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Sabina Classen


About Me

I was born on a dark, snow leaden winter morning in Aachen, Germany on the 27th of December, making me a Capricorn with ascendant Capricorn. In other words, I have strength, power, and a will with a personality full of passion that loves the extreme and straightness. I had a wonderful childhood with my two younger siblings, brother & sister, and my parents in the nice historical and very catholic town of Aachen. At the same time, ever since I was at a young age, I had felt in my inner soul that I had to do something special, I just didn’t know what it would be. At the young age of thirteen I joined up to be a journalist for RTL Radio next to other kid hosts, who are now really famous in Germany, like Anke Engelke and Desire Nosbusch. When I was fourteen, I travelled to for the first time New York and reported from the Pele and Franz Beckenbauer soccer-camp in New Jersey. I had been playing soccer since I was 10 years old, but it was not very popular for girls in Germany. In the US in 1979, it was quite normal for girls to play this sport. I met a lot of interesting people and I heard the word “Marketing” for the first time and I was very impressed to see Cosmos New York playing in the Giant Stadium in New York. Meeting people like Franz Beckenbauer, Pele and also Gerd Mueller, who was playing at that time for Fort Lauderdale. I still have a wonderful tape at home, when I recorded my interview with Franz Beckenbauer and Pele, and I also have a tape recorded from when Pele was playing guitar and singing with the kids in the Soccer Camp. Next to my interest in soccer that I got from my dad and grandpa, father’s side, (R.I.P) I had been to the listening to the vinyl singles and albums from my dad’s younger brother since the age of ten. I stole his singles with Sweet, Rolling Stones, Jimi Hendrix and stuff from a guy called Lemmy Kilmister. I loved this sound, leaving the Beatles singles sounding like German schlager songs to my ears. Going back to the time I was in New York at the age of fourteen, I founded my first band with my boyfriend Andy. At first we played songs from Uriah Heep and stuff like this on our acoustic guitars but faster, I bought Andy his first electric guitar. I tried to play bass but I was really bad. The band we called “Desaster”. We listened to bands like Black Sabbath, Kiss, Queen and AC/DC. And we traded the tapes and vinyl with our friends and the brothers from Andy. In 1981 Andy joined our high school band called “Holy Moses” and I was pissed off that he left our band “Desaster”. Whilst he rehearsed with Holy Moses I sat in their rehearsing room and one day, again a dark winter night in December (1981), the bass player and bandleader Ramon dropped the vocalist. He stood directly in my face and looked at me with the words “Sabina stand up, go to the microphone and sing…”, I went as white as a sheet and at that point, I couldn’t say anything except YES, I had no choice so I went to the microphone and tried to sing out some tones in the way of my favourite singer Ozzy Osbourne… This did not happen. Instead a deep growling noise came out of my body, from deep inside. I was shocked at myself, but Ramon’s face broke into a smile and I was shocked once again when he cried out, “YES, that’s it”, do it again… and he handed me some lyrics… I don’t know what happened, but as of this moment I was the female vocalist of Holy Moses, growling my ass off. A few weeks later I was screaming my head off in their rehearsal room in the cellar of our high school, and we recorded our first demo tape...without knowing that it is a demo tape….(more in my book you will read about this…) My life has changed a lot since that fateful day in December 1981. No compromises in my life, it was the fate which I had been sensing since my kindergarten time. I wanted to be free in my mind and soul ……. I was very determined to make this happen and although I didn’t realise it at the time, it was really going to be my life up until the next century. So we rehearsed and rehearsed and we produced more tapes and in 1985 some of these found their way to a record company… And in 1986 we released our first album called Queen Of Siam. At first the media was shocked, that a girl could growl in this way, and they thought that we had used special effects…..but it was simply me… and from show to show and album to album, I learned to use my voice very well, to use it without compromise and with all the possibilities and limitations….!!!! Between the second album Finished With The Dogs(1987) and our first Major Release “The New Machine Of Liechtenstein” (1989), which both got amazing reviews from the media, I also became the host of the first German Metal TV Show MOSH on RTL, a major channel……But I want to stop talking about the band, all the albums and tours here, as you will read all this stuff in my book and I think it’s too much to mention here…. Around 1999, I was ill, both physical and mentally, but my music kept me alive. It was something to live for, and fate took me by its hand. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Why do we fall? We fall so we can pick ourselves up …….This is what I have done!!! (Temple of The Absurd / Absurd Album / Mother Creator God Album) 1994 – 1999) Now, it’s the year 2007 and I am in the production phase of the new Holy Moses album which will be released at the beginning of 2008. The last 5 years haven’t been the easiest of my life, but by far the best! (Thanks to my husband Michael, which I met in 2002 / and we married on the wonderful date of the 6.6.6) I have toured several times; I have played in many different continents. I have played on small and on big stages, at huge Open Air festivals like Wacken Open Air and in dusty holes, with and without dressing rooms, with and without food, shower & sleep and living in dirty night-liners but with a lot of fun and freedom. The one constant through the years has been with YOU, our fans which are our friends. For over a year now we have a new great worldwide fan club organisation called the Holy Moses Bloodbound. I have to say thank you all, especially here to Fede in Argentina, to Holger & Janine in Germany, to Alexandra & John in the Netherlands, to Murat in Istanbul, to Emma in Spain, to Krindo in Bulgaria, to Daniela in the US, to John & Ana in Norway for their leadership of the Bloodbound. We are still searching for new leaders in all countries of the world to make the Bloodbound bigger and bigger. If you are interested, please feel free to contact us at
I have received so much love from you all in the Bloodbound, so much help and hard work from the Bloodbound Gang, kind words, gifts, pictures and flowers, from you all. It is overwhelming and hard to comprehend why, but it’s happening to me and I am very, very grateful for that. I dedicate my life & time 100% to Holy Moses, my work as labelmanager for and to my new radio show called MOSH on
I do have hobbies, I paint when I have the time to do so, I like to work in my garden and on my house (I always have to improve something), I love to play with my cats and I love my fish (Kois). I still have my little dog “Garfield” in my soul (R.I.P). I read a lot, always looking for lyrical inspiration. For some reason I am writing all the time, like a diary and I take from this my inspiration for my lyrics and songs. Of course, I love music. Death/black and thrash are my favourites, but also ethnic stuff and world music. I believe in Yin & Yan and the mystique of Feng-Shui. I work out to stay fit to sing and keep my stage presence. I eat and live healthily to keep my body as an instrument in good working order. I don’t get a lot of sleep, ‘cause the truth is, I am a hard working person getting everything done. I am a vegetarian, and I am allergic to most milk products and oil, but I have learned to live with this. I haven’t been able to eat meat since I was a kid, hardly understandable for my parents, but now they are very understanding. I hate cooking and baking by myself, because it takes too much time. I love all kind of salads, vegetables, fruits and Tofu. I love French fries, although I have to take care of my body….Alas, when I am in my hometown near the Dutch and Belgium border, I have to eat some… But that is another story. Life takes so many unexpected turns, and these I’ve had over the years, but I am a very happy person. I do miss being able to have children and I am very critical of myself. I spend most of my time between my lovely computer and office, our rehearsing room, studio and my bed… It’s sometimes hard, not being able to meet with my friends (love to my girlfriend Viona and her daughter Holly), which has nothing to do with music, and hanging around with them and doing nothing, but they know me, and they still love me. I miss my family in my hometown, since I moved to the north of Germany. This is because I have a nice huge family and I especially miss my niece.(I love you Theresa) I am not a religious person although I have a catholic education. I wrote a complete album on this topic called Terminal Terror in 1991. As you can read in the lyrics, I am not too sure about god. I believe there is more to this world that I can see. I believe in love and responsibility. We are responsible for our own life and our own deeds (Strength Power Will Passion). We are responsible for this planet and its creatures (World Chaos, Summer Kills, 1990). Additionally, I don’t believe in politicians and sometimes it is really hard for me to vote (Disorder Of The Order, 2002 / Finished With The Dogs, 1987). All the same, I do vote, to make sure the Right Wing does NOT get my vote here in Germany (see lyrics in World Chaos, Deutschland remember The Past). I fear death and loss (Temple Of The Absurd, Absurd, 1994), but I know for myself, that souls never die and will be reborn. I am not afraid of spiders (I would like to get a huge one…but my husband doesn’t like them, hahahahaha) but I am very much afraid of war, terror and crime. (Disorder Of The Order 2002, The New Machine Of Liechtenstein, 1989) With Strength, Power, Will and Passion I will go on to manage and to deal with the frustration, the anger, the pain, to channel it and get it out of the system (Channelling, Symbol of Spirit) in my own way. Please find your way to join with us and the Holy Moses Bloodbound, so we can help each other to follow the path we all feel inside our souls. I can’t live without music it makes me feel alive and strong, no matter what happens to me. Join us and be welcomed to the Bloodbound. All of you have a place in my heart & soul. Family, friends, fans and enemies, helped me to control my YIN & YAN to become the person I am. Believe me, I am not finished, I am still working on it.I would like 2 take this opportunity 2 tell all the people who told us 2 do it slow and low or 2 stop going on with HOLY MOSES after the 80’s – FUCK OFF!!! Take my Hand Yours Sabina
Special thanks to my band, without you, it would be NOTHING, you are the ones… - Michael Hankel / guitars – Atomic Steiff / drums - Olli Jaath – bass – bloodbrothers in hell - Bloodbound!!!

P.S. you can check out the whole story in my book which I have been writing over the last couple of years, and some of the details can already be read on my old website. Hopefully I will have the time to release the completed story sometime during 2008…. Finally, please check out

I AM ALSO DOING THE MOSH SHOW IN WACKEN RADIO (just click the flyer below to be taken to the Wacken Radio site):

HOLY MOSES - END OF TIME Holy Moses - End of Time

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Too Drunk To Fuck - live in Wacken Open Air 2005

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Hate is just a 4 letter word - live in Wacken 2005

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Holy Moses + Doro - Too Drunk To Fuck - Wacken 2001

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My Interests


Member Since: 6/20/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Discography:

Queen of Siam - 1986

Finished with the Dogs - 1987

The New Machine of Liechtenstein - 1989

World Chaos - 1990

Terminal Terror - 1991

Reborn Dogs - 1992

Too Drunk to Fuck - 1993

No Matter What´s the Cause - 1994

Temple of the Absurd - Absurd - 1995

Temple of the Absurd - Mother, Creator, God - 1999

Master of Disaster - 2001

Disorder of the Order - 2002

Strength, Power, Will, Passion - 2005

(click on the cover to listen and buy)

Finished With The Dogs - Rerelease - 2005

(click on the cover to listen and buy)

The New Machine of Liechtenstein - Rerelease - 2005

(click on the cover to listen and buy)

Queen of Siam - Rerelease - 2005

(click on the cover to listen and buy)

World Chaos - Rerelease - 2006

(click on the cover to listen and buy)

Terminal Terror - Rerelease - 2006

(click on the cover to listen and buy)

Reborn Dogs - Rerelease - 2006

(click on the cover to listen and buy)

No Matter What´s The Cause - Rerelease - 2006

Too Drunk to Fuck - Rerelease - 2006

Master of Disaster - Rerelease - 2006

Disorder of the Order- Rerelease - 2006



Record Label: Armageddon Music
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


We are happy to be confirmed for the biggest Metal Party in the Universe Wacken Open Air 2008. Check this link cle/neue-bands-bestaetigt-ho...
Posted by Sabina Classen on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 09:45:00 PST


(IN ENGLISH) "We are right now completely in the main production of the new album. Five tracks are already finished including the my vocals. On all the other songs we are working hard right now. All s...
Posted by Sabina Classen on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 09:06:00 PST


(GERMAN VERSION BELOW) Dear media partners, colleagues and friends,on the 17th of March in 2008 an arson attack was commited against the GermanMetalclub .."Tipsy Apes..".The complete stage and a contr...
Posted by Sabina Classen on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 03:21:00 PST


01st, February, 2008, La Laiterie, Strasbourg, France It was so great yesterday in Switerland and the bus was in front of the Z7 until the morning, but no more party for me. This fucking illness is ma...
Posted by Sabina Classen on Thu, 14 Feb 2008 03:54:00 PST

Videos from the Lyon show are online now !

Non official videos from the Lyon show are online now. You can check them on the Videos section of the official Holy Moses site and also in Youtube: htt...
Posted by Sabina Classen on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 12:58:00 PST

Sabina´s Tour Diary from the road

Hello metalheads !!! Here are some of the experiences that we had in the first dates of the Obituary / HOLY MOSES / Avatar tour: 16th, January 2008, CCO, Lyon, FranceIt was such a great night in Milan...
Posted by Sabina Classen on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 10:39:00 PST

3 videos from the Krakow show are online now !

Hello metalheads !! On this links you can find three non-official videos from our show in Krakow on January 9, 2008  (from the tour with Obituary and Avatar)
Posted by Sabina Classen on Mon, 14 Jan 2008 03:54:00 PST

Day 2 of the Obituary/HOLY MOSES/Avatar tour

Day 2 of the succesful Obituary, HOLY MOSES, Avatar Tour and we, the Fan Club BeNeLux, finally were able to attend to the organization. In the end Imust say: It was a super Event! Everything was reall...
Posted by Sabina Classen on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 04:24:00 PST


Deutsch version below:   January 3rd 2008: tourstart Obituary / HOLY MOSES / Avatar tour!   Today was the official tourstart for the Thrash sensations at Zwolle / Netherlands. As we just got...
Posted by Sabina Classen on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 04:24:00 PST


Posted by Sabina Classen on Tue, 01 Jan 2008 06:07:00 PST