Pirates, Ren Faire, Improv, costuming, leather, wench bosom, blackpowder weaponry, sword fighting, Juggling, Hwa Rang Do, illustration, science and technology, philosophy, sociology, Thomas Wood, gargoyles, making people laugh, Wenches, hugging on unsuspecting victims, Sitting on unsuspecting knees, traveling to unknown locals, Thomas Wood, motorcycles, groping of random flintlocks, the scratching of animals, hiking, camping, driving speed boats, horticulture, gardening, snorkeling, body surfing, eyeing pretty leather, eyeing shiny objects, the documentary mental cataloging of fine physiques for illustratory purposes (I swear! harhar), sneaking up on things in the forest, climbing trees, Thomas Wood, looking concurrently innocent and devious, pirate sauntering, pirate loudness, pirate banter, Sea Chanties and Thomas Wood's Babies.
Good honest people with a zest for life. I love meeting interesting and unique people, especially pirates and ren folk. If you dont have similar interests you should message me and let me know WHY I should add you.
-If I cant review your page before adding, I may not add you unless you tell me about yourself.
Pirate Sea Chanty Rock, Celtic, Jazz, Classical, Folk, most all others. No angry music.
Contact, Pleasantville, Shaolin Soccer, Memoirs of a Geisha, House of flying daggers, Kung-Fu Hustle, Pirates of the Caribbean, Dirty Shame, Meet the Feebles, V for Vendetta, Idiocracy
The Daily Show, South Park, Family Guy, Boondocks, Robot Chicken, Firefly, Heroes, Discovery Channel et al. My reality is WAY more interesting than any reality show.. they can all lick a rusty cutlass.
Ching Shih (19th c. Asia)- Legendary asian piratess who comanded a fleet of between 1,500 and 1,800 ships, including 80,000 pirates.