Carla Kihlstedt profile picture

Carla Kihlstedt

There's nothing enlightened about shrinking...

About Me

a wayward waif wandering the wide world, happily lost somewhere between the music conservatory, the arboretum, and the road house. with a violin. (sleepytime gorilla museum, 2 foot yard, tin hat, the book of knots, cosa brava, and various and sundry other sonic explorations.)recordings include: minamo (with pianist satoko fujii... on henceforth records); carla kihlstedt-- 2 foot yard (on tzadik); lisa bielawa-- a handful of world (on tzadik); ravish (coming out later this year); ck and shahzad ismaily-- flying low (holy night in the outhouse); tin hat-- the sad machinery of spring (hannibal/rykodisk); sleepytime gorilla museum-- in glorious times (the end records); the book of knots-- traineater (Anti-); fred frith, ck, stevie wishart-- the compass, log, and lead (intakt records); fred frith-- the happy end problem (fred records); ben goldberg-- the door, the hat, the chair, the fact (cryptogramophone);

My Interests


Member Since: 11/29/2006
Band Website:,
Band Members: me.
Record Label: The End, Tzadik, Intakt, Anti-, Hannibal/Ryko
Type of Label: Indie