*~Will-i-am~* profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

"A PHSYCOLOGICAL ILLUSIONIST" I dont know which people care about what, so ask me what you wanna know. But in short, vehicles, filming, writing, stunt work, and im also extremely creative, one of my better strengths

My Interests

"And were it not for pain there would be no pleasure to compare it to" I really enjoy traveling with my friends and filming, and meeting new people, which is the best part, i also attend every monster mania in Jersey and continue to NYC, 3 times a year, and recently started attending screamfest in Orlando...let me know if youd like details =) ................................ new screen name: xEmbracethefiltH

I'd like to meet:

i think i have met everybody...?


Cradle of filtH, manson, lamb of god, dimmu borgir, devil driver, soad, zombie, coal chamber, HIM, opeth, janes addiction, chili peppers, the clash, primus, nine inch nails, bullet for my valentine, nofx, cannable corpse, mudvayne, the dead milkmen, pennywise, animal collective, misfits, muse, shit too many to list, ill finish it later, currently my tastes are in black metal


lets go with, too many to list...
"This...isss my BOOMSTICK!" "fuck yo mama!"
Why so serious?


has anyone seen breaking bad? great show, if you havent, you should check it out...family guy...aqua teen...fresh prince...bad girls club(i know it sounds stupid, but its actually funny as shit)jenavecia fucking owns! Which Member of MTV Jackass Are You?
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books, magazines, scripts, comics, whatever, again far too many fav's to list, i actually read the credits at the end of movies...out of curiosity...how weird is that...but youd be surprised what you find...?!


go figure... http://img219.imageshack.us/img219/8932/shoppingcartwo5.jpg

My Blog

Screenplay, "The Realm" ***currently writing***

Posted by *~Will-i-am~* on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 09:53:00 PST

Screenplay, "The Machine"

The Machine is a fictional club which does not exist on our plane. Little will be said as to where exactly it does exist, but enough imformation will be given to hold the storyline. The club is a plac...
Posted by *~Will-i-am~* on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 09:53:00 PST

Screenplay, "know"

This screenplay revolves around a young man who lives a pretty normal life up until puberty. From here, he begins to realize, over the next few years, that for some reason, no matter what question any...
Posted by *~Will-i-am~* on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 09:53:00 PST


this is it...the last clip we will post on youtube b4 the release of the dvd, im pretty sure this stunt will encourage your interest in the film...=) http://youtube.com/watch?v=3E5YOt9A9VE   warn...
Posted by *~Will-i-am~* on Mon, 28 May 2007 02:05:00 PST

***bitchin' comments***

luvcynicalstyle: one of the things i like about you.luvcynicalstyle: you’re untamed.luvcynicalstyle: it’s sexy.luvcynicalstyle: women eat that shit up.. lol. .................................
Posted by *~Will-i-am~* on Thu, 12 Oct 2006 12:48:00 PST