, zombie nation, zongamin, etc.Inauguration de My Electro Kitchen

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My Blog

L’Echo des Soupières 6 : on se croirait en novembre

L'Echo des Soupières La newsletter de My Electro Kitchen - n°6 / novembre 2007 Les dates de novembre en deux mots : - jeudi 8 novembre : Des cacahuètes dans l'oreille 6 : spécial LOGISTIC Rec. ave...
Posted by My Electro Kitchen on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 06:00:00 PST

LEcho des Soupières 5 : octobre bouge

L'Echo des Soupières La newsletter de My Electro Kitchen - n°5 / octobre 2007 Chères amies, chers amis, Pas mal de premières en ce mois d'octobre : la mise en route des platines ouvertes (Open Fr...
Posted by My Electro Kitchen on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 11:18:00 PST

LEcho des Soupières 4 : et paf, septembre

L'Echo des Soupières La newsletter de My Electro Kitchen - n°4 / septembre 2007 Chères amies, chers amis, Nous en appelons à votre bienveillance et vous prions, par avance, de nous excuser du car...
Posted by My Electro Kitchen on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 01:02:00 PST

L'Echo des Soupières 3 : en août, enlève tes boots

L'Echo des Soupières La newsletter de My Electro Kitchen - n°3 / août 2007 Mini-mini newsletter pour un mois d'août paresseux à la boutique comme ailleurs. NB : pour savoir ce qu'il y a dans les b...
Posted by My Electro Kitchen on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 06:26:00 PST

L'Echo des Soupières 2 : novembre en juillet, musique au taquet

L'Echo des Soupières La newsletter de My Electro Kitchen - n°2 / juillet 2007 Seconde newsletter de My Electro Kitchen, le nouveau disquaire électro parisien : chaque mois, les infos sur la boutiqu...
Posted by My Electro Kitchen on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 06:24:00 PST

L'Echo des Soupières 1 : en juin, fais feu de tout foin

L'Echo des Soupières La newsletter de My Electro Kitchen - n°1 / juin 2007 Première newsletter de My Electro Kitchen, le nouveau disquaire électro parisien : chaque mois, les infos sur la boutiqu...
Posted by My Electro Kitchen on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 06:18:00 PST