Prophetess Dr. Debbie Davis have been in ministry for 26yrs
and is Founder Of
"Faith Revelation Outreach Ministries" in 2000At the early age of 18, Dr. Debbie accepted the Lord as her saviour and recieved the gift of the holy spirit under the leadership of the late Bishop Mattie B. Poole and Bishop Lee of Chicago, IL. Later God move her back home to Montgomery, Alabama where she would pastor and start serveral ministries which would include the "Sistah 2 Sistah Outreach Ministries,Sistah2Sistah Tv Show. Family Advocacy Community and Educational Services (FACES)(Accomplishments and Career Highlights)-Dr.Debbie Davis has obtain a (Mediation & Advocacy) (Mediation & Advocacy)
-Diploma in (Computerized office Technologhy)
-Doctor of Divinity
-Pastoral Counserlor license
Dr.Debbie Davis has Coordinated and planned various extracurricular for "at risk" youth and their families, she has developed and Implemented:*Teen Summit for youth and families in the welfare and mental health systems
*Summer Programs for at-risk youth
*Youth advocate group
*Temporary Crisis Housing program
*Food & Clothing Program
*Christmas & Thanksgiving Programs
*Recreation program for families and youth with disabilities
*Assisstance in the welfare and mental health systems as an advocate and a mendiator in the court system many other development and Implement of programs
Outstanding school sprit 08/86/90- Certificate of Recognition 08/86/99-Certificate of Appreciation 94/99- Certificate of Accomplishment02-Who's who in American Business99/02-International Who's who of professional and Business women02- PTA President98/02-Montgomery County Council Of PTA"S99(child advocacy award)-Community Partner (Central Alabama Health)97-Golden Rule Award (Certificate of Appreciation)98 and Community Association Chaplin(Sorority),Phi Beta Lambda