Rock climbing, drawing, video games, and doing stupid things with friends.
Any comedian or professional surfer, rock climber, or snowboarder Mainly Lindsey Jacobellis, Elena Hight- the 16 year old American snowboarder, Torah Bright- an Australian snowboarder, Jim Carrey, and Dane Cook
THE WHO!!!! LED ZEPPELIN, Weird Al Yancovich, Strong Bad, Ludacris, Jet, Black eyed Peas, AC/DC, The Doors, Blue Oyster Cult, Franz Ferdy, U2, Jimmy Hendrex, a little bit of Pink Flyod, a little of the Beatles.
You Are
Fool In The Rain
You are a very bizarre person, to say the least. You don't think the way most other people do. And you probably don't really care.
You defy convention, and probably really like burritos. And you're very content with your life. You're a ray of sunshine. Piercing, bizarre end-of-the-world sunshine, but sunshine nonetheless. While most people are going to college to be lawyers or accountants or something, you'd be just as happy working at Tippy's Taco Stand in San Dimas, CA.
You probably have a really interesting car. You definitely do not drive a Honda Civic. There's a good chance that you smoke weed. There's a good chance you sell it.
Everybody worth anything likes you a lot.
Take the Which Led Zeppelin Song Are You? Quiz
- Oh just a couple like- THE PRESTIGE, Minority Report, Jurassic Park, The Truman show, Mission Impossible I II III, Pirates of the Caribbean, Memento, She's The Man, *Batteries Not Included, The Princess Bride, Sneakers, Lord of the Rings series, Star Wars series (with the execption of Episodes I, II, and III), Back to the Future trilogy, MONTY PYTHON and THE HOLY GRAIL, SpidermanI II III , X-Men I II III, Goonies, The Incredibles, School of Rock, A knight's tale, The Mask, Bruce Almighty, A Chirstmas story, anything with the word "Muppet" in the title, Harvey, GRINDHOUSE, Children of Men, El Laberinto del Fauno, Blood Diamond, The Usual Suspect, Kill Bill 1/2, Sin City, High Fedelity,The Blues Brothers, V for Vendetta, ect...ect.. Well you get the picture- I am a movie FREAK!!Please note that nowhere on that list is there a horror movie. This is because I am a HUGE Anti-horror movie person Note: I said Horror Movie not horror in general. I like a good scare but I feel that a movies and "haunted" factories of terror aren't a good scare, just lame people trying to pull lame horror tricks
CSI, Malcom in the Middle, Naruto, Cowboy Bebop, INVADER ZIM, Samurai Champloo, Scrubs
Favorite Quote of all Time- "Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof"
Wade Wilson- The merc with a mouth. The Man from Room Five. GIR (still don't know what the "G" stands for).