Matt A. Demon was born on January 19th 1980 in Boston.After the early death of his parents Demon grew up at his foster father Hunter Adolf in Richmond, Virginia, USA. Despite a lot of arguments out of gratitude Demon adopted the family name of his foster father as his middle name when he was a teenager.After an argument with Hunter Matt broke up studdying at the university of Virginia 1999. Following he got a job as a bookkeeper which he quit after a short time.Completely destitude in 2000 he joined the US Army. Since the year 2001 he visited the military academy in Westpoint. There Matt A. Demon got thrown out of the army after a proceeding in 2002.In 2003 Demon visited Baltimore. There besides his work as an actor in bad, cheap horror film productions he recorded his first demo "In The Mouth Of Madness".2004 Demon moved to Germany and became a member of a left-wing extremist party, which he left after a short time. "Saga Of A Desperate Southern Gentleman" and some various demos are counted among hin last musical works of this period. Up to now all recordings are out of stock and haven't been re-released.In 2005 Matt met Paqueman on a meeting of the Hell's Angels. They recognised quite fast that they had a lot of things in common and so they intended to collaborate on the Dessert-Session "I-hate-everything". This also lead to the foundation of the record label "Kettensägen Records", where both of them work besides and so have a finger in the pie.The artists represented on the sampler "I-hate-everything: vol. I" soon formed a big family of charity. Thus we're happy to announce that the work on Split-EPs between Matt and Paqueman and also between Matt and the OI! Brothers have just begun.