Member Since: 9/12/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: following musicians have provided guest appearances:
achim ([ mellow ]) | kris (ex-silvestris, ex-ikh) | peter (ex-brand new jersey, ex-supervision, ex-the church bizzare) | chris (lookoutrock, ex-fallen) | laura (kraichgau rock orchester, die chefs) | ...
muse | jimmy eat world | snow patrol | p. j. harvey | foo fighters | the get up kids | nightmare of you | björk | nada surf | jeff caudill | nirvana | john mayer | the cure | alice in chains | the white stripes | beth orton | gratitude | new end original | last days of april | pearl jam | travis | stone temple pilots | depeche mode | franz ferdinand | ryan adams | feeder | duels | tiger lou | dashboard confessional | the vines | placebo | fiona apple | lamb | frou frou | bloc party | we are scientists | ...
Sounds Like: taughtme | postal service | imogen heap | a whisper in the noise | snow patrol | feeder | duels | frou frou ...
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None