The world and everything in it.
What you wanted more specific than that?
OK, philosophy, art and history..and the inter-connections between them...particular interest in the History of drugs in society...I write, mentioned that already...not very well, but its a craft innit!?! So Im told I will get better. Politics: Its amazing how you can be incredibly bored and outraged *at the same time* when watching the news....
My friends, they are my family.
God: I have so many questions!
A good therapist maybe would come in handy also.....
a dentist who isnt a sadist!
Oh crap lots of stuff. Jeff Buckley is a big favourite, as is Tori Amos & Imogen Heap. Love Led Zeppelin and Tool & Pink Floyd, The Who. Love jazz and acoustic folk kinda stuff too...Bob Dylan and Miles Davis being obvious examples. Some electronica like; Air, David Holmes,DJ Shadow ect.....
I just found Nelly McKay thanks to my good friend Gary, fantastic.
And thanks to the Orange adverts I now have added Joanna Newsome to my collection...
and Brian Eno's Music for airports is a wonderful autumnal soundscape that has the amazingl ability to calm me the fuck down, when I am freaking out.
I love movies; I have one of those wee pass thingy's that gets you into the UGC for free!
Fav films of all time......either, Casablanca, The Godfather or..Ghostbusters. Depending on my mood! lol!
I love old classic movies...anything with Steve Mcqueen, or Audrey Hepburn, Marlon Brando Humphrey Bogarte, lol, old silent movies like Nosferatu, or Fritz Lang's Metropolis...Has anyone seen Koyaanisqatsi? I dont think Ive spelt that right...but its great, really visual and poetic...and such an odd soundtrack! Love it. I really like Papillion, if you havent seen that, get it now...its amazing. As is Pi, but its a bit of a mindfuck like, be warned.One Flew over the cuckoos nest, is a brilliant book, and a fantastic movie!
As far as directors go...Elia Kazan's stuff is worth checking out, especially before he sold his soul to Mcarthy...Ken Loach, but its a bit full on political, and very british...On a lighter note: Zach Braff, Harold Ramis...but Im really not fussy, I can watch pretty much anything, and will generally find some good in it.
I love French Cinema as well, I mean, I am partial to a foreign movie from time to time, but theres something about french movies in particular, maybe its the accents, or the light hearted approach to sex and sexuality...or possibly just Audrey Tatou and Juliet Binoche...but I cant get enough....Amelie is an obvious example...and if you havent seen it, you probably havent lived. If you like heist/chase movies try Taxi, thats fun... but Les Apprentis is up there as one of my favourite movies of all time...just because the characters are so true to life...well, maybe not your life, but certainly MY life! I'd be prizes for guessing who everyone else is!
i have devoloped a recent fascination with Jim Jarmusch movies, like Ghost Dog, Dead Man, Broken Flowers ect..and of course everyone loves the cohn brothers...dont they?And everyone loves Kevin least, almost everyone.
But I am not a fan of Asian cinema right enough, kung fu movies, or Anime or the like...theres exceptions to every rule: Akira Kurosawa springs to mind...but as a rule, no!
Used to be a fan of horror movies, but not any more...I have problems not being scared at the best of times...
Ok, so if you havent noticed, I'm a whore for the celluloid...and I probably have forgotten many movies that I will kick myself for forgetting.
Ok to all Glasgow Uni students, I have to tell you something, its something you dont know, or something you dont wanna know. But you need to hear it, so there can be no doubt, and so you can get on with trying to do something with your lives.......are you sitting down? neighbours fucking sucks! Get a grip, its a soap...its Tv for bored, middle aged housewives designed to dull their mind so they dont realise how crap their life really is. Stop it! For your own good. Its no suprise the student population is practically retarded these days. Watch good Tv for crying out loud..theres plenty of it around...ok rant over!
Im partial to a bit of the Simpsons, Family Guy, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Ideal, Futurama, Scrubs, Spaced, The Green Wing, Black Books, Weeds, Blackadder, Sex and the City, sugar rush, Will&Grace, Friends, Blackadder, QI, Jeeves and Wooster, Smoking Room, Peep Show..anything really that makes me laugh.
House, M.D is currently the soup de jour, it is quite possibly my favourite way to while away a few hours like, its a cross between cop show, comedy, hospital drama...egads! its got everything a boy could want, and for the girls, it has Hugh Laurie being all sexy and sarcastic. Its simply awesome, and three seasons in, it might just be my favourite show of all time...Lost is and CSI are good too for that oooOoooO mystery element. Love the Soprano's and Desperate Housewives, and a good ole fashioned documentary is always good: Dickie Attenborough, Ray Mears...Rest in Peace Tom Wier.
The News? Gotta keep up with whats going on in the world.
The doors of perception; Aldous Huxley.
Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy; Douglas Adams.
Lord of the Rings; Jrr Tokien.
Anything by; Paulo Coelho.
Anything by; George Orwell.
Athything by; Umberto Eco.
Wuthering Heights
The Five People You Meet in Heaven.
Harry Potter
ok, im going to stop now...chances are though, if you have read it, so have I, if you liked it...I probably did too, but message and ask, I like to talk about books!
Bill Hicks; another dead American Hero.
Cromwell; for banning xmas
Humphrey Bogart....My idol.