Knuckle Yummy profile picture

Knuckle Yummy

Shamanistically Hoodooed, Ass Shaking, Psychedelta

About Me

Som e times you get so pi ss ed off the only way to cure yo ursel f of the malady is through action, ac tio n with purpose, with consequence. Ranting and raving on the sidelines accomplishes dick . Only through direct action can yo u break fr ee from the su ck of an eart hbo und existence. We were b orn from such an an ger , and through direct action, we bl osso med.
I n this day and a g e quality of life is not s o qui etl y being stolen from us while we sle epwa lk. This type of deadly op press ion gave birth to the b lues . Kn u ckle Yumm y wears the mo der n day cloth of righteous in dig nation.
In an era wh er e perfe cti on is readily ava ila ble, so utterly predictable, we embraced the danger of fr e efall c ollab oration, allow i ng the spirits to ri s e. You want real? We give you raw , unb ridl ed access. You want grit? Se x ? A ru m blin’ funk? A big a ss grin? Knu ckle Y um my fare you well drips with the v itali ty of a life b roke n free from its m oor ings. From the e dg e we leapt, diving head long into a ban don's maw , and that much ain't go nn a change. E v er.
More to co m e... ind ubit ably. R oot like a root hog mean while . Spr ea d the go spel ...

My Interests


Member Since: 6/22/2007
Band Members: L izz ie Lee
P e h r Sm it h
and D on y W yn n (

Influences: o ri gin ality, Cha rle s Bu k owski, limi tation s, transce nde nt desires, New Orlean s, Sal vad or D a li, Fri da Kahlo, full lips , wi ld flowers, dis cord ant beha vio r, Wil li am Bu rroug hs, sil e nce, noise, rh yth m, Henry Mill er, w ee d, wine, sna ppin' archi tec ture, thu ndersto rms, snori ng dogs, Stanley Ku bric k, Da vid Lynch, Fe lli ni, laugh ter, sh ad ows, cur v es, B ela Bartok, Ca p tain B eefh eart, Wendy C ar los, co ntroll ed r age , dr ea m s .
Sounds Like: r e d m u d, sw ea t, co ba lt s m ok e, wh isk ey so ak ed da nce flo or s, fr eed om.

Billy Harvey - "Unprotected" (live) from Jose Salinas on Vimeo .
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

My Take On Modern Communication Devices

E-mails are a fantastic means of expediting information. You have a specific question, needing details, relaying specific plans or communicating an idea? E-mail is perfect. I send MANY per day, relati...
Posted by Knuckle Yummy on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 12:19:00 PST

chunked up w. OC

Can’t sing this guy’s praises enough, talented mofo he be! Billy Harvey asked me to do an unrehearsed set with him for SXSW at The Enchanted Forest here in Austin, Tejas, a most surreal en...
Posted by Knuckle Yummy on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 01:34:00 PST

simply magic

That’s what this week is shaping up to be. Besides Knuckle Yummy having two different shows this SXSW week, I’ve been blessed to be able to perform with some of my absolute favorite artist...
Posted by Knuckle Yummy on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 04:17:00 PST

oobee doobee

Well, nothing but fun was had last night on the set of a Knuckle Yummy photo shoot with our good, and very talented friend, Rodney Bursiel. I'm not going to give way the set up we employed, all I will...
Posted by Knuckle Yummy on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 12:09:00 PST

post hubbub

Here it is two days later and I'm still recovering from recording a new batch of Knuckle Yummy with Darwin Smith, at his studio, Cacaphony. Working with this lot always takes a toll on me because to m...
Posted by Knuckle Yummy on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 04:00:00 PST

Achtung! Achtung! Achtung!

My good buddy friend pal comrade confidante, young Bill Harvey, OC hisself, is on an amazing journey that deserves a wider swath of attention. So I 'm here trying to shine a spotlight on Billy's odyss...
Posted by Knuckle Yummy on Sun, 24 Feb 2008 11:47:00 PST

calm before the storm

Knuckle Yummy met as a group with Darwin today, out back of Jo's Coffee there on South Congress; set up shop on a little grassy knoll, all to ourselves. Me and Lizzie shared a fat, chewy, ginger cooki...
Posted by Knuckle Yummy on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 03:31:00 PST

an anti-Valentine essay... of sorts

I was thinking today -not always the best of mindsets for me- but occasionally, it happens. There is worldwide concern over global warming these days and while walking with Bela, my companion, this ev...
Posted by Knuckle Yummy on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 08:43:00 PST

i can see for miles

The gig... the gig on Friday night at The Continental... felt like I was in a violent car crash and walked way with nary a scratch, a liberating exhilaration permeating my cellular structure. I'm sti...
Posted by Knuckle Yummy on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 10:03:00 PST

geezy and breezy

The only thing automotive about this post is Knuckle Yummy is shifting into yet another gear. And, come first of this year, the planets obviously not quite in alignment... just yet, we've had to endur...
Posted by Knuckle Yummy on Sun, 03 Feb 2008 11:57:00 PST