God profile picture


God Almighty Welcomes and Embraces You, Now BEHAVE

About Me

I'm Everything. The Creator, the All-Seeing, the All-Powerful, etc. It's pretty cool, actually, but not always. For instance people RARELY pay attention to me, they go back on their agreements all the time. That sucks. I mean you'd think they'd APPRECIATE all I've done, but whatever.

My Interests

I'm interested in EVERYTHING. I'm EVERYWHERE. And now, I'm even on MySpace. Maybe now someone will start paying attention!

I'd like to meet:

You. Afterwards. At my place. But it's up to you. And remember, I've been watching!


I like the Bee Gees. Always did. Monk music too. And Gospel. Choirs are good. Handel...Wow. Never liked harpsichords, and for some reason people think I do. Well I don't. I like Enya as a person. Whale songs are nice. And a mother's lullabies.But mostly the Bee Gees.


I like it when they turn my book into a movie.
"The Ten Commandments" was fairly accurate, but Moses was no Charleton Heston. He was actually a little guy who stuttered a lot. True story!
"The Bible" was pretty good. That George C. Scott was something.
"The Real Old Testament" was silly. Silly silly silly. But maybe the kids'll like it: realoldtestament.com


I don't have time for televison. And you shouldn't either. Go to temple! Do good works! Come on already!


The Torah, The Old Testament of The Bible, other sacred texts...but I'm really not much of a reader.



My Blog

Check out my new Video Blog!!!

Posted by God on Tue, 31 Jan 2006 09:35:00 PST