Tuonenpolku profile picture


...resting place, Tomb of forgotten king...

About Me

The first steps of Tuonenpolku were taken in the town Riihimäki on the second half of the nineties. Throught the years band has travelled under several different names and lineups. There has been several session musicians in and out the bands but the founding members have remained as the backbone of all the phases that these bands went throught. Few demos were made on the way. Music and the lyrics themselves have changed a lot and allmost nothing remained the same. Many roads and years we have travelled since those distant days of 1996. Considering all that has happened it is fair to say that Tuonenpolku was actually formed in the year 2007. The founder members were Mr.A.M (vocals, guitars) and Mr.A.T (bassguitars, backing vocals). In the search for the aggressive enough drummer the founders came across with Sotakoneisto. He was recruited to the band on the summer 2007. Tuonenpolku released their brand new EP "Kärsijä" on Finlands independence day 6.12.2007. The release was part of the celebration of our countrys history and past generations. A lot has changed since the early days of these musicians but their passion for metal remains. ____________________________________________________________ _(For contacts email: [email protected]) ____________________________________________________________ _ TUONENPOLKUs Dog tag ____________________________________________________________ _Music for free download: www.mikseri.net/tuonenpolku

My Interests


Member Since: 11/6/2007
Band Website: tuonenpolku.cjb.net
Band Members: Mr. A.M : Vocals & Guitars Mr. A.T : Bassguitars, KanteleSotakoneisto: Drums
Influences: They say that when man is young he is most vulnerable for influences. So our greatest influences come mainly from the nineties' music scene. Sure, there are many powerful and awesome bands playing these days too.A few artists that have had an influence on our doings follow:Barathrum, Black Sabbath, Edge of Sanity, Ajattara, Bolt Thrower, Impaled Nazarene, etc.
Sounds Like: Fast moving riffs that create a raw and primitive death metal atmosphere. Tales about things beyond this world and our eternal struggle against the powers that enslave us. Stories of forgotten wars, broken promises and our innermost sufferings.
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Reviews of "Kärsijä" EP

IN ENGLISH (freely translated)Miasma metal magazine:"...groove train is pushing towars..""...half of the songs are in Finnish and half in English..""...Tuonenpolku is worth keeping in mind..."&nb...
Posted by Tuonenpolku on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 05:25:00 PST

Tuonenpolku on "X-Stage Demoverkko"

Hail!Things are moving and Tuonenpolku has launched new page on Finnish "X-Stage" pages for demo music. Plese visit =)http://x-stage.yle.fi/tuonenpolkuTuonenpolku Mr. A.M...
Posted by Tuonenpolku on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 01:18:00 PST

Tuonenpolku part of BANnedD Production

Tuonenpolku has been added part of new BANneD Production webpages.BANneD production is Finish group that provide pages for bands.. please check them out!http://www.bannedproduction.net/artistlinks.htm...
Posted by Tuonenpolku on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 12:42:00 PST

While in studio...

Hail!Tuonenpolku has decided to release previously unreleased (in MySpace) track named "Revenge of the Beast" for you to hear. Let beast torn you apart!MP3:www.mikseri.net/tuonenpolkuNettisivut / Webs...
Posted by Tuonenpolku on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 10:44:00 PST

Recording is on the way

Tuonenpolku has recorded new material for new song. The track is H.P.Lovecraft inspired Cthulhu Mythos based song. Material is kind of doomish, slow and raw. The way we like it! Stay tuned for upcomin...
Posted by Tuonenpolku on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 04:30:00 PST

Recording has begun! Atlantean rising...

Greetings from studio.Tuonenpolku entered in studio Fennia to record new material. First song to the coming, yet unnamed album. There is new elements comparing to the previous material. This is music ...
Posted by Tuonenpolku on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 08:05:00 PST

Composing new material!!

Hello!Tuonenpolku is currently composing new material and is about to record it on begin of 2008. Keep on waitin'.... We shall return!Happy new year!TuonenpolkuMr. A.M
Posted by Tuonenpolku on Sun, 30 Dec 2007 09:51:00 PST

About section updated

Updates!Check out our About Tuonenpolku section. It has been updated!TuonenpolkuMr. A.M
Posted by Tuonenpolku on Fri, 28 Dec 2007 02:47:00 PST

Free Music for download!!!

Hail!Tuonenpolku has launched mikseri.net website! Tracks from "Kärsijä" EP are free to download there!Visit Tuonenpolkus mikseri pages for downloading some kick ass music at: ...
Posted by Tuonenpolku on Fri, 21 Dec 2007 01:50:00 PST

Metal Archives!

Tuonenpolku has been inducted on the Metal Archives by some very cool person!Visit metal archives at:  http://www.metal-archives.com/index.phpThank you!TuonenpolkuMr.A.M...
Posted by Tuonenpolku on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 11:47:00 PST