Cellarwork profile picture


Art never comes from happiness.

About Me

After playing in hundred of bands guitar and bass (e.g. the britpop trio [mellow ]), Bjoern is now on his own. He picked up an acoustic guitar and started playing his own songs. Everything was fine but there was something missing. It sounded to - vivid! So he took his electric guitar once more and realised, that this instrument is made for him. Then he started working together with producer and friend Kris Silvestris. This is the beginning of the story - and here are we now. Everything needs time up to now; he has also been studying to become an economist, as well as working hard to get the money for that. 2008 can, and will, be the year of Cellarwork. Let´s see!
1996: Bagdad BunkA - Barbie boom
1998: Rejectamenta - Satan fucked me (split-7" w. Depression) | Hero in lies - demo ´98
1999: Rejectamenta - …and the winner is Satan
2000: Mild - demo ´00
2001: [ mellow ] - bitterfree E.P.
2002: [ mellow ] - bleak CD | v.a. - just pearls CD
2004: [ mellow ] - now you belong to us CD
2006: v.a. - I hate everything CD

My Interests


Member Since: 9/12/2006
Band Website: cellarwork.de
Band Members: following musicians have provided guest appearances:
achim ([ mellow ]) | kris (ex-silvestris, ex-ikh) | peter (ex-brand new jersey, ex-supervision, ex-the church bizzare) | chris (lookoutrock, ex-fallen) | laura (kraichgau rock orchester, die chefs) | ...

muse | jimmy eat world | snow patrol | p. j. harvey | foo fighters | the get up kids | nightmare of you | björk | nada surf | jeff caudill | nirvana | john mayer | the cure | alice in chains | the white stripes | beth orton | gratitude | new end original | last days of april | pearl jam | travis | stone temple pilots | depeche mode | franz ferdinand | ryan adams | feeder | duels | tiger lou | dashboard confessional | the vines | placebo | fiona apple | lamb | frou frou | bloc party | we are scientists | ...
Sounds Like: taughtme | postal service | imogen heap | a whisper in the noise | snow patrol | feeder | duels | frou frou ...
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Big train (feat. Simon Pegg)

Just watch... ;-) ...
Posted by Cellarwork on Mon, 01 Oct 2007 02:48:00 PST

German music industy - you deserve to die!!!!!!!!

The release of the last "Dashboard Confessional"-Album was canceled in Germany. Look, what you can see on german MTV today. I thought, I had to chuck up!!!Dashboard Confessional  Stolen (intern. Ver...
Posted by Cellarwork on Wed, 08 Aug 2007 05:33:00 PST

Plug out, Baby! PLEASE!!!

Posted by Cellarwork on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 03:29:00 PST

Recommendation: Floormodel

Posted by Cellarwork on Wed, 16 May 2007 06:05:00 PST

Espionage de la musica!

Say yes to espionage and allow the great firms to check all your statistics about your behaviour in listening to music! Say yes to Last.fm! Say yes and get your own profile! Here is mine: link  C...
Posted by Cellarwork on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 03:13:00 PST

Zum Teufel

Posted by Cellarwork on Mon, 25 Dec 2006 03:10:00 PST

Is that a joke????

Alanis Morissette does not accept add requests from bands.
Posted by Cellarwork on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 03:17:00 PST

The blood of the zodiac

finally! where the hell david fincher's been (in analogy to Nadia´s post)---------------------------> THE ZODIAC...
Posted by Cellarwork on Fri, 24 Nov 2006 12:57:00 PST

Geldautomaten zahlen Rundfunkgebühren ab 2007!

Nicht die Geldautomaten selbst, aber die Banken. Warum? Weil die netten kleinen Geldautomaten auch einen Internetanschluß haben. Frage mich, was mein lieber, netter, kleiner Geldautomat um die Ecke ge...
Posted by Cellarwork on Sun, 01 Oct 2006 05:01:00 PST


Im Moment liegt die Kinolandschaft relativ brach. Ein Film gleicht einer Kopie eines anderen Films, der der Hollywood-Schmiede in Vergangenheit einen recht ansehnlichen Umsatz eingespielt hat. Sei es ...
Posted by Cellarwork on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 03:37:00 PST