*First off, you can take the girl out of Stockton, but you can't take Stockton out of the girl.
*I love figure skating, ballet, costumes, porn, renaissance faire, drag queens, camping, nerds, and debauchery in general.
*I have been figure skating since I was 11 years old. Nothing makes me feel more fabulous than spandex, sequins, and tights. I love to do nothing more than spin in unnatural positions for hours on end.
*My mind is usually in the gutter. I channel the awesomeness that is Beavis and Butthead in that way I guess. Little parts of them live on inside my soul.
*Yes I have a job...and no I don't have kids. I wanted to make the most amount of money for the least amount of work...so I became a certified massage therapist. Unfortunately, I had to get a regular job to pay the bills. Me no like giving the happy ending to just anyone.
*When I grow up, I want to be an Embalmer. Think I'm kidding?
*I totally dig and appreciate toilet humor. I blame my older brother and his friends for that.
*I love the rain and fog.
*Someday I shall move up north along the coast. I really don't see myself living in SoCal for the long-term, as it's overly expensive, overcrowded, and there isn't enough of that thing called nature.
*Despite having a fucked up childhood, I've never done drugs...hell I've never even smoked a cigarette. My emotional scars manifested themselves into a cleaning OCD. But don't get me wrong. It's been years since I cleaned the oven.
*I moved from Stockton to Newport Beach in Febuary of 2006, and feel as if I'm on Mars. Stereotypes are alive and well. Coming from a girl who knows how to keep it real (yo), I sometimes wonder how the people here wipe their ass without having their maid do it.
*I met my boyfriend Chris on MySpace of all places. He truly is the man of my dreams, as well as my best friend. We like to think we're doing the world a favor by taking each other off the market.
*I am ONLY HERE TO MEET FRIENDS. Oh, and crazy people. So far it looks as if I'm off to a head start on that.
*With that said, I am unapologetic about my beliefs, lack thereof, viewpoints, sexuality, and sense of humor.