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Quite varied. I love reading and read a variety of genres. I love the classics, things that challenge the mind, but also read religious books from my own religion. (NOT xtian). I love to listen to music and sing along, to the horror of a few people who have had to ride in the car with me. I write poetry and prose. I actually write decent essays and prefer essay exams for that reason. (I'm in college, what do you expect?) I enjoy dancing, but don't do such in public, except with little kids. I love photography, but spend little time doing it. I love animals, but particularly cats. I have a ten year old siamese. I am typically up for new experiences and learning new things. I just lack time to do much of anything. I work and go to school, both full-time, so what do you expect? I'm a geek without a life past commuting, working, and studying.Missionaries, messies, and j4jers can go here.
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Varied by extremes. I listen to music from all over the world and in several languages I understand less than a few words in. I listen to classical to rock. I even like a few rap songs, but very few. I do not like obscene lyrics or songs that make me deaf by being played at ridiculous levels of volume. I enjoy techno, trance, classical, pop, rock, soft rock, alternative, etc. Music is music and I enjoy it.
Several, but I lack time to spend with movie watching very often.
Quite a variety of shows, when I find the time to actually watch much on the mind sucking machine.
Considering my obsession with the news:
There is no possible way I could even begin this list. I collect books for a reason; I love to read and I love books! I wish I could have an entire library and more time to read the books I would put into that library. Course I might have to win the lottery to do that. My main challenge when I make aliyah will be how to get my books to Israel, lol.
There are so many people to admire! Ultimately, there are far too many to list here. Thus I will leave it simply at stating that the little things matter most and there are heroes all around us... However, on second thought, I would like to add that I very much admire the many heroes of Gush Katif and Yisrael.