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The Chris Replacement Robot


About Me

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Ninja Parade Slips Through Town Unnoticed Once Again
Your Daddy Is Arnold Schwarzenegger
What You Call Him: Daddy-o
Why You Love Him: He takes you to church Who's Your Daddy?My favorite phrases/quotes: "...up and vanished like a fart in the wind." "Sweet fancy Moses!" "Great Caesar's ghost!" "Its as cold as a witch's tit!"Stuff I like: marinara sauce. cats. animals in general. chocolate ice cream. fall. movies. that first day that all the leaves are off the trees. customizing stuff. doodling. old wood. antique furniture. rainy nights. waking up in the middle of the night to thunder. sunday afternoons. making stuff up. hot peppers. salt and vinegar potato chips. well-made sweaters. t-shirts that make me look skinny. days when my hair looks good. cool-looking goggles, even though I'd never wear them. cartoons. my parents. trees. getting attention (earning it - not being lame). making people laugh. music. singing. movie previews. wet pebbles. quiet mornings. good conversation. when my wife uses her "wittew kid voice". cryptozoology web sites. crayons. action figures. the word 'pelt'. ovaltine.Stuff I hate: people who think "Its Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve" is a valid or intelligent argument. people who put those "truth" fishes on their cars. carnies. how mixed fruit is always the crappiest fruit. drivers with no concept of right of way. people who constantly ask me "How's the job hunt?". people who swear in public places. when people won't just hang up on a telemarketer "No thank you. I'm not interested. No thank you. No - no thank you". mayonaise on burgers and Italian grinders. people who abuse their kids verbally. people who abuse their kids. racists. the willfully ignorant. hypochondriacs. when people discipline their kids in public - and its obvious from the kids' reactions its te ONLY time they get disciplined. people who try to get you to feel bad for them. pseudointellectuals. when people don't want to take responsibility for their own environmental impact. most modern conveniences. living in a society of go-getters.Weird stuff about me: when I'm throwing up, I get hungry for hot dogs. when I was a kid I thought professional wrestling was real.

My Interests

Biking, camping, hiking, video games, movies, table-top games, anime, manga, rock climbing (only ever done it indoors), reading.

I'd like to meet:

Lemme see...Bruce Campbell, a caveman (really any caveman), someone from another planet, and a monkey or ape that can use sign language.

Oh - a caveman played by Bruce Campbell would be fine, too. Or Bruce Campbell in a monkey suit doing sign language. Maybe giveing someone the finger.


All time favorite bands:
Sarah McLachlan
Foo Fighters
Wellwater Conspiracy
Jimmy Eat World

Pretty good bands:
Dogs Die in Hot Cars
Summer Camp

...and thats all I got right now.


My all time favorite movies are:
The Burbs
The 13th Warrior
Fight Club

Favorite actors:
Brad Pitt
Christopher Walken
Bruce Campbell

Favorite Actresses
Angelina Jolie
Madeline Stowe
Audrey Tautou


I don't really watch television...but when I do, I watch CSI. Grissom rocks. For the most part, I likt to watch anime - namely Naruto and Bleach.


I don't read lots, but I go through phases. One of my favorite books is "Ender's Game" by Orson Scott Card. He's a really good author.


adopt your own virtual pet!

My Blog

Next-gen consoles == food

In a recent interview, Sony's Jack Tretton compared the various consoles to food, and what he came up with makes my point perfectly about Sony being out of touch with reality.I find it amusing that he...
Posted by The Chris Replacement Robot on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 04:47:00 PST

Why Sony sucks

I've ranted about Sony a few times, now.  Sometimes some of you may hear me cast aspersions upon them with little explanation.  I had previously only had opinions about Sony.  By this p...
Posted by The Chris Replacement Robot on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 08:45:00 PST

The Holy Trinity

There is a Holy Trinity in the pantheon of motion pictures.  They rule all other movies as one, and their glory is all encompassing.  They were also all made in the 80's.Robocop is the first...
Posted by The Chris Replacement Robot on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 09:54:00 PST

My top 10 favorite games EVAR

1: GoldeneyeLong before frat boys were tea-bagging and corpse-humping eachother in Halo, we were spawn camping and abusing various varieties of mines in Goldeneye on the N64.  Screw Master Chief...
Posted by The Chris Replacement Robot on Sat, 09 Jun 2007 10:53:00 PST

You want to know what I think?

...I guess you do!
Posted by The Chris Replacement Robot on Sat, 21 Apr 2007 07:15:00 PST


A lot of times, listening to two people argue about religion is like listening to two zebras arguing about whether they're white animals with black stripes or black animals with white stripes.
Posted by The Chris Replacement Robot on Sat, 24 Mar 2007 10:56:00 PST

Scary movies and chili

A few weeks ago we had a chili competition at work.  Being a chili guy, I was pretty excited.I overheard one of my coworkers talking about his chili submission before the actual event.  He w...
Posted by The Chris Replacement Robot on Sun, 11 Mar 2007 10:13:00 PST

A great new diet!

I found out about this great new diet!  It's called the "get up off your fat ass and stop eating twinkies" diet!Seriously - I get kind of annoyed when I look around and see people trying all thes...
Posted by The Chris Replacement Robot on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 02:55:00 PST


This is to inform you that your friend Chris, being an old model and out of warranty, has been replaced with a new RE-BOT 5000®!Your new RE-BOT 5000® has all the features of your old friend, with all ...
Posted by The Chris Replacement Robot on Sat, 13 Jan 2007 09:38:00 PST

The phases of customer service burnout

Phase 1:  You are a new employee.  Maybe you are enthusiastic about your new job, or maybe you really wanted the other job at the cracker factory.  Either way, you try your best to do t...
Posted by The Chris Replacement Robot on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 10:10:00 PST