New album "City Dreams" released on iTunes |
Hey friends,- the new Skantkin Album "City Dreams" is now avalible on iTunes and ready for download.As some of you know there have been some confution about the release-date, but now its finally here.... Posted by Skantkin on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 11:56:00 PST |
..-back from London.. |
Hello friends,- today is a cold one in Copenhagen, it seems like winter came suddenly. Anyway, I´m back in Copenhagen after spending det most part of last week in London - Pinewood Studios.Its been a ... Posted by Skantkin on Sun, 11 Nov 2007 02:01:00 PST |
- just a short note... |
- about the two new tracks on the page..This is track - or part 6 (You and Me) and 4 (morning Sun) on the new album.Have in mind that the new album is kindof one track devided into parts, and the part... Posted by Skantkin on Thu, 18 Oct 2007 03:30:00 PST |
Countdown to the release.. |
- of the new album.You might be wondering about the large clock that has shown-up...Today is the official startdate, and the new album "City Dreams" will be out in 30 dayes from now. I am really looki... Posted by Skantkin on Mon, 15 Oct 2007 04:09:00 PST |
..late september thoughts.. |
Hey friends,- so time for a new update ;-)Last week-end I was finally finished with the large project which have been mentioned much but not heard outside the studio, - 6 month of work is "in the box"... Posted by Skantkin on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 02:25:00 PST |
- Its like writing a story... |
Hello friends,- first of all sorry for not keeping my blog very well over the past cuble of month.I have been totally booked with work, - yeah, I know, not a very good excuse for not keeping the blog.... Posted by Skantkin on Sun, 09 Sep 2007 02:44:00 PST |
..the new track... |
Hello friends, - time for another update, - it is sunday after all.I have been down with the flue for the past cuble of dayes, - you know the one that feels like your head gonna explode. Its going bet... Posted by Skantkin on Sun, 24 Jun 2007 05:47:00 PST |
- lots to do.. |
Well its time for a little update again, - I kind of thought that it would be cool to do a blog like my dear friend Moby, - interesting, political, and with a blink in the eye. Then again, I´m not tha... Posted by Skantkin on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 08:41:00 PST |
time for a little update... |
Hello Friends,- its been some time since I last posted, - but betwine travelling and projects in the studio time have been limited, - in other words stress is no stranger..I´ve been trying to do a bit... Posted by Skantkin on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 02:05:00 PST |
Sunday blues... |
Hello friends,Well today is a rather windy and grey day in Copenhagen, after a few dayes with sun that sparked a hope for spring to come soon.Been working with a new danish act for the past two weeks,... Posted by Skantkin on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 04:08:00 PST |