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Bonnie D.

I found my forever home

About Me

Hi, My Name is Bonnie D. McPussyCat from the New Jersey McPussycats. He He! You may have known my big brother Monster D. Cat (He shortened his last name). I didn't know him but I hear he was a really cool cat. I am 2 years old and have a litter mate brother named Clyde. Clyde and I were left in the hallway of a foster home because the human who had us wasn't able to take care of us anymore. Our new mom originally met us at Petsmart where we were up for adoption and she was volunteering. She couldn't adopt us then because our brother Monster D. Was real sick. We had to leave Pet Smart because we got depressed and got sick. We went back to the foster home but because we don't like other cats, we were kept in a big cage for 22 hours a day. Our other foster mom wanted to keep us but she had six other cats. We now have a forever home with our new Mom Kelly. I am a little on the plump side but now that I have a big house to run around and lots of cool new toys to play with, I plan on toning up. I love my new house and snuggling in bed with my new mom I am a scardy cat and I like to go in the closet for my alone time just like my Brother Monster D, Did.
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My Interests

Sleeping, Snuggling, sleeping, and watchin TV..
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I'd like to meet:

Monster D., Tiger the new meow mix kitty. Morris


All kinds of music


Garfield, The owl and the pussycat


Animal Planet, anything that shows bugs or birds


The cat in the hat


Monster D. Cat, Pachu, Baxter, Buddy Lee and Tira

My Blog

I am home from the hospital

Soon as da vet tech brought me out I started meown. He thought that was furry funny. Then I was real good on the way home and when we rounded the corner I started meown again. I knew that I was home. ...
Posted by Bonnie D. on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 05:41:00 PST

I am back from the Vet Place

Mom had to leave me overnight again cause da biopsy wasn't done til late in da day and they had to sedate me. Wow da stuff day gabe me was better den nip. I was flyin high. Then after I was really sto...
Posted by Bonnie D. on Wed, 17 Sep 2008 02:18:00 PST

Clyde stole the kitty manicure scissors. He he

Boy my brudder is so smart some times. You see dis mornin, mom decided to gib both me and Clyde manicures (we won’t stand for da pedicures) and mom started wif Clyde. She was doin okay wif da fi...
Posted by Bonnie D. on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 05:40:00 PST

Clyde is talkin bout me again

Don't believe a word that Clyde says about be bein spoiled. He probably forgot to tell you how that when we hab breakfast (at 4AM because that is what time I chose to eat) that he will not get out of ...
Posted by Bonnie D. on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 06:13:00 PST

Our new Collars

Da Momma went out and bought me and Clyde brand new collars (wif bells) and tags wif our names on it.  She spents lots of money all because Clyde keeps tryin to get into da hallway and she is asc...
Posted by Bonnie D. on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 07:23:00 PST

My first trip to da vet

First off since dis was my furrest visit , mom had to gib dem my history. What she knew of it. Da doc didnt want to do any unnecessary blood tests since I look so healthy.He didnt say nothin bout my a...
Posted by Bonnie D. on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 05:32:00 PST

Boy did Clyde get yelled at last night

Mom was out at a bar-b-que and didn't get home til late. Me and Clyde was stayin wif da human brudder. When mom got home, da human brudder told mom dat Clyde kept a pouncin me. I don't mind if we wres...
Posted by Bonnie D. on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 08:14:00 PST