Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor
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Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor
Playin' guitar and singin' in my kickass outlaw band, Bullitt County, comin' soon to a roadhouse or dive-bar near you! Also, I'm a horror junkie (movies, books, comics, toys, you name it). I like old cars (American, thank you), politics , video games, super-hero comics , and lots of other crap.
Anyone who has the sense to be able to have a good time without having to push their beliefs on me, political or religious (I'm atheist and happy about it). People who can discuss world affairs or good literature, and then turn around and laugh at a fart. Oh, and this here is one hot, Hot, HAWT woman!!
I like just about any genre (except that "emo" crap), but my favorites would be rockabilly, country (the real stuff, not Shania Twain, blecchh!), hard rock (Nashville Pussy , AC/DC, Motorhead, Supersuckers, THE FOUR HORSEMEN , etc.), and true metal (Korn can go to hell; gimme any day). Also, there's some damn fine hard-ass Southern Rock-type shit out there (Artimus Pyledriver , Honky, Bionic, Dixie Witch, Pumpjack, Throwrag, Custom Made Scare, Murdock) that I highly recommend everyone check out. And don't let the word Southern scare ya off, these bands fuckin' RAWK!!! Oh, and of course, let's not forget THE BLUES BROTHERS!!!!!
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (all of 'em), From Dusk 'Till Dawn, Dead Poet's Society, To Kill a Mockingbird, Star Wars (parts 3, 4, 5, and 6; 1 and 2 are utter crap. For shame, George Lucas, for shame!), Spider-man, Spider-man 2, The Punisher (both versions), any Spaghetti Western, Kurosawa films, and lately, the Kill Bill movies are my favorite things in the world.
Daily Show, Harvey Birdman, Wondershowzen, Family Guy, Simpsons, and the best show ever, WEST WING!!!
The two best books I've ever read are Harper Lee's "To Kill a Mockingbird" and Stephen King's "Wizard and Glass." Lately, I've also discovered Elmore Leonard and Carl Hiassen, and I really enjoyed Al Franken's "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them."
Ben Franklin, Dale Watson, Steve Earle, Edward R. Murrow, Bill Moyers, Molly Ivins, All three Hanks,