Masque of Betrayal - !trazimo bubnjara! profile picture

Masque of Betrayal - !trazimo bubnjara!

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Masque of Betrayal - Agony (live)

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Serbian Bio -
Sve je pocelo u zimu 2004, kada su Drazen Djordjevic (solo gitara), Ivan Bajovic (bubnjevi) i njegov rodjeni brat Bosko (ritam gitara) odlucili da oforme bend. U tom trenutku su svi bili pocetnici ali su imali veliku zelju i volju za sviranjem i sto je najbitnije je da su svi voleli rock i metal. Ostatak ekipe se polako skupljao tako da se postava prosirila dolaskom Mitra Pejovica (gitara), Borislava Kuge (klavijature), Slobodana Zarkovica (bas) i Bozidara Miladinovica (vokal). Ova postava nije dugo trajala pa je na mesto basiste dosao Bosko Bajovic a kao novi pevac se bendu prikljucio Branislav Bane Avramovic. Od tog trenutka, bend se vise posvecuje radu na autorskim pesmama i pocinje sa prvim svirkama...
Muzika koju svira bend "Masque Of Betrayal" se moze svrstati u Melodic Progressive Death Metal. Kao inspiracija su nam posluzili razni bendovi - Dark Tranquillity, In Flames, Children Of Bodom, Arch Enemy, Symphony X, Opeth, Iced Earth, Dream Theater, Nevermore, Andromeda, Evergrey, Edge Of Sanity, Skyfire, Cannibal Corpse, Helloween, Eternal Tears of Sorrow... Bend je od novembra 2005 godine pa do sada imao mnogo svirki i zapazenih nastupa na takmicenjima. Neki od njih su nastupi na gitarijadama u Zajecaru, Kuli, Vrbasu, Ratkovu i na Star Guitar Fest-u. Na ovim takmicenjima MoB su svirali medju najboljim bendovima Srbije danas.
Novo poglavlje Masque of Betrayal je pocelo! U postavu je dosao novi mladi genije za bubnjevima Zoltan Simon i sada bend naporno radi na novim autorskim pesmama i nastavlja snimanje demoa. Zapamtite ovo nije kraj price vec tek pocetak!
English Bio-
It all started in winter of 2004, when Drazen Djordjevic (solo guitar), Ivan Bajovic (drums) and his brother Bosko (rhythm guitar) decided to form a band. In that moment they were at our beginning stage but they had great potential and strong will to play, and they all loved rock and metal. Other members came quickly in early "rehearsal" lineup. Mitar Pejovic (guitar), Borislav Kuga (keyboards), Slobodan Zarkovic (bass) and Bozidar Miladinovic (vocals). But this lineup changed soon so Bosko Bajovic started to play bass and vocals were handled by new member Branislav Bane Avramovic. From that moment band mainly concentrated to gig more and work on own songs...
Music which "Masque Of Betrayal" plays can be described as Melodic Progressive Death Metal. As our inspiration we take bands like Dark Tranquillity, In Flames, Children Of Bodom, Arch Enemy, Symphony X, Opeth, Iced Earth, Dream Theater, Nevermore, Andromeda, Evergrey, Edge Of Sanity, Skyfire, Cannibal Corpse, Helloween, Eternal Tears of Sorrow... Band had first gig in November 2005 and after that many gigs followed, also as noticeble shows at guitar contests at Zajecar, Kula, Vrbas, Ratkovo and Star Guitar Fest. Here MoB played among/with Serbia's best bands today.
New chapter of Masque of Betrayal has begun! There's a new young genius behind the drums in the band and his name is Zoltan Simon. Now band is working even harder , making and rehearsing lot of fresh NEW songs. Also band is continuig recording new demo. Remember this is not the end of story, it's just the beggining!
Rekli su o Masque of Betrayal:

They've said about Masque of Betrayal:
" Masque of Betrayal is a melodic progressive death metal sextet from the Balkan state of Serbia. The band is in a process of recording new demo material. In the days of preparations to this interview I discovered more how great this unit is. Their music is so intense and filled with energy that you feel like blown away. I urge anyone to read this interview carefully and give this young & productive band a chance to prove what they are capable of. You won’t be disappointed. "
- Metal Revolution Webzine intro to interview

My Interests


Member Since: 8/27/2006
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Muzika koju svira bend "Masque Of Betrayal" se moze svrstati u Melodic Progressive DeathMetal. Kao inspiracija su nam posluzili razni bendovi - Dark Tranquillity, In Flames,Children Of Bodom, Arch Enemy, Symphony X, Opeth, Iced Earth, Dream Theater, Nevermore,Andromeda, Evergrey, Edge Of Sanity, Skyfire, Cannibal Corpse, Helloween, Eternal Tears ofSorrow... Bend je od novembra 2005 godine pa do sada imao mnogo svirki i zapazenih nastupana takmicenjima. Neki od njih su nastupi na gitarijadama u Zajecaru, Kuli, Vrbasu, Ratkovu ina Star Guitar Fest-u. Na ovim takmicenjima MoB su svirali medju najboljim bendovima Srbijedanas. Novo poglavlje Masque of Betrayal je pocelo! Bend naporno radi na novim autorskimpesmama i nastavlja snimanje demoa. Zapamtite ovo nije kraj price vec tek pocetak!


Music which "Masque Of Betrayal" plays can be described as Melodic Progressive Death Metal.As our inspiration we take bands like Dark Tranquillity, In Flames, Children Of Bodom, ArchEnemy, Symphony X, Opeth, Iced Earth, Dream Theater, Nevermore, Andromeda, Evergrey, Edge OfSanity, Skyfire, Cannibal Corpse, Helloween, Eternal Tears of Sorrow... Band had first gigin November 2005 and after that many gigs followed, also as noticeble shows at guitarcontests at Zajecar, Kula, Vrbas, Ratkovo and Star Guitar Fest. Here MoB played among/withSerbia's best bands today. New chapter of Masque of Betrayal has begun! Now band is working even harder , makingand rehearsing lot of fresh NEW songs. Also band is continuig recording new demo. Rememberthis is not the end of story, it's just the beggining!
They've said about Masque of Betrayal:

" Masque of Betrayal is a melodic progressive death metal sextet from the Balkan state ofSerbia. The band is in a process of recording new demo material. In the days of preparationsto this interview I discovered more how great this unit is. Their music is so intense andfilled with energy that you feel like blown away. I urge anyone to read this interviewcarefully and give this young & productive band a chance to prove what they are capable of.You won’t be disappointed. "
- Metal RevolutionWebzine intro to interview
" This band manages to take metal to a level that is rarely heard in this genre. Thisband is called "Masque of Betrayal". This kind of musical expertise and adventurism onlygrows from a garden nourished by serious minded musicians. Band "Masque of Betrayal" hasfound the perfect balance between the commercial aspects of heavy metal music and theability to gain respect from the musical community as a whole. And that is hard to findduring a time when so many metal bands are made ofplastic."
- "The Spotlight Zone"
" Take some deep, gritty guitars, add some steady pounding drums, some bass, garnish withsome keyboards, synths and some rasping vocals then mix together with some black/death metalelements and some almost Opeth sounding progressions. Thats what this song will offer you,and it will deliver it in style. All you need to do is take a listen and enjoy."
- reviewed Masque of Betrayal song


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Sounds Like: !End Style Block For Hiding Elements on Band Page!:
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Nova pesma na profilu! - New song uploaded on profile!CHECK!

-  -  Nova pesma upload-ovana! -  -  Cao svima!!!Nova pesma "(Clinical) Death"  je upload-ovana na MoB MySpace profil pa slobodno posetite, poslusajte i komentarisite!Stay met...
Posted by Masque of Betrayal - !trazimo bubnjara! on Sun, 18 Nov 2007 04:14:00 PST

MoB trazi bubnjara! <> MoB is looking for drummer!

Zoltan Simon je odlucio da napusti MASQUE OF BETRAYAL i da se posveti samo svom bendu... tako daMASQUE OF BETRAYAL OPET TRAZI NOVOG BUBNJARA!Uslovi su da je bubnjar naprednog nivoa, mora posedovati sv...
Posted by Masque of Betrayal - !trazimo bubnjara! on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 03:01:00 PST

MoB svirka - Metalorokanje 10.7.2007. <> MoB gig 10.7.2007.

Posted by Masque of Betrayal - !trazimo bubnjara! on Thu, 05 Jul 2007 07:27:00 PST

Nova pesma upload-ovana! <> New song uploaded!

 -  -  Nova pesma upload-ovana! -  -  Nova pesma "Masque of Betrayal"  je upload-ovana na MoB MySpace profil pa slobodno posetite, poslusajte i komentarisite! Stay metal!...
Posted by Masque of Betrayal - !trazimo bubnjara! on Fri, 29 Jun 2007 12:33:00 PST

MoB zvanicno ima novog bubnjara!!! <-> It's official! MoB has a new drummer!!!

MoB zvanicno ima novog bubnjara!!!Tako je! Od danas Masque of Betrayal zvanicno ima novog bubnjara!Njegovo ime je Zoltan Simon i posle nekoliko proba je odlucio da se pridruzi bendu. Jako nam je drago...
Posted by Masque of Betrayal - !trazimo bubnjara! on Mon, 21 May 2007 06:47:00 PST

Postavljen MoB video! - MoB video uploaded!

Postavljen je video sa live nastupa Masque of Betrayal!..Slobodno posetite myspace stranicu i pogledajte video!---------------------------------------------We uploaded video from our live Masque of Be...
Posted by Masque of Betrayal - !trazimo bubnjara! on Wed, 16 May 2007 03:20:00 PST

MoB u The Spotlight Zone na!<->MoB in The Spotlight Zone at!

MoB u The Spotlight Zone na!Masque of Betrayal su se nasli u specijalnom clanku  "The Spotlight Zone" na!!!Posetite i procitajte clanak na sledecoj adr...
Posted by Masque of Betrayal - !trazimo bubnjara! on Fri, 04 May 2007 07:10:00 PST

MoB intervju za!!! <-> MoB interviewed by!!

Drazen iz Masque of Betrayal je bio intervjuisan od strane zinea! Evo linka ka intervjuu pa ga slobodno procitajte!!! p?content.568Po...
Posted by Masque of Betrayal - !trazimo bubnjara! on Sun, 29 Apr 2007 08:56:00 PST

MoB svira na Star Guitar FESTu!<<->>MoB will play @ Star Guitar FEST!

MoB svira na Star Guitar FESTu!Kao sto naslov kaze Masque of Betrayal ce nastupiti na Star Guitar Festu koji cebiti odrzan u subotu 28 aprila 2007 u Kuli, Cafe Bioskop Duga! Ovo ce biti oprostajna svi...
Posted by Masque of Betrayal - !trazimo bubnjara! on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 02:56:00 PST

MoB trazi bubnjara! - We are searching for a drummer!

Kao sto naslov kaze, trazimo novog bubnjara posto je Ivan Bajovic odlucio da vise ne svira u Masque of Betrayal.Razlozi su manje vise poznati i izgleda da je ovako najbolje za obe strane.Ivanu zelimo ...
Posted by Masque of Betrayal - !trazimo bubnjara! on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 06:42:00 PST