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About Me

Pictured from the TORTURE FEST V:

Leshyj & Hammerman

The Stone @ Torture Fest IV
Aan mijn Profiel Toevoegen | Meer Video'sHuldrefolk - Honger Snood (Live at Torture Fest 3)

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Huldrefolk - Rattenkermis (Live at Torture Fest 3)

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

After many years of visiting local concerts with only local bands witch play every weekend at the same location, we began to grow out of this whole thing and start to organise small shows ourselves. The first 2 editions ended up rather avverage. Theese editions of the Torture fest were held in The Frontline ( Gent ): a rather contravercial club that allows organizers to put up a gig there for free. But this tempting "cheap" approach results in a "don't give a shit attitude" towards the organizers. We quickly discovered that organising shows there is like digging your own grave. That's why we moved to Oostrozebeke (JH 'T Ipperste).

We are musicians, fans, distro's and organizers. So we try to look at the aspect of a good show from all the perspectives. The fans love a killer lineup, cheap beer and low income fee! The bands love a decent stage and good sound. And we HATE to charge our fans ( who choose to come to the TF ) a huge fee for all the expences on the show, as we don't like that shit when we visit a concert! So the bottom line is: We will keep the Torture fest burning for your and our pleasure. To all the maniacs that come to the Torture fest every time, our darkest hails! YOU: the fans, keep this flame burning! Thank you!

A statement about politics: We will ALLWAYS remain 666% neutrallity when it comes to politics in the music. We are not rightwinged, nor left!!! We will never choose a side just because it's mainstream acceptable! This is pure hypocricy indeed. No extremism ( left or right ) will be tollerated. Torture fest is about music. However we are allways open for a political debate :) HAHAHAHAHA

We do NOT cooperate with the legal music maffia of Belgium and the government. We don't see any reasons why they must stick their noses into our ( and your ) business.

Most of the times we choose to book black metal bands, however death and thrash ( as well as pagan ) can suddenly appear in the lineup. ( YES, this is a hint for the next editions ) We choose bands that the fans actually WANT to see, rather than artists who play metal just to play metal!!! We will do our best to invite artists from many countries just that you would have a great show. And bare in mind that we will NEVER invite bands just to attract fans! We invite bands that we like as well!

Bands that would like to apply for the next editions please contact: ini.verstraete( AT )hotmail( DOT )com or ariman_valhala( AT )hotmail( DOT )com. We can offer your financial transportations, food, beer and a backline! For the rest we can negotiate! Bands that have a huge ego about themselves, can FUCK OFF! As we will not charge our fans extra money just to be able to pay for your 5star accomodation, champagne with caviar and prostitutes!

Bands that destroyed the stage on the Torture fest in the past:

- Nachtfalke
- Kult
- Tumulus Anmatus
- Enthroned
- Magnificat
- Aguynguerran
- Iconoclasm
- Leptotrichia
- Primal Dawn
- Panzer
- Wapenspraak & Drinkgelag ( aka Razorsharp )
- Apocryphal
- Inverted cross
- Walpurgisnacht
- Huldrefolk
- Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult
- Zwartketterij
- Fractured Insanity
- Kawir
- Cirith Gorgor
- Caedere
- Hellewacht
- Bliss of Flesh
- The Stone

My Blog


On Saturday 23 february 2008 the pub "De Verlichte Geest" in the city of Roeselare in Belgium will open their doors to the METAL NIGHTMARE metalnight! There will be bands ( Magnifficat, Huldrefolk an...
Posted by TORTURE FEST on Mon, 24 Dec 2007 11:42:00 PST

Torture fest 5

Torture fest 5 will carry the name: "BLACK METAL ELITE"  planning will be made for 2008
Posted by TORTURE FEST on Tue, 06 Nov 2007 01:06:00 PST