Netanya ????? profile picture

Netanya ?????

Am Yisrael Chai! Ahavat Yisrael!

About Me

ADD REQUESTS: If you add me, please send me a note if your profile is private. I generally will add people, but prefer to check to make sure things are okay. That said, if you worship dead men and call him by an inaccurate name that isn't even a name, most likely because you have not a clue about Ivrit and buy into nonsense, then expect to be denied. I have better things to do with my time.
Shalom, I'm Netanya, Neti for short. I have been called many things from an idealist to being obstinate. I claim most of the terms, although a few are without cause or accuracy. I am a teacher and becoming frum. For those who know what that means, I have not completely lost my mind, as I am not so sure I ever had it in the first place. I feel drawn and I am following what I believe to be right for me. I do not believe everyone has to do the same, so don't feel like it means all that much in terms of the effects on my poor friends. (One really must pity my family and friends for having to put up with me.) I suppose some warning is necessary. I love cats and am quite proud to be an inexorable geek. I am also a vegetarian. No I do not eat fish and yes I know it is parve, nor does it change the fact that I do not eat it. I am who I am and, Baruch Hashem, I like who I am, for the most part...
***Since it has become an issue, I need to explain something. I am a halfie, in other words, a goya. I have not had my gerut, nor will it be any time soon. I fully intend, as I have for quite some time, to convert and become observant. I pick up things as I go. At this point, I am tzniut, abiding kol isha, not shomer negiah, shomer Shabbat with a melacha, lenient kosher, and I still daven mostly in English. I still will stand up for Halacha, even if that makes me a hypocrite, and will say what is on my mind. Someday I hope to be at a point where such things are a bit more justified and not me driving others absolutely nuts with my nuances. Until then, I am learning and working towards becoming frum.***

A few highly recommended videos for you to watch:
Pallywood. Do you know the truth?
The Birth of an Icon. The sequel to Pallywood. I am unsure what to think on this one.
Aliyah Revolution Film!!! Check it out! It is a cute Jewish twist on a familiar film, but with a purpose for Am Yisrael!
IT'S BACK!!! I'm so happy! Once again, the dangers of yeshiva students having too much time!
Israeli-Palestinian Solution! It is all about the children!
Gad Elbaz's Al Neharoth Bavel. This one has made me cry.
Jewish stuff for your profile at !

My Interests

Get a Jerusalem Clock
Quite varied. I love reading and read a variety of genres. I love the classics, things that challenge the mind, but also read religious books from my own religion. (NOT xtian). I love to listen to music and sing along, to the horror of a few people who have had to ride in the car with me. I write poetry and prose. I actually write decent essays and prefer essay exams for that reason. (I'm in college, what do you expect?) I enjoy dancing, but don't do such in public, except with little kids. I love photography, but spend little time doing it. I love animals, but particularly cats. I have a ten year old siamese. I am typically up for new experiences and learning new things. I just lack time to do much of anything. I work and go to school, both full-time, so what do you expect? I'm a geek without a life past commuting, working, and studying.Missionaries, messies, and j4jers can go here.

Those with a heart can go here:

I'd like to meet:

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Thank You

A variety of people, not that such is specific. I would love to meet others who are finding Judaism or reconnecting to Torah. Those who are knowledgable are definately desirable, as you know I can always use someone to ask questions of, lol. Pretty much, anyone who has an open mind and is willing to look outside of the box here and there. I love to learn new things and to learn about different ways of doing things. I want to meet more people that hold an ideal to be possible and are willing to work for a dream.

I do not rank my friends. If you are on my top friends, it means that you are either family or that I visit your profile a lot and want easy access. If you're not on my top friends, GET OVER IT, as it means NOTHING.


Varied by extremes. I listen to music from all over the world and in several languages I understand less than a few words in. I listen to classical to rock. I even like a few rap songs, but very few. I do not like obscene lyrics or songs that make me deaf by being played at ridiculous levels of volume. I enjoy techno, trance, classical, pop, rock, soft rock, alternative, etc. Music is music and I enjoy it.


Several, but I lack time to spend with movie watching very often.


Quite a variety of shows, when I find the time to actually watch much on the mind sucking machine.

Considering my obsession with the news:


There is no possible way I could even begin this list. I collect books for a reason; I love to read and I love books! I wish I could have an entire library and more time to read the books I would put into that library. Course I might have to win the lottery to do that. My main challenge when I make aliyah will be how to get my books to Israel, lol.


There are so many people to admire! Ultimately, there are far too many to list here. Thus I will leave it simply at stating that the little things matter most and there are heroes all around us... However, on second thought, I would like to add that I very much admire the many heroes of Gush Katif and Yisrael.

My Blog

Dear Dad,

Below is a letter to my father, of which I shall never send...Dear Dad,In less than twenty minutes, my birthday will be over and you will have officially failed to even attempt contact.  Then aga...
Posted by Netanya ????? on Fri, 28 Nov 2008 10:02:00 PST


I was speaking with a friend tonight, as I was pretty upset, and he made an interesting remark.  He told me that I made him feel better about his own family.  His point being that, at least,...
Posted by Netanya ????? on Fri, 28 Nov 2008 09:43:00 PST

A Few Weeks

Considering the chagim of recent weeks, it seems only natural that so much has happened within my personal life.  I'm still processing a lot of that, especially as it isn't something I was fully ...
Posted by Netanya ????? on Mon, 20 Oct 2008 10:56:00 PST

Abby, read this....

Your Myspace settings will not allow me respond to your email, as I am not on your friend's list.  I will be offline for the next several days due to religious holidays, but I will try to email y...
Posted by Netanya ????? on Mon, 20 Oct 2008 10:38:00 PST

Answering a Child

One of the younger rabbi's kids asked me why I don't wear the locket my mom gave me.  She knows about the locket because she's asked about the Magen David I used to always wear and that I still w...
Posted by Netanya ????? on Thu, 21 Aug 2008 10:38:00 PST

More Adventures with the Beagle

I put the five year old to bed at 7:30 and he crashed out to sleep, which is when I got started doing some things I needed, such as laundry.  I started to get Chaing a treat, but I heard the litt...
Posted by Netanya ????? on Thu, 21 Aug 2008 10:13:00 PST

Desired Job...

I emailed the place I really want to get a job at last night, asking for more information and how I might be able to get such after having already completed an application. (Basically, keeping my nam...
Posted by Netanya ????? on Tue, 12 Aug 2008 04:29:00 PST


I submitted two humorous stories to Reader's Digest...  It would be cool to win, especially for the story about my cat...  (My ex-boyfriend didn't know what a cat purring sounded like and go...
Posted by Netanya ????? on Mon, 11 Aug 2008 01:35:00 PST


I needed something positive, so why not write about one of the greatest reminders of joy in my life?  Yes, I am referencing my cat, but he is a constant source of both love and a reminder that I ...
Posted by Netanya ????? on Mon, 11 Aug 2008 01:14:00 PST

Step by Step

So, when I put in these applications, I keep finding that I have to go back days later and give all this information again because it is through some website seeking personal information I don't want ...
Posted by Netanya ????? on Mon, 11 Aug 2008 01:08:00 PST