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I like too many things and get all confused and hung-up running from one falling star to another til

About Me

i am obsessed with music. seeing it, attemptiming to play it, whatevs. i love life. i "do" art. i love outdoors, especially the moutains, and beach too. i LOVE snowboarding, though i'm no expert. i'm pretty good at water-skiing. i like animals, especially mine-my pup Bella and little cat Gizmo. i'm a positive person. i love to travel and explore. i think alot. alot. i love vegetables but i am not a vegetarian. i enjoy meeting good people. i love going to shows. i love swimming. i love language. i'm sometimes quiet. sometimes i might talk too much. i love the internet. knowledge at your finger tips! but i think i like the smell of books better. i'm not so good at sports, but, i may be able to beat you in chess. i'm also very amazed by the idea of space, and size comparisons. i'm a gemini. there isn't anyone or anything i really hate except for hate itself, though there are things i dislike. i'm good at scrabble. i like clouds. i like broccoli, and casseroles. i won't eat fish or any type of seafood. i think people watch too much tv. i like to write. i own a lava lamp. sometimes i wish i owned a twister board. i like jokes, and courduroys. one of my favorite comedians is mitch hedberg. i'm trying to quit chapstick. i hate fast food, unless i'm drunk. i love water, gatorade, and green tea! i wish $ did grow on trees. i love pictures. i like red wine, good beer, PBR, good friends, music, food, and good weather.and oh how i miss the mountains!“The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes "Awww!” My screen name is HomieGdogSlice87. yea..i deleted my old one...

My Interests

MUSIC!!!!!!!! Art (all forms), reading, writing, painting, drawing, being outside, food, sleep, internet, bicycles, animals, nintendo, veggies, corduroys, camel lights, sierra nevada, red wine, guitars, pianos, jokes, dogs, cool cats, mountains, beaches, snow, fruit, junk or treasure?, sewing...sorta, meeting the kindest of folk

I'd like to meet:

the guy that invented velcro, what a great idea! artists, musicians, thinkers, real know...and someone who owns one of these:


uuuuhhhh THE GRATEFUL MOTHERFUCKIN DEAD, Yo Mama's Big Fat Booty Band, misfits, pixies, talking heads, ween, fugazi, sublime, GFE, interpol, Shiloh, Kinetic, particle, phish, greyboy allstars, ben folds (five), STS9, sonic youth, the smiths, TOOL, morphine, bjork, lake trout, keller, wsp, RAQ, the cure, beta band, mobius band, HR, aesop rock, disco biscuits, moe, jaga jazzist, dj shadow, BLIND MELON, antibalas afrobeat orchestra, BENEVENTO/RUSSO, against me!, pelican, umphrey's, king crimson, SCI, mars volta, RADIOHEAD, tony rice, fishbone, bossa nova, gorillaz, marilyn manson, digable planets, bad brains, a perfect circle, portishead, the band, les claypool, david byrne, beck, MUSE, JAMIROQUAI, flaming lips, 311, mmw, buckethead, cake, cibo matto, herbie hancock, cream, galactic, lucero, NIN, PRIMUS, beastie boys, stone temple pilots, barefoot manner, lamb of god, little feat, Frank Black, ani difranco, ABB, zeppelin, janes addiction, social d, mogwai, daft punk, DAVE BRUBECK, bad religion, SRV, clapton, neko case, bela fleck, john coltrane, johnny cash, hendrix, DVDA, nofx, karl densons tiny universe, ben kweller, david bowie, strungout, victor wooten, FRANK ZAPPA, hot buttered rum, soundgarden, tenacious d, the doors, the shins, pearl jam, the jesus lizzard, QotSA, at the drive-in, ben harper, duke ellington, incubus, lagwagon, pink floyd, danzig, opeth, beatles, yonder mtn string band, atmosphere, depeche mode, lamb of god, the weakerthans, LBDA, damian rice, green river, elliot smith, colonel claypool's bucket o' bernie brains, iron &; wine, weezer, belle &; sebastian, dinosaur jr, dispatch, velvet underground, sam bush, moe, jefferson starship, flight of the conchords, doc, slayer, alice in chains, the faint, the police, dr. john, midnight, skip james, tbs, white stripes, dj dangermouse, dream theatre, ricky scaggs, nirvana, clutch, lennon, jack johnson, pantera, deftones, DotN, queen, old green day, slightly stoopid, old saves the day, dylan, dropkick murphys, faith no more, gomez, fugees, & special sauce, gnarles barkley, hot water music, isis, JAMES BROWN, james taylor, the streets, J5, meat puppets, paul simon, pelican, pavement, robert johnson, pharcyde, REM, richard cheese, al green, tom waits, my morning jacket, shellac, soulive, small brown bike, smashing pumpkins, OCMS, peter rowan, jerry dougles, del mccourey band, air, witness the fitness!, 2 layne highway, the aborted, banana da terra, eymarel, toubab krewe, hope massive, mother love bone, face to face, tv on the radio, SoaD, mc chris, upright and breathin', the toadies, israel vibration, steely dan?
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BASEketball, orgazmo, team america, old kung fu movies, fantasia, gremlins, true stories (not true stories as in movies that are based on true stories, but true stories, the completely fun and multi-purpose movie made by david byrne), tim burton's, most anything with will ferrel, waking life, run ronnie run (david cross is gggrrrreeat!), jesus is magic, the phantom tollbooth (if you have seen this let me know), young frankenstein, see no evil hear no evil, what about bob?, monty python and the holy grail, a clockwork orange, ween live in chicago, 2001: a space odyssey, fight club, contact, pollock, donnie darko, alice's restaurant, fear and loathing in las vegas, city of god, the three amigos, zoolander, office space, wet hot american summer (see it), waiting, ghostbusters, pulp fiction, kill bills, ali g in da house, groundhog day, animal house, evil dead, stir crazy, the producers (original), the lady and the tramp, BLOW, music dvds...


i don't watch that much rotts your brain...but...i like these shows: AQUA TEEN, Mr. Show, Family Guy, WEEDS, Futurama, Upright Citizens Brigade, Daily Show, The Office, The Simpsons, Brak Show, Home Movies, Sea Lab, Chappelle's Show, South Park, Conan, Arrested Developement, The State, Curb Your Enthusiasm, DA ALI G SHOW, wondershowzen, the weather, the news, the sarah silverman program, scrubs, robot chicken, metalacolypse (what you know about dr. roxo? the rock n roll clown)...TV tends to be a last resort...


yes, please! primarily ones by: Kerouac******, J.D. Salinger (catcher in the rye), Hunter S. Thompson, Oscar Wilde, William S. Burroughs, George Orwell (1984, Animal Farm), Kurt Vonnegut, dictionaries and thesauruses, phone books are pretty useful too, oh and my sketchbook...



My Blog

frank zappa would have made a good captain hook...

am i crazy or can anyone see the resemblence? ...
Posted by militia on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 01:19:00 PST

its that new shit

been experimenting with markers lately, its a little different than what i'm used to doing but i'm pleased with most of it nonetheless......
Posted by militia on Sun, 11 Mar 2007 01:01:00 PST


gizmoshe has a fluffy tail...
Posted by militia on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 10:55:00 PST


sweet little bella!...
Posted by militia on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 05:44:00 PST

buddy guy

went and saw buddy guy last night in asheville. the opening band, little ed and the imperials, were pretty good to. it was awesome though and i had a lot of fun aside from finding out my great grandma...
Posted by militia on Wed, 11 Oct 2006 01:39:00 PST


dreams are strange. it's hard for me to understand how some people have them all the time, as i do, and others don't, or don't remember them. i remember nearly all of mine, and very well. i can rememb...
Posted by militia on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 01:26:00 PST


yea. so i was bored. so i decided i wanted to paint, but i don't have any canvas, so i did this. it's not finished yet, but you get the idea. i might post a picture when its actually finished. but kno...
Posted by militia on Thu, 21 Sep 2006 12:06:00 PST

looks like rain

i'm thinking this is probably my favorite dead song. its so pretty. Awoke today, felt your side of the bed; The covers were still warm where you been layin'. You were gone, oh gone, my heart was fill...
Posted by militia on Thu, 21 Sep 2006 12:02:00 PST

i am so fuckin bored.

thats right. boredom. tonight was fun though, went and saw p.goove at legends. i should be sleeping now since i have to work a dub in the morn, but it's not that late and i've been practically sober a...
Posted by militia on Fri, 01 Sep 2006 11:35:00 PST