UHT° (Ultra Haute Température) allie l’univers des craquements de vinyles à l’électronique avec la force d’une instrumentation acoustique et construit un ovni Jazz aux pulsions dance floor ultra sophistiquées.
Second album très attendu, « Ghost Forest » s’oriente tout comme le premier opus « Pic de Pollution » vers le respect de l’environnement et contre la déforestation le plus souvent illégale sur nos continents.
On y retrouve à la réalisation, au son et programmations Dj ClicK, fondateur du groupe et sorcier des rythmes affûtés. Toujours à ses côtés Niño Korta et ses scratches embrasés qu’il lâche tel un soliste multi instrumentiste : trompettes, trombones, saxophone, piano… Lawkyz qui fait danser ses doigts sur les cordes de la contrebasse totalement enivrante et cramée, accompagnés de Cat's Eyes pour la touche féminine. Des featurings américains et portugais de renom viennent poser leur voix et textes chauffés à 140 ° : Allonymous, Blu Rum 13 et Mr Tos.
Au delà du coté jazz festif des années 50, le trio hors norme se veut éco-citoyens-musiciens ! Ce plaidoyer s’exprime à travers des titres tels que Ibama em Ação, Bluenvironment, Dersou Ouzala, Tchernobyl Lies, 1979 Ixtoc 1… Mais aussi dans la forme avec une pochette en papier recyclé.
Un live où s’entrechoquent le bois, le vent des instruments et le feu des platines !
Jazz sous le Pommiers samedi 19 mai 2007 - France 3
UHT°, fiery trio of the French electro-jazz scene !
UHT° (Ultra High Temperature) combines the universes of crashing vinyl and electronics with the power of acoustic instruments and constructed a UFO : Jazz with dance floor pulsations of ultra sophistication.
Second album long awaited, “Ghost Forest†is directing its message as with the first album "Peak of Pollution" towards nature, safeguarding the environment and against deforestation much of it illegal on our continents.
There one finds the realizations and programming Dj ClicK, founder of the group and sorcerer of tight rhythms. Still at his side Niño Korta and his blazing scratches which he releases as a multi instrumental soloist: trumpets, trombones, saxophone, piano... Then Lawkyz who makes his fingers dance on the strings of the double bass totally intoxicating and on fire. Accompanied by Cat's Eyes for the feminin touch. Famous Portuguese and American featurings have add their voice and lyrics heated to 140° : Allonymous, Blu Rum 13 and Mr Tos.
Beside the festive and jazzy environment, the trio beyond all categories is proud to be eco-citizen-musicians ! This will is expressed through the tracks Ibama em Ação, Bluenvironment, Dersou Ouzala, Tchernobyl Lies, 1979 Ixtoc 1… The cover is also made on recycle paper.
After having traveled during the last 3 years throughout France, England, Canada, and the countries of Eastern Europe, and energized by their many experiences on the scene, they are again taking on tour a new very visual show (disguises, masks, dance, decorations...).
A live performance where wood, the wind of instruments, and the fire of turntables collide and combust with each other.