Barb-bee profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Well, after talking with friends again, i've not updated in a while so I was pressed to update my bio. I am 38!!!!, live in Chicago, sing in a female fronted rockabilly/r'n'r band called The Honeybees , (see also [email protected] ). Also Johnny Cash & June Carter Tribute , (see also [email protected] ) and am 1 of 2 backup vocalists for The Del Moroccos. Another side project is my co-singer from Honeybees and I record on a Swiss record label (Blue Lake Records) under the name "the Wuanabees". And finally, am 1 of a 4 part harmony group called "the She-Demons". Although that had it's debut this past VLV 2008, we hope to do more projects down the road.
I own my own home, used to own my own coffee shop called MoJoe's HOT HOUSE, am a Southwest Airlines Flight Attendant, and book shows sometimes. I love the beach and sun, I love singing, I love traveling and I do so at least once a month even if it's just a nearby city like Memphis or Milwaukee. I spend most of my time on The Honeybees, Coffee, and lately-Europe. I discovered Europe was the new hook for me. For many reasons including a REALLY GREAT RELATIONSHIP. The Honeybees finished the buzzzzzyest year ever. Spain, France, Switzerland, Vegas, Greenbay, Montreal, and joined the El Toro Records family. But we also have a busy year ahead. Co-singer and I played with peers in Austria/Germany over Halloween 2006, where I became part of another project, Johnny Cash/June Carter Tribute Show. I also am a backup in The Del Moroccos(Chicago) And I added the Southwest Airlines Flight Attendant to my list of careers! whew! And look out for the She-Demons.

My Interests

Coffee, coffee, coffee, music, music, music, movies, movies, movies, restaurants, drummers, guitar players, Wuanabees, Honybees, Cash Carter Tribute that i'm in, beaches, Europe, L.A., Seattle, Chicago, fantasies, chocolate, singing, singing, singing, drinking with friends, sushi, travel, travel, travel, boys, girlfriends, and new experiences. A lot of music and making new friends.

I'd like to meet:

I'm not sure who I wanna meet. Probably people who'll come to our shows and support our music. I guess that means people who like the same stuff. People who like me. Crazy people too!


The Honeybees (of course), The Wuanabees, Johnny Cash & June Carter Tribute, Chuck Berry, Etta, Ella, Keely, Brenda Lee, Big Sandy, Nick Curran, The Bellfuries, Mars Attacks, Dawn Shipley, The Casey Sisters, She-Demons, The Donettes, The Go-Getters, The Ranch Girls, Ray Condo, Jump Blues - Wynonie especially, any DooWop, Holly Golightly, Morcheeba, The Darkness, Social D, Rancid, Rock STeady! (almost forgot that), Desmond Decker, Otis Redding, Sam Cooke, Rolling Stones, Kinks, Hank Williams (for sure), lots of punk rock, a lot of rockabilly but too many more to mention....


Singles, Pee Wee, Breakfast Club, Ferris Beuler's in fact, John Hughes period. Clueless, Patsy Cline story, Buddy HOlly story, Back To The Future, School of Rock!, Zoolander!, ......hmmm. I guess lots of High School movies and funny movies that involve rock n roll, or just off the beaten path. But I also like a good IFC film....


Seinfeld, Simpsons, South Park, Sex and The City, Real World, Road Rules (will always be loyal), and cable TV which is mostly movies. Not much on the TV.


i don't get to read as much as I'd like to. I've been carrying the same book for almost 4 months now. But when I do, I'd rather it be a bio on some musician i love or a topic I can learn about. No novels or Fiction. Learning Languages! or at least trying with books.


myself. ha, kidding, though I like myself. hmm. gotta think about that one.

My Blog

my ex-sister-in-law

i just got this photo.i have to say, one of my best friends ever to date is still my sister-in-law. My ex's twin sister. She was married recently in 2007 and i was the maid of honor. The biggest honor...
Posted by Barb-bee on Fri, 09 May 2008 04:59:00 PST

New Years Eve @ Horseshoe !!!!!!

Hosted By: The Honeybees When: Monday Dec 31, 2007 at 9:00 PMWhere: The Horseshoe4115 N. Lincoln AveChicago, IL 60618United StatesDescription:The Honeybees Click Here To View Event...
Posted by Barb-bee on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 07:04:00 PST

The Charleston, Nick Curran, Tommy R, Garrett..

In vain of my sister, Caroline Casey, i post a blog because i want to be just like her! I'm working as little as possible, going out as much as possible. I'm beginning a new. i'm hitting a solo career...
Posted by Barb-bee on Sun, 28 Oct 2007 01:42:00 PST

Honeybees Thanksgiving

the honeybeesthe hot rod huckstersthe possum holler boys@ fitzgeralds (side bar)Wednesday, November 22nd, 9:30pmgood time!!!!
Posted by Barb-bee on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 09:37:00 PST


Thank you Hohenems, Austria! Thank you Lindau, Germany! Both shows were great! Fantastic! Hohenems was bigger than i thought. over 650 people from different countries showed up! the stage sounded grea...
Posted by Barb-bee on Thu, 02 Nov 2006 08:22:00 PST

well, well, well

anybody read my blogs? probalby not. been a looooooooooooonng time since i wrote. where do i start? i'm exhausted. the 2nd cafe is working and i can't believe it! Just finished recording the 2nd Honey...
Posted by Barb-bee on Sat, 26 Aug 2006 07:20:00 PST

The Rockabilly Rave UK

Well, I usually take a trip almost every month or every other month. this has been the longest space between in a while for me. BUT!, none the less, i'm off to see more euro's at the 10th Rave in Suss...
Posted by Barb-bee on Tue, 07 Mar 2006 06:53:00 PST

Austin, TX

Just got home from Austin, TX where i spent 2 fabulous days with my friend Caroline Casey. I saw all my friends in one spot! The Continental. The Two Timin' Three, Shaun Young, Deke Dickerson played j...
Posted by Barb-bee on Tue, 08 Nov 2005 08:57:00 PST

Spain, France, Switzerland

I'm so sad to be back home!!! i love Nice, France and I wanna move there! So rachel and I get to volunteer in Philly to be moved to another flight toward London for a longer layover but we get first c...
Posted by Barb-bee on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Green Bay 2005

Okay.......finally got over the Green Bay Flu (formerly known as the Vegas Flu) It was the worst I've been in years and sounds like a huge portion got the same. Thank goodness it waited til the end! G...
Posted by Barb-bee on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST