Dreamie profile picture


Not your garden variety Pirate Wench.

About Me

I'm an easy going lass with an itch for exploration and the assimilation of knowledge. A couple years ago I discovered an unexpected niche in reenacting the golden age of piracy with a pirate troupe called B.O.O.M., where I can be myself and dumbfounded responses are exchanged for bright smiles, laughter, and retaliatory pirate banter. More often than not we perform at Ren Faires of the Pacific Northwest where we fire blackpowder weaponry (cannons, pistols, rifles, etc), sing period sea shanties, sword fight, and generally spread boisterous piratical joviality and malfeasance. I play Dreamie D'Avanzo, an innocent looking half Cherokee lass with a penchant for over accessorizing. Lately I travel around with my juggler Thomas, acting as his hawker and lovely assistant to whatever exotic locals we are hired.
I have a degree in Microbiology, but have concurrently trained myself in illustration because I find it to be much more enjoyable. I have a certificate in scientific illustration as well. I've been trained to sing, but have little solo experience. I'm a jack of all trades you could say.. there are some trades I just prefer over others.
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♥ Dreamie's heart belongs to Thomas Wood.♥
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥&hea rts;♥♥♥♥♥
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥&hea rts;♥♥

Homepage: www.Dreamie.org
B.O.O.M. Homepage: www.BOOMpirates.com B.O.O.M. Myspace page Dreamie on Renspace.com

My Interests

Pirates, Ren Faire, Improv, costuming, leather, wench bosom, blackpowder weaponry, sword fighting, Juggling, Hwa Rang Do, illustration, science and technology, philosophy, sociology, Thomas Wood, gargoyles, making people laugh, Wenches, hugging on unsuspecting victims, Sitting on unsuspecting knees, traveling to unknown locals, Thomas Wood, motorcycles, groping of random flintlocks, the scratching of animals, hiking, camping, driving speed boats, horticulture, gardening, snorkeling, body surfing, eyeing pretty leather, eyeing shiny objects, the documentary mental cataloging of fine physiques for illustratory purposes (I swear! harhar), sneaking up on things in the forest, climbing trees, Thomas Wood, looking concurrently innocent and devious, pirate sauntering, pirate loudness, pirate banter, Sea Chanties and Thomas Wood's Babies.

I'd like to meet:

Good honest people with a zest for life. I love meeting interesting and unique people, especially pirates and ren folk. If you dont have similar interests you should message me and let me know WHY I should add you.
-If I cant review your page before adding, I may not add you unless you tell me about yourself.


Pirate Sea Chanty Rock, Celtic, Jazz, Classical, Folk, most all others. No angry music.


Contact, Pleasantville, Shaolin Soccer, Memoirs of a Geisha, House of flying daggers, Kung-Fu Hustle, Pirates of the Caribbean, Dirty Shame, Meet the Feebles, V for Vendetta, Idiocracy


The Daily Show, South Park, Family Guy, Boondocks, Robot Chicken, Firefly, Heroes, Discovery Channel et al. My reality is WAY more interesting than any reality show.. they can all lick a rusty cutlass.


Ching Shih (19th c. Asia)- Legendary asian piratess who comanded a fleet of between 1,500 and 1,800 ships, including 80,000 pirates.

My Blog

The Hedonist Marines

What a wacky week. One day we dubbed "Training for the Hedonist Marines". This is about how the training regiment went: 40 winks (sexing and sleep, sexing and sleep. Until noon)! Now have go...
Posted by Dreamie on Sat, 19 May 2007 12:05:00 PST


Holy fuck I'm tired. This weekend Thomas had an audition for the REC faires (Bristol, NY, and to a much lesser extent, Southern). He was initially only supposed to be performing two shows on...
Posted by Dreamie on Mon, 07 May 2007 12:42:00 PST


I had a wacky dream a few nights ago. Sunday evening Thomas and I came home from working the festival so dead tired that we fell into what felt like a drug induced nap. We woke up a few hours later, ...
Posted by Dreamie on Wed, 02 May 2007 07:17:00 PST


This has to be the best photo ID picture I've ever had taken. Check this out: And it's pays for Koroneburg til 2012. Sweet. Hopefully I'll be posting some new pictures soon... at least in the coming...
Posted by Dreamie on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 06:59:00 PST

Purple Dragon 3

Also my new website design is live at www.dreamie.org
Posted by Dreamie on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 07:02:00 PST

Photo Blog

In the past week  I've taken a number of good shots so I thought I would share....As you can see we went to the opening weekend of Southern. It was fun though I never did find Jesus on Sunday. :P...
Posted by Dreamie on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 02:36:00 PST


The boredom these days is relentless.... For the past month Thomas has working 16 hour days as an extra in a Will Farrell movie about basketball and afros, so suffice it to say I run out of things to ...
Posted by Dreamie on Fri, 30 Mar 2007 02:22:00 PST

Bush and Dick

You have no idea how happy this makes me... Gay Bushisms Bush takes it like a man. Also some new Jeff Gannon info: Gannon stays in white house! Also refer back to my post Making Gannon Connections I...
Posted by Dreamie on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 07:58:00 PST

Heat Stroke

I'm back in Cali. This weekend we did the Palm Springs Faire.. it was fun but unfortunately Saturday I had the beginning symptoms of heat stroke. Thomas caught it when he administered a ...
Posted by Dreamie on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 02:22:00 PST


This last week a few friends and I came together and created a bawdy singing group called "Arbor Eos" (morning wood), and we sang at the Seattle Erotic Arts Festival. I got to wear a flapper dress, re...
Posted by Dreamie on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 08:37:00 PST