Niko Bellic (Just Nico!) profile picture

Niko Bellic (Just Nico!)

My tattoo is not scratch-n-sniff...

About Me

Must read blogs:
    On how to properly send a friggin Friend Request . On women and domestic abuse , love at first sight , and how to handle stalkers . On people you meet online, including me! On how to read the Bible and get over yourself On how to treat yourself properly .

Get your own free countdown at MyspaceGeek.usGaming stuff:

Get your own tracker

My Interests

(more crap here when I get bored enough to do it)

I'd like to meet:

My Dolls & Divas (1 down & plenty left to go!)
Uncommon Sensuality
Surviving Martindale

You wish you were here!
These are the luckiest people you'll never be priviledged to meet


My Sunshine


Miss Hell

Katie Marie

Morgan Webb
Blair Butler
Monique Alexander

Jakob Freely
Pearl Jam
Willy D!

An Old Friend...

And finally, some more chicks, some more bands, and the "guys" on my list...


Pearl Jam, Ween, Bjork, Nails, Creedence, Motorhoney, White Zombie, Beatles, Jewel, Mozart, Johnny Cash, Tom Waits, Doors, Joplin, I've got a fairly wide variety but I'm still pretty picky about music. Oddly enough, it's based on what I like as opposed to any other criteria.


Are we movie
compatible? My Flixster




To Kill A Mockingbird, A Brave New World, Fahrenheit 451, Harry Potter books (shut up and read), e.e.cummings, I hear the Bible is pretty good too


Quotes Hall Of Fame *****************
"that's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. :)" -- Caster
"Me too, lets go to bed!" -- Alli
"Buy my boobs" -- Darth Tater
"I'll still give you ... head..." -- Euro
"Cause when you went to shower, I was thinking" -- Euro
"Hooray! I finally have crabs!" -- FJ
"You need to quit tempting me so much!" -- HCA
"Show me a better butt" -- HCC
"anything you want my desirable master..." -- Hooch
"I was just trying to be like Nick." -- Hostile-17
""You are awesome. I think I'm in love" -- Holly potato
"How come yonder never tags me?" -- JC
"I like you too much" -- Jen
"you always get my freak on " -- JeN
"sex is all i got for ya babe!" -- JeN
"man, you're a good butt doctor" -- Justin
"One Day" -- Kate
"If you had said chew I would have known you werent talking about MY asshole" -- Kate
" kinda takes away from the romance when you have a cock in your mouth" -- Kate
"If you dont give me buttcheese im going to hate you forever" -- Kate
"My apologies to your crotch!" -- Kenzie
"My present is in your pants, baby!" -- Kenzie
"Yup! I'm with Nick!" -- Kenzie
"shit you have a nice bum" -- Laney
"hang on, I need a better grip on the chair" -- Laney
"your wish is my command babydoll" -- Lisa
"You know your my number one stalker!!!!" -- Lisa
"=)//k m .)" -- Mazey Rayne
"Nice Penis" -- Michele
"let me get my dollar bills out... it explains all the dings on my ass" -- Miss Kelly
"You were saying how you want me to make out with the Patriot's cheerleaders, which I must admit, are tempting." -- MJ
Bring your shit over... I'm ready for it" -- SarahB
"... that's a new kind of freak!" -- The Cap'n
"You pimped me! Thanks!" -- Tina
"The President is merely the most important among a large number of public servants. He should be supported or opposed exactly to the degree which is warranted by his good conduct or bad conduct, his efficiency or inefficiency in rendering loyal, able, and disinterested service to the Nation as a whole. Therefore it is absolutely necessary that there should be full liberty to tell the truth about his acts, and this means that it is exactly necessary to blame him when he does wrong as to praise him when he does right. Any other attitude in an American citizen is both base and servile. To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public. Nothing but the truth should be spoken about him or any one else. But it is even more important to tell the truth, pleasant or unpleasant, about him than about any one else." -- Teddy Friggin Roosevelt
"I live for sports blogs!" -- Tina, sportsblog lovers!
"You know I can't resist your charms" -- Tina
"[Enter cheerleader here]" -- US
"Mind your wood" -- Willy D!
The J-Crew!
Midnite Toker
Jakob Freely
Mr. Hotshot
Melon Jelly
Miss Tot
Fuckin Joe
Mr. Hiles
The Cap'n!

My Blog

yonders Most Controversial Blog EVAR!!!!

As you kids all know, I'm feeling like a human being again, finally.  I even had a man-date with Fuckin Joe today.  It was GREAT!  I didn't get me any, but I think I was close.  Wish me luck next time...
Posted by Niko Bellic (Just Nico!) on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 11:27:00 PST

Good luck me! **UPDATED**

I'm off to let some stranger who works at the YMCA stick some probing things thru my belly button to wipe off the scars and scabs from my guts.  Hells yeah.I'll probably be home today, talk to yo...
Posted by Niko Bellic (Just Nico!) on Thu, 29 May 2008 02:15:00 PST

Rock Band/Guitar Hero

Warning... the following video may be harmful to your psychological health.Okay... lots of you kids know I've a Rock Band GOD.  Of course.  And many of you have had the pleasure of dorkifying yourself...
Posted by Niko Bellic (Just Nico!) on Wed, 28 May 2008 06:47:00 PST

wb me?

I'm high. I've been high for a month. Mind you, it's only cuz if I'm not on my pain meds, I'm in pain.  So I've been wearing a pain patch for the past 3 weeks now.  It's not half bad.  ...
Posted by Niko Bellic (Just Nico!) on Thu, 22 May 2008 12:37:00 PST

Thanks cutie

For all your wishes and calls and TXT's and all that jazz.  I'm home.  I've barely slept.  I'm exhausted.  I seem to have basically had a major flare-up without any "smoking gun" t...
Posted by Niko Bellic (Just Nico!) on Thu, 01 May 2008 01:34:00 PST

**Update on being AWOL**

yonderboy, has asked me to post a blog for him to update everyone on where he has been. As his status indicates, he is medically AWOL. At this very moment, our yonder lies in a hospital bed, being spo...
Posted by Niko Bellic (Just Nico!) on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 06:19:00 PST


Those that have talked to me much at all lately know I've been sick w/ stupid Crohn's crap and been pretty blah lately.  And non-energetic.  Excessively non-energetic.  Well, turns out ...
Posted by Niko Bellic (Just Nico!) on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 10:46:00 PST

A family-friendly snuff film

And by all accounts, France has siezed the torch and put it out. Holy shit, the FRENCH doing something? We should all be ashamed of them having the courage to do something.And fuck Dubya f...
Posted by Niko Bellic (Just Nico!) on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 04:22:00 PST

I did my GOOD DEED for the day, join me

Sign the petition to get Uwe Boll to quit making movies.  He says he’ll do it if it hits a million.  Obviously he only says that cuz he’s an attention whore (unlike anyone h...
Posted by Niko Bellic (Just Nico!) on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 03:36:00 PST

"Just Leave Chad Alone!!!" (A football blog)

"You know, say what you will about Chad Johnson, as you surely have while listening to his nightly meltdowns here on Sportscenter, at least he’s one Bengal yet to be arrested... [Chris Henry ref...
Posted by Niko Bellic (Just Nico!) on Sat, 05 Apr 2008 09:01:00 PST