The Knuckletones are proof that good will and a sense of humor can take you pretty far, even -or especially- if you're not really trying.So, I booked a gig without having a band. I managed to talk my talented friends from all over the country into being a part of my fake band based on the simple premise that there'd just be this one gig at Indy (David Loher's Rockabilly Rebel Weekend, for you sticklers). A few simple rocking tunes, a couple practice sessions that gave us an excuse to hang out in some very scenic locations, and a spot at the event in 2005.Then I got most of them back, plus one, to do it one more time again in 2006. It was my 10th time at the event, my first in '97 I was a kid just weeks out of High School, and it meant the world to me.2008 was going to be a whole new thing, with girls singing and a couple new guys and some Soul songs, a real New Phase. But alas, not to be. The economy and maybe the shifting sands of underground culture got the big summer party called off.It's been suggested we do some gigs besides Indy, but I can't go for that. Anybody who has been in a band will tell you, it gets to be a drag. Playing a pizza joint on a tuesday just doesn't appeal to me these days, but Indy in my mind is Madison Square Garden. Other events are glitzier and bigger, but none has Indy's Heart and Soul.So to everyone in on the joke, to everyone who can take a joke, and most of all to Dave and Lenny-Thank You. Thank you, and here's hoping that we get to do it all again.Thanks for the memories,
Rocko Jerome
My Interests
Member Since: 5/27/2005
Band Members: THE KNUCKLETONESRocko JeromeJames VentrellaColonel JacksonDonnie Briggsy
Nick Guitar
Nick BushRachel Decker
Barb Clifford
Little Rachel
Type of Label: Indie