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AKA 01
Vynil LP ltd 500 ex.

Radio Free Robots (RFR) is a radio show entirely conducted by robots (spoken through synthetized voices). The moderator, Macha, runs a set of highly selected guests (robots). Robots specialists but also the everyone robot are discussing topics as diverse as robots' sociology, cyber terrorism, computer linguistic, bio-computing, the place of human being within society, the weather, autonomous objects, ...
The radioshow being located in an undefined future, the topics are debated on a prospective or historical point of view; meaning that the era where the show takes place allows a historical sight over the contemporary topicality and as well anticipates a future of the future. The name Radio Free Robots refers cynically to the infamous US propaganda program fomented by the CIA: Radio Free Europe.


AKA 02
TRIOS for Synthi VCS3 synthesizer and turntables (1971)
Vynil LP ltd 500 ex.

Trios associates improvisation within a set of defined parameters. Its score includes a notebook with instructions for playing, 16 VCS3 patches, and two 33rpm records on which 2x16 sound events are recorded. The macrostructure is not determined, and both the duration and the temperament of the piece depend on the chances of the combinatorial principle. 16 sequences of vcs3 follow one another, and these are answered by 2x16 pre-recorded sequences, whose order is defined in real time according to the throwing of three dice. While preserving most principles of the original composition, we allowed ourselves some free interpretation: the VCS3 patch is the original one, but its variations, the order, the development, and the duration of each sequence are left to the player’s determination. Although the order of playback of the 33rpm records depends on the random results of the dice, the duration of each pre-recorded sound, and the possibility of playing multiple layers are made thanks to the recording and the simultaneous replay on computer. The original score was written for three players, but as the composer’s notes state in the booklet, adaptations for one or two interpreters may occur. We, to some extent, combined these last two interpretations, that inevitably induce pre-recorded elements.No other effect has been used except speed variations. Even when there was need for free interpretation, we tried to remain as close as possible to the will of the composer although we added playing functionalities that the equipment of the era did not offer, but which we imagine he would probably have made use of if it had existed. i.e. The varispeed of commercial turntables, enhanced possibilities of the portable computer. We also preserved its original rough aspect, as well as the inevitable clicks and pops typical of vinyl records, which gives its obsolete charm.To exhume Trios was for us an exercise of style, a kind of ‘archeosonic’ re-enactment, a respectful appropriation that pays tribute to this curiously still little known, talented and prolific composer. Trios was played for the first time in france since its creation, at the occasion of the Sonorité Festival in Montpellier, september 2006.
Note: the present record may be used to re-enact the piece in addition with a synthi vcs3 according to the solo version instructions.



AKA 04
DVD double face 500 ex.

Trios chdh's work is based on a symbiosis between sound and image. Between minimalism and industrial, chdh creates a single, cold but organic universe.
Thanks to the use of mathematical algorithms and physical models, chdh brings a new vision on the practice of data-processing tools in digital creation. The use of audio-visual objects, having a sound and a video component controlled by the same parameters allows an effective management of the relations between the two medias.
This project evokes a virtual world, made up with more or less autonomous abstract creatures. The aesthetics of the video and the sound is minimalist: sines, diracs and noises interact with cubes, spheres and other primitive in 3D on a black and white visual environment.
vivarium is an audio/video DVD project based on chdh's performance work. vivarium's goal is to switch from a live expression form to written and composed pieces. This project is based on the years of work already provided by chdh, and on the experience due to the performances they've done in France and Europe.

My Blog


ARTKILLART 03.HBC BERLIN.. CONCERTS : 30 01 2009 .. FROM : 20:00 to 0:00.. EXHIBTION FROM THE 28 01 2009 TO THE 30 01 2009.. @ .HBC BERLIN :Karl Liebknecht Str. 9, 10178 Berlin.. 6.66 euroshttp://www....
Posted by on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 17:49:00 GMT

AKA @ CIMATICS - 281108

ARTKILLART AT CIMATICS.08 - BRUSSELShttp://www.cimatics.comEXHIBITION PARTfrom 27 to 29/11 2008@ - BRUSSELSGOOGLEHOUSE - Marika Dermineur / Stéphane DegoutinTIME SLIP - Anotine SchmittLAPS - ...
Posted by on Fri, 14 Nov 2008 08:36:00 GMT


Samedi 15 Décembre 2007ARTKILLART LAUNCHING PARTY@ Mains d'Oeuvres (7th Birthday)Salle Star Trek20h - 6hGratuit avant 22h  8 euros aprèsAccès: 1 rue Charles Garnier, 93400 St OuenMétro: Porte de Clig...
Posted by on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 08:43:00 GMT


AKA 002 : TRIOSArtists: Samon Takahashi & Vincent EpplayTitle: DISSOCIATE EPFormat: Vinyl LP 10inchRelease date: ± december 2008Tristram Carry's TRIOSMore informations soonAKA WEBSITE
Posted by on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 10:56:00 GMT


AKA 001:Artists: Radio Free RobotsTitle: RadioFreeRobotsFormat: Vinyl LP 10inchRelease date: ± december 2007Description: Radio Free Robots (RFR) est une émission entièrement animée par des robots (voc...
Posted by on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 10:53:00 GMT