Christian MySpace Graphics
Who am I? I am a dreamer that knows God gives the dreams and desires that we are supposed to have...then we fulfill our purpose and destiny as we obey Him.I've worked for one of the biggest shelters in Dallas, Texas during a time period when I was homeless due to leukemia and fibromyalgia. I was in such pain physically, sometimes had a hard time walking, and felt like I had descended into hell itself.I saw people come in this shelter...some got out and went on to a better life. They were restored in all ways. But I saw more than a few that died from overdoses, murdered, and some just gave up on life only to fall deeper into this hell that the enemy tries to convince people is living.I've worked with children's ministries; street ministries; and the elderly who had no homes and worse some that were completely forgotten by everyone.I've had numerous death threats for going up against drug dealers while working to get prostitutes, street people, etc. off the streets. However, I'm still alive and kicking much to the devil's dismay.I'm alive and well (completely healed) because My heavenly Father doesn't lie. His word does not return unto Him void.He made this promise to all of us from Ezekiel 37:14 - "'I will put My Spirit in you, and you shall live, and I will place you in your own land. Then you shall know that I, the Lord, have spoken it and performed it,' says the Lord.'" (NKJV) HOT Free MySpace Layouts @