- Profuse originally Grindroller was found as an industrial project of Pete (ex-Way down) and Marko in late summer 2002 - Pasi joined in with his bass and Viljami got in as a singer - The music style ended up to be a mix of grunge and industrial-metal - The first demo was released in the beginning of 2003 - In early year 2005 Viljami was replaced with Mirka (backround mainly in hard rock) and the band started to figure out the way of making their music - Three-song-demo was released in May 2005 - In autumn 2005 the idea of replacing the computer music with synths was born and so did Jouni (Yearning´s session member) join the band in January 2006 - The common style from rock metal and alternative was smootly found and the demo "Don't be blind" was released in June 2006 - Everyone in Profuse are doing their part in creating music and they're progressing all the time while going further
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