.. LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD:http://www.zoa.org/2007/10/urgent_send_mes.htm
Ofra Haza Sarit Hadad Idan Raichel's Project Margalit Tsanani Matisyahu Shlomo Artzi Norah Jones Alanis Morissette Shakira..................................................... .......................................................... ............................................................ .........I miss Jerusalem!Gush Katif FOREVER!WARNING EXTREMLY MOVING (MAYBE TOO MUCH FOR SOME)
Everything is Illuminated, LaLehet Al HaMayim(Walk on Water) V for Vendetta The 5 people you meet in Heaven Thank You for Smoking Little Miss Sunshine (so so funny)a
Medium Ghost whisperer Amazing Race Project Runway Heroes (Save the cheerleader save the world)
Everything is Illuminated To Kill a Mocking Bird The Kite Runner...................................................... ............................................................ ............................................................ . .....This made me cry thought I'd share. P.S. There are still 4 Israeli soldiers who have not come home............... ..
My Mom and Dad..Theodor Hertzel..Anne Frank.. Tali,Hila,Hadar,Roni,and Meirav Hatuel (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tali_Hatuel) as well as my 2nd grade music teacher Mr. Little who gave me my only award in school for being good in class:) Anybody who wants to make a change for the better in the world AND OF COURSE OFRA HAZA Z"L 1957-2000