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Time of the Faeries book is out and available!

About Me

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Our Newly Published Book! Fall 2006 Publication - Released February 14, 2007!

We've been working hard toward this goal and we will work even harder in the coming months, but we did it! Joseph Corsentino's faeries is in the new art book Time of the Faeries, published by Imaginosis , the same people who bring to you all the grand book by Brian Froud, Wendy Froud, and Brom!

You can now order the book through . In the UK? International order? You can get the book from I Do Believe

About me

I have a new kitten! She keeps us up all night nibbling on ears, arms, toes, everything! But she's so cute!

I am a very busy school teacher. That's my nice way of saying, "I chose to become an urban educator, a soldier on the battlefield of social equity, and everyday is a glorious, though exhausting, fight." I'm into this arrogant self-deprecating thing. My dear boyfriend likes to say that I overcompensate. I do.

Currently, I not only teach little third graders, I'm also preparing to teach teachers. I was hurrying down the hallway one day when one of the administrator tapped my shoulder and asked me to attend a seminar to represent the school. Okay. No big deal. Eight days? Okay, not happy about that, but I understood that not too many other teachers at my school were willing to put out time and effort to improve our student body, so I agreed. I showed up to the meeting and discovered that I'm there to train to become a trainer in order to present this three days professional development course to the other teachers. In two weeks. I have two more days of training to go.

Actually, I just pulled off a coup at my school site. I am now officially (or will be in the next school year) the union representative! Alright! That's a crap load of stuff to do to organize the teachers and right the wrongs left behind by a too-lazy representative...but there will be progress, no matter how small!

That's my day job. In the afternoon, I magically transform into photographer's assistant. I've discovered new talents in myself: costume making, marketing, and lighting. Especially love costume making. I can make some pretty wacky stuff. Take a look at Joseph's site at . Quite a lot of those costumes are of Joseph's design, but my construction. Oh yeah baby!

So, why am I here on myspace? Always looking for more networking connection! Photographers, artists, musicians, marketers, teachers, poets, whatever. Also, turns out that alot of my friends and family are on Myspace now and I don't want to be left out. Cause I'm like that. A born conformist. Yup.

In the time when I'm NOT working heavily, which, I must admit, doesn't occur very often, I rather enjoy reading, sleeping, eating, cooking, reading, playing RPGs, hassling hapless people, knitting, reading, and vacuuming the floor.

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My Interests

The new Time of the Faeries video is here! Watch and pass along.

And this is the BEST Transformers (the original) review I've ever seen.

I'd like to meet:

Friends and colleagues. Contacts and confidants.


The should turn Good Omens into a movie, damn it!