JAMES HOLROYD mice pace profile picture



About Me

james holroyd has always had OCD when it comes to collecting records!!To him it is a weird and wonderful world..influences to his music are insatiably searched and loved and manifest themselves in a unique sonic way.His sinewaves have led him to have a longstanding affiliation to some very successful clubs. He has been resident DJ at the legendary BACK TO BASICS and BUGGED OUT since their inceptions.They have been going for a while now!!In fact both were started before 1994.Basics is the longest running dance music club night in Britain and won Best Club award for 2006 in DJ Mag for its forays in the superb MYHOUSE venue. He has also been tour DJ for the infamous CHEMICAL BROTHERS for over a decade. He is currently DJing as part of their their WE ARE THE NIGHT tour which is currently gearing up to a visit to Olympia in London(not in Beijing)...So he has plenty of places to air his vinyls.Aswell as his regular BASICS and BUGGEDOUT! slots he has regularly played guest slots nationwide and internationally.BUGGED OUT! has also returned to its spiritual home of Sankeys Soap in Manchester.Get down there! There is also and upcoming GARDEN FESTIVAL in croatia which according to all who attended is blissful.Basics are hosting a nite there. On top of djing james also makes music.He re edits tracks as part of his dj sets and also creates his own music.The four offerings on the player(above) are 'dismantled' edits of his own tracks.. bodytable table { border: 0px; } table table table table{ border:0px; } table table table { border-width: 05px; border-color: rgb(30, 31, 15); border-style: solid; background-color: transparent; } table table table td { background-color: rgb(255,255,255); filter:alpha(100); -moz-opacity:1; opacity:1; -khtml-opacity:1; } table table table table td { filter:none; }

My Interests


Member Since: 6/27/2007
Band Website: remantlemusic.com(in progress)
Influences: SiNeWaVeS
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Chair execution

soar head! Well,the Electric Chair was what i would call perfect.Sweaty,dark,happy peeps.Had the honour of playing for the last hour and it was proper heaven.Thanks to all who attended(it was sold o...
Posted by JAMES HOLROYD mice pace on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 02:29:00 PST