Apostle Lionel E. Brown Jr.
is the founder, Chief Apostle, and Presiding Prelate of Church on the Rock True Holiness of the Apostolic Faith, Inc. Worldwide headquartered in Providence, Rhode Island. He is a much sought after keynote speaker and Gospel preacher. In this last day, God has afforded the body of Christ to embrace the presence of true apostles, whereas Apostle Brown is one, unique of many. Apostle Brown has ministered extensively across the East Coast for over sixteen years. He has been privileged to have received teaching from the late Bishop Pauline Benton, the Prelate of St. Matthew Household of Faith Pentecostal Holiness, Inc. and Bishop Vanessa Brown, Bishop Benton's successor. As he grew in God and remained faithful, Apostle Brown was ordained Elder and was charged to a greater work. He continued to progress and moved to the South. After hearing the voice of the Lord he stepped out and birthed the great organization, Church on the Rock, and in the month of December and the year 1995, he preached his first sermon as the Overseer of this great movement. He began to cover other churches and in July 1997, Apostle Brown was consecrated to the Bishopric by Bishop Alice Totten of Solid Rock True Holiness Churches of the Apostolic Faith, Inc. On October 23, 2004, Apostle Brown was publicly affirmed an Apostle of the Lord's Church, by Apostle J. Shawn Urquhart and Apostle Robert L. Robinson, and is still, with an even greater strive working hard for the Lord. Apostle Lionel E. Brown, Jr. is also the Co-Founder of the Rhema Covenant Fellowship where he serves as the Second Presiding Prelate, under the leadership of Apostle Robert L. Robinson, a great preacher and proclaimer of the Word of God. He is also a gifted teacher and anointed revelator of the hidden mysteries of God.
Presently, Apostle Lionel E. Brown, Jr. is the founder and Senior Pastor of the Church on the Rock (Headquarters Church) in Providence, Rhode Island, along with his wife and Pastor, Elect-Lady Carla A. Brown. Apostle and Pastor Brown are the proud parents of six beautiful children; Lionel Eugene III, Amanda, Leonard Rashaad, Shonte', Ariana and David; and many, many other Spiritual sons and daughters.
Overall Apostle Brown is a man of integrity, character, grace, and anointing. He is anointed for this time and possesses a "right now" Word for the Body of Christ. Called to the five-fold ministry, Apostle Brown envelops the authority of the Apostle, the accuracy of the Prophet, the intensity of the Evangelist, the love of the Pastor, and the experience of the Teacher; but most of all he exemplifies the heart of God, which continues to make him a humble and obedient servant-leader of the Most High God.Pastor Carla Brown was born in Bronx, New York on September 28, 1975 at Bronx Lebanon Hospital, to her proud parents Mrs. Jacqueline White and Mr. Arthur Burrells. After living in New York for several years Pastor Brown moved with her family to Providence R.I where she lived for many years beginning and completing her education through the high school level.
In the blessed year of our Lord 1990 while living in Rhode Island, Pastor Brown received the Holy Ghost under the leadership of the late Bishop Pauline Benton, the Presiding Prelate of St. Matthew Household of Faith Inc. On April 25th 1992 Pastor Carla Brown married Lionel E. Brown Jr., who now serves as the Presiding Prelate of Church on the Rock Inc. God has blessed this continuing union of now 14 years with six beautiful children Lionel E. Brown III, Amanda Brown, Leonard Brown, Shonte’ Brown, Ariana and David Brown.
Believing God and supporting her husband Pastor Brown moved to Mt Airy North Carolina in October of 1995 where she became her husband’s and the ministry’s main supporter. Under the leadership of her husband she has been ordained minister and evangelist while touching many lives as the Elect Lady of the ministry.
Through continuing her education and receiving several certificates in early childhood development, Pastor Brown has developed a passion for her own daycare as well as a teen mother center for teenage mothers, and until this day she still pursues it without tiring.
Pastor Brown since September of 2002 has re-established her residency in the state of Rhode Island and now Pastors the headquarter Church of this great ministry Church on the Rock T.H.A.F. Inc. Worldwide, under the leadership of her husband and God’s chosen vessel Apostle Lionel E. Brown Jr. God has blessed Pastor Brown to touch the lives of many, and to many she has become a loving mother figure; to some naturally and others spiritually, but she thanks God the same, for them all...
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